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Posts posted by PhatMcMuffins

  1. I enjoy reading your posts. You ought to create guides for people if you don't already. You have a great understanding of PVP's very minute details and explain them in simple form, very streamlined, etc.


    Hey thank you. I try my best to share what I know with the hopes that it can help others improve.

  2. Due telll..... I'm all ears. How do you burst with this?


    How do you think this will work in ranked?


    Burst is the same as always, but your dot uptime is increased (essentially infinite) meaning you never have to reapply set up the burst. Sweeping blasters also procs your mag shot reset. You never have to cast power shot and you only ever use it between the internal CD on mag shot to hit your thermal det when they don't line up.


    It's excellent in ranked as it allows you to easily maintain dots on multiple targets. It's still better on single target than the normal roto as well. None of the other IO tacs provide nearly as much sustain or ease of burst.


    I've found since 6.1.2 came out that I am stunned or interrupted on prog scan with near perfect reliability. I only get it off when I'm white barred and have interrupt immunity from utilities. I've been trying running restoration and it's been pretty nice. With the auto crit on emergency scan plus healing scan you can easily heal 1/3 of a health bar in 2 GCDs.


    Energy management is basically the same in non meme cleave games. I did swap utilities to take the vent heat one instead of the DOT DR with cure.


    Still experimenting, so I'm not sold on this setup yet. And I agree it's easily a 3k HPS loss, and overall not nearly as tanky. Losing the aoe/self heal everytime you pop supercharge is rough.


    I always take the vent heat one over the dot DR as it only applies to yourself and your kolto shell is a net positive on dot ticks.


    Running restoration seems like pure garbage as you're often insta casting healing scan and rarely do i feel i need to use it on the move.


    Yes, prog scan is the thing everyone looks to interrupt. That was true before but we have supercharged defense up way less often making it tougher. In no way is any possible current setup even close to old RFV + old CF but new CF + Prog Scan tac seems like the only real choice to me and that sucks.


    also, emergency scan + healing san CAN do a lot but that 10% loss to crit means we're hitting so many less crit healing scans. plus healing scan got nerfed so you can only ever hit that magical 50k if your relics proc and you get the lucky crit.

  3. imagine nerfing an entire spec cause of PVE reasons . New set bonus nice , once again for pve . Pvp doesn't get anything and will probably be the lowest off al healers once again . Feels like season 8 all over again.


    Merc heals has spent more time at the bottom of PvP healers than the other two combined over the entirety of the game. Prior to this nerf, this was probably the closest all 3 had been to each other. Not anymore

  4. I'm interested in playing IO for pvp. Any thoughts on how the changes might impact things? What tactical is best?


    Continuous Fire was, is and will still be the best once you understand how to use it properly. It completely changes how IO plays but for the better. Up-time on dots, even single target, is much higher. Burst is easier to initiate on-demand and heat management is better once you learn how to properly clip sweeping blasters

  5. The got slammed due to PvE. They're now by far the worst in PvP.


    New BiS is still CF set and now the Prog Scan tac. But the 10% crit chance loss is the biggest nerf. I'm seeing a 3k+ hps nerf even in active, high dps games.

  6. I think CF will still end up being the best for Bodyguard and IO because of the Supercharge stacks. Also, healing gets a critical from the 6 piece bonus now.


    The new set 4 piece provides very little value once every 30 seconds.

    The new set 6 piece provides 0 value until your ally kills someone.


    Tech medic set 4 piece is nearly useless in regs PVP, and completely irrelevant in ranked.

    Tech medic set 6 piece is just the old HP-5 Dart Device tactical which was the worst of the healing tacitcals.


    I'm anxious to try the new tacticals but I don't think they will ever be as good as old Rocket Fuel Vapors.


    Healing doesn't get the crit bonus anymore. No one does.

    But CF is still the only set worth using and now the revamped Prog Scan tac is the only one worth using.

    The change to mobile rapid scan tac made it so much less useful but was cleary to prevent dps mercs from using it.

    the new rocket fuel vapors is a negligible amount of healing.


    the loss of crit chance on CF is honestly the worst part. I was hitting so many less crits when i tested yesterday. Judging by wz numbers, these nerfs are a net loss of 2-3k hps which is major

  7. Bodyguard will be gutted by this nerf for PvP. The loss of the crit chance will put merc heals squarely at the bottom of healers once again while healing overall is underperforming in PvP.


    Apex Pred may be BiS for arsenal now. If some of the CF bonus is baked into the tree, this set may shine. especially ins solos as power step applies to rapid scan and really helps with survivability.


    CF will still be BiS for IO and Bodyguard as Apex does very little for either and the healing sets are trash.

  8. No offense intended but maybe youre just bad healers, because the really good ones can have 3 or 4 people focusing them and it can take minutes to finally kill them.


    i think you're actually just bad at dps if 3-4 players take minutes to kill a healer

  9. heals getting nerfed because of pve is just ridiculous. healers in pvp are still slightly undertuned and merc will once again be at the bottom after this nerf.


    unless they add a heals set worth using, this is outrageous

  10. snip


    I agree with a lot of what is said and quoted here.

    Season 10 was actually very active and enjoyable on SS. Yes, there were some wintraders and throwers w/e. That will always be a thing. But there were more people in q, more games going and at least some semblance of fair games due to more population.

  11. agreed. jugg tank with this set and grit teeth is the only tank option right now.

    I feel like PT tank could be viable without force bound.

    They still need to fix sin tank, though.

  12. Then who is? Bioware with their 25 valor requirements? Or their god awful matchmaking system that prioritizes low rated tanks into high elo games when there are higher rated tanks in que? .


    high elo games? lol theres like 20 people who q consistently tops

  13. snip


    You're missing the point that you are not the skill police, Prum.


    This player does not sound like they were throwing, trolling or coming in without gear. Because of low population, they are consistently matched against tanks that are better than them. That is not a reason to vote kick.


    I have definitely gotten frustrated and raged when one player with less skill pulls my tam down. But this is a population and matchmaking issue. If they genuinely try and show up prepared, they should not be kicked. Ranked isn't our realm to curate into just the players we want to see.

  14. I've been in multiple matches this season where the people defending vote kick in this thread have used it not to remove a player who was undergeared/underperforming but to remove a player they didn't like.


    I have seen them vote kick a player on their team right before winning (that's not just griefing but also elo manipulation)

    I have been in discord with those kicked and those doing the kicking and have heard the conversations and seen the streams.


    Vote kicking is constantly abused. It should be removed in favor of minimum gear requirements (306 and a set bonus)

    The percentage of the time that vote kicking is used properly is at best 50% and that's being optimistic

  15. Prum ,


    Why in the world would merc heals need to be nerfed..... this is ridiculous , out of all healers mercs are the easiest too shut down , second they overheat way too quickly , third its not cause they survive bit better that they do more hps then other healers.......


    if we look at hps output its oper-merc-sorc before the patch , and don't forget its not cause sorcs do less hps that they are not good , pull has damage reduction , bubble to break cc's and more on the move and aoe then merc ever can while moving.


    stop the nerf merc heal stuff , it doesn't make any sense


    All heals should be buffed and not a single nerfed.


    thank you

  16. i agree with you that IO is by far superior to arsenal for dps and for mobility. I do however completely disagree that continuous fire the is strongest tactical. I use energized cells and in games with heavy stacking, filling every rotation with rapid shots to gain a supercharged burn and spamming DFO and sweeping blasters Until fusion missile is on insta cast, is the highest dps you'll each.


    Any 8v8 heavy stacking game under 13k dps is dissapointing. Ive not seen a single arsenal spec come close to it. So as far as mercs go, id confidently say io has the best damage (in 8v8) so no, dot specs arent weak


    the damage bonus of energized cells is abysmal

  17. Lightning and deception are still strong for sure.


    Again, anything is playable in reg warzones. But in ranked, hatred and madness struggle. Well, hatred struggles everywhere right now haha

  18. Unfortunately, Hatred is probably the worst spec in the game right now. It has very poor defenses and the lowest dps output of any of the DoT specs.


    Madness is very fun in regs, especially with Tempest of Roe tactical. It suffers from poor defenses and ability to deal damage under pressure so it isn't good for ranked.


    Lethality operative is one of the strongest specs in terms of damage output and really shines in gmes with tanks and healers.


    Virulance sniper is plenty good but marksmanship is usually the spec of choice for competitive play


    Vengeance jugg and annihilation mara can both be very strong


    innovative ordinance merc is the stronger of the two dps specs for merc but more difficult to play. learning to use the BiS continuous fire tac is crucial


    pyrotech PT is good but advanced prototype is one of the best specs right now in game and overshadows it

  19. SO the burst specs for each would be:


    Marksmanship for Sniper

    Lightning for Sorc

    Arsenal for Merc


    Sniper is arguably the hardest of the three to be really good at. It requires a strong understanding of its cooldowns to know how and when to use each. Learning to move properly is difficult as well. That being said, marksmanship probably has the highest burst potential out of the three


    Lightning is average in terms of difficulty. Cooldowns are pretty straightforward and so is the spec itself. With the recent nerf to maul spam, sorcs will probably be in a better place even with the nerf to its own best set bonus. Lightning has great burst and AoE potential.


    Arsenal is the easiest spec out of these to play but also the least effective. Innovative Ordinance is a stronger spec for merc but also a lot more difficult as it isn't a cut & dry rotation and requires much more heat management. Arsenal's burst is pretty average at best. Mercs have good defenses early on in a fight but they can be burned through fairly easily in the current meta.


    If you're just playing regs, you can have a great time with all three.

    Hope this helps some!

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