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    Manchester, UK
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    Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Babylon 5
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  1. OP, look back at your question and rephrase it. It doesn't make sense in English.
  2. Almost complete solo-player here Not mostly by choice though. Almost all of the guilds I've joined have been too small or unwilling to take someone through the flashpoints, ops, etc. That said, there is something quite relaxing about going at your own pace. You can skip certain dialogue that you've heard before. Spend a longer time killing enemies for an Achievement etc.
  3. I didn't realise we had grouped But yes, I see a large variety of nationalities and languages and it's a good and bad thing at the same time. Unless I can do a crash course in Polish or Russian While I understand there's no 'need' to be in a guild to help you level, it's more of the social aspect. Also, since I can't move server, I'm kinda stuck where I am. The story has kept me going for most but I've almost finished all the class quests (I have far too many alts) and I'm feeling like there's no real social aspect to the game at present.
  4. I've been looking for a guild on the Progenitor EU server for a few weeks now and most of the ones I've seen have very small numbers where only 2/3 people will be online at peak time. Most of those I used to play with have given up on SWTOR due to the business practices and headed to different games. Has the game become so low on players that there are no medium/larger guilds any more? Or do people simply prefer to be non-social in an MMO? Levelling through 50/55 levels of content without having a guild seems rather lonely to me!
  5. I was part of Scions before they disbanded and now only 2 of us play SWTOR. A pity really! I've been guildless for quite a while now and I'd like to start playing with others again instead of soloing content I've got half a dozen level 50 characters (they'll get to 55 eventually) spread across both factions. They will be happy to join
  6. Hi folks, I've levelled about half a dozen characters now to level 50. Unfortunately, I am finding that after reaching level 50 and completing my class quests, I rarely go back to them. I've not done much in the way of flashpoints so this is something I can do, but I was wondering if you had any suggestions. To be honest, I am feeling the loss of the excellent story-based missions post level 50. What do you do for fun to pass the time at Level 50?
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