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Posts posted by kisharrr

  1. I'm sure this has been posted 1000 times, but one more won't hurt.


    Pretty simple, I have a 50 Shadow and an Assassin on its way up and I would like a stealth bar. To be honest it's almost soley for one ability, but that ability takes up my 3 key and I want to use that keybind while I'm not in stealth as well.


    We have a cover bar, so the codes already there... hell I'm sure this is a change I can implement myself, fly me up, give me your source code and I'll get it done ;).


    On my Shadow, I put Stealth and Force Cloak and ... the one that increases your stealth rating ... on an ordinarily un-used un-mapped bar (e.g. where I put my clicky stuff like fleet pass and speeder) then mapped Quickbar4 5 to F, Quickbar4 Slot 6 to Alt-F, etc. It functions almost exactly like a stealth bar would work.


    For what it's worth, I still want a stealth bar - some abilities only work from stealth, and we should be able to reclaim those keys when we're not in stealth.

  2. Lol, aside from a few glass half empty people, it's nice to see a cheerful thread for once!


    These look great and I'm loathe to turn a compliment into a complaint, but...


    My top GTN change now would be getting notified when something is listed e.g. if you are after the Flamehair Kowakian (which is now basically never listed on the GTN), you could track it and be mailed/e-mailed when it is available, rather than obsessively searching GTN every 5 minutes.


    But these changes will do for now :p


    Other games implement this as a demand market. E.g. I am looking to buy an item, let's say Green Goo. If there is no green goo on the GTN, instead of buying a stack, I put in a "purchase order" for a stack of 99 and I put the price I'm willing to pay. Someone then comes around to sell a stack. Now he not only has the option to list as per usual, but also can adjust his price downward to get my guaranteed sale. In practice, this would stabilize the market, because novices would see what the demand price is, and can list for that price instead of the "default."

  3. I was just sitting here trying to come up with a mock negative comment, purely as a joke, because no thread around here can ever be entirely positive...some kind of tenuous doom-and-gloom argument that implies the game is due to collapse thanks to these changes...


    ...but I can't think of with anything. Nada. I don't believe anyone's going to be able to poop on the GTN updates, but I wouldn't be surprised if a forum naysayer drops in to prove me wrong.


    Here's one: "They're only making the GTN better because people wasting their money on the Cartel Market wanted it to be easier to bilk the rest of us out of our hard earned credits. NICE TRY EA/BIOFAIL!"


    Seriously though, these changes are so fantastic, there just are no words. Thanks BW :)

  4. Not quite democratic eh?


    Welcome to the current state of our society: Pay to talk and pay even more to be heard. And this is everywhere.


    There should be a section of the forum where everybody, regardless of subscription should post. Giving voice to the people et al.


    This is ridiculous. This is a video game service, not a government. There is zero reason for anyone who isn't a customer of a service to be able to comment on that service's forums - those forums are for customers only. If you want to complain about SWTOR without being a customer - go do it elsewhere (best choice would be your blog, which only your next-door neighbor and your mother read). If you want to learn about the game you can read these forums all you like (you just can't post) - or you could go to any number of fansites. Reddit has a subreddit at /r/swtor

  5. Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Dxun, all of the planets from (well, the ones that survived) KoTOR 1&2's canon story line.


    It would be very interesting to visit Nathema, though to do it right would be pretty hard on Force users.


    Naboo. Actually... Just Theed. Either a PVP warzone (Battle for Theed) or flashpoints. Sith need to capture a pristine Theed and send the queen into exile. Republic have to recapture a devastated Theed and put the queen back on the throne.


    Theed is a farming village on the newly-colonized Naboo at this time. The human capital city you're thinking of won't be constructed for another 2300 years.

  6. Apparently you missed my point. In todays games, MMO's included, the standard is higher. You are still compairing an outdated model. Sure in it's time maybe 2 dungens in 4 months time was concidered great. Today the standards are much higher. With the way gamers consume content today, that 1 flashpoint and 1 warzone should have already been there to begin with, at launch.


    Bioware has been in the gaming buisness for some time. They know todays gamer has higher standards and expectations, they burn thru content like a jack rabbit on a hot date. They should of known that there wouldn't of been enough at end game. This can and has caused them subs.


    Couple this with 70 some odd low server populations and a few other things... a reciepe that can easily fail. Just because u throw a starving dog a bone (1.1 and 1.2), dosen't mean the dog is fed properly.


    Wrong, Cap'n, the complaint that TOR's LFG tool is poor and needs to be replaced is a valid complaint, and nobody says (or at least nobody should say) "but WOW didn't have a LFG tool for several years" because it's a necessary feature of an MMO. Same goes for an Auction House (which WOW didn't have until patch 1.9 in 2006) - and in fact TOR *did* release with the GTN, and 1.2 significantly improves it.


    What I was pointing out was that as far as CONTENT goes, both games released with similar content, and both games added CONTENT at a similar rate. Going forward, TOR will continue to release CONTENT in their monthly game updates. It is NOT reasonable to say that TOR should release 7 years of content at launch, because that isn't how MMOs work.

  7. It's not a major update at all. They're releasing stuff which should have been released at launch (*cough* legacy) or 1.1, adding one WZ, one OPs and one FP.

    Generation entitlement? Please. I loved this game. Fact is that they're taking too long with releasing a MINOR update. This isn't 2004. Game companies ought to know how to make good MMORPGs these days, and they ought to know what gamers expect from an MMORPG in 2012.


    This is getting very tiresome.


    3 weeks after launch, BW released Game Update 1.1 - Rise of the Rakghouls. This introduced 1 new Flashpoint and an Operation.


    3 weeks after WoW launched, 1.2 was released, which introduced 1 dungeon.


    4 months after launch, Bioware will release 1.2, which will have THE LEGACY SYSTEM (but let's dismiss that as fluff and "stuff that should have been in at launch" (lol)), 1 new Flashpoint, 1 new Operation, and 1 new Warzone.


    4 months after launch, Blizzard released 1.3, which had 1 new dungeon.



    THAT is a fair comparison, and it shows that BW is committed to releasing content over time, just like WoW did. Also, in case it's unclear, this is how MMOs work. Regular new content releases.

  8. In a restaurant some people will lap up dog food and say 'wow that was great' while others would turn their noses up at it.


    It's all down to peoples expectations.


    This is a spectacular example of the "begging the question" fallacy. To even get to where you make the people you don't like look like fools, we have to accept your flawed, incorrect premise that this game is dog food in a restaurant. Ridiculous.

  9. Will there be a "Friends Chat" available in a future update? It would be useful to be able to communicate between players on the friends list separately from guild and group chats.


    Why wouldn't /w work for this? or /cjoin JamesTCsPals ?

  10. I'm not mad, but you clearly are Bio-drone. Skimming through these forums I'm satisfied most people have functional sense of business competition; the whole wow has been out for 7 years defence is like a new phone manufacturer producing tech on par with first generation blackberries.




    You realize thats like saying pong only had 2d graphics when it was released when comparing it to games made today.


    SWTOR competes with WoW in it's current form not WoW in 2003.

    (WoW was released in November of 2004 (timeline))


    So when WOW released, it had all the features and content that UO had? or DAoC? &c.


    On the one hand, you're right that a developer can't get away with releasing a 1998 game today in terms of basic mechanics, graphics, polish, etc. But content takes time, and the devs also had to prioritize features into things that would be in launch (like warzones, which took WoW until 1.5; or auction house, which took WoW until 1.9) and features that wouldn't be ready for launch (like legacy) and some features that have to wait for a future release (like guild capital ships).


    It's valid to say that features of MMOs that have become core game requirements, like an auction house, need to be there from the start (and it was) even though it wasn't in WoW from the start. However, you can't expect a developer to have 8 years of content, especially end-game content, at launch. That's exactly why MMOs have regular game updates, and 1.2 will be the second game update in less than 4 months, which is commendable.

  11. There's a droid on Balmorra (

    ) who is voiced by someone who does an amazing impersonation of Dan Aykroyd.



    JEFF BENNETT...who plays Darth Revan is everyones favorite JOHNNY BRAVO.. and a multitude of other voices...great Talent...

    He also voiced several characters in the BG series, including Xan and Drizzt.



    I'm actually kind of shocked that Jim Cummings is credited, but doesn't have a major role.

  12. 1: yes, in the sense that the story line has an epic conclusion

    2: yes, though some of the FPs contain stories relevant to the setting (though not critical to your character's story).

    3: this isn't really a question.

  13. The whole point of an analogy is to draw a comparison. "These two things are alike in the same way."


    Where did I compare the two? That was simply an illustration how many bad things done can't justify the next one.


    But I believe you know that already, just choose to ignore in this case.


    See, that's equivocation. Theft is bad because it's a crime and there's a victim. MMOs with bugs are a bad thing because it's annoying for the customer. The first kind of bad means, essentially, evil. The second sense of "bad" means "unpleasant" or "something to be avoided." There is no relationship between MMOs and theft, you just wanted to frame it as "Bioware/EA is evil."


    Edit: If you really wanted to use an honest analogy, you may have said something like "show me a bag of popcorn that doesn't have unpopped kernels". The way that unpopped kernels in a bag of popcorn (that you paid for) is bad is about the same way that minor and annoying bugs in a video game that you pay for is bad.


    By the way, most of us would not be compelled to complain at Orville Redenbacker's website about the presence of unpopped kernels - we know that there are bound to be some.

  14. I posted this 2 min ago, you read through it that fast, and thought he had NO valid points what so ever? I didn't agree with a lot, but other points I did.


    K drone.


    Took me less than 2 minutes to read. It was a terrible, inaccurate screed, exactly as the top three comments below the rant pointed out. One of them is very succinct, so I'll quote him here:


    There are many things to complain about in SWTOR, but this is not one of them. By any measure, adding the 3 credits per warzone is an improvement. This article is worthless.
  15. WHY do we have to go to a mailbox to read our new messages in an era where you can call your mom from one end of the galaxy to the other, send an entire planet to kingdom come, and travel through the galaxy?


    Ok its good to copy stuff from other games, but didn't you guys think before adding a feature like this in STAR wars ?



    dudes, think again, a MAILBOX:eek: THIS IS INSANITY!



    P.S. This is (should be) a sci-fi world not a revamp of wow.


    The mailbox isn't used to send emails, it's used to send physical items. How exactly is that going to work on your non-physical mailbox?

  16. it cost 148 million to make not 200. With ~2 million copies of the game sold at an average of $60 a box, 120 million on upfront sales alone + at least 1.5 million return subscribers at 15 bucks a month and thats another 44 million at least... (1.5 million people X 15 bucks X 2 months = 44(ish) million)


    Yes, they have broken even and then some.




    P.S. It is impossible to take employee payroll into account so I refuse to even consider it. Most of those guys would be on EA/BW/LA payrolls regardless of this game existing or not.


    You're not taking into account the royalties that go to Lucas - which are reported to be a very large chunk (I've heard numbers like 25% or 30%).

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