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Posts posted by Thundergulch

  1. The OP (if I understand correctly)... is strictly referring to set bonus pieces. 69 and 72 (Black Market and Verpine) can be obtained pretty darned easy... but the process of praying and hoping you get lucky on /rolls to win Arkanian/Underworld can be a grind.


    Also... many guilds/groups get butthurt when you roll for alts.


    Then their guild needs a dkp system, or something that allows to people to get gear easier, instead of changing the game.

    OP said they have a deep pool of people that can raid.... they could also divide into set teams that raid together.. .this WILL help gear people faster.

  2. Bioware is all about story and all that, but when it comes to balance between story and difficulty, they outright suck, so overall, once you get your healer companion, let the other companions gather dust or send them out on gathering missions, cause bioware made the massive mistake in making the player/companion combo into a trinity duo system, making you going with this saying 'be the healer or bring the healer'.


    Its one of those 'sad, but true' type of things.


    This is not true at all.

    The ONLY reason I leveled up both Marauders with Quinn to 50, is that I was way underleveled for the content I was running and HAD to use a healer comp.

    I was doing quests 3-4 and levels higher than me the entire way to 55, only because I didn't do any FP's along the way and very few heroics. And I needed Quinn to kill those Champion mobs.

    As a Marauder, a geared Jaesa is a deadly complement and pretty much use her exclusively.

  3. I think the lamest answer to tell someone is to learn to play when he/she is at the end game story boss. Most likely they know how to play, else they would not have gone this far. If one wants to comment on things explain tactics. Surely you gave some hints, but not by far how the fight completely goes.


    Don't underestimate some people, considering you can get to this point blindfolded and facerolling the keyboard,he does have a point. That fight does not need to be nerfed.. .is it a little harder than fighting a brick wall? yes.

  4. so I am looking for honest opinions.


    Honest opinion:

    You have thin skin, suck it up and try again with someone else.

    The internet is full of rude people because of anonymity.

    They didn't explain the fight, even though you told them more than once, you did your part.

    Also rule #1 when in a raid where you haven't done it before is to NEVER click on anything unless told to lol. ;)

  5. So most of my guild is leaving to play this new MMO called Marvel Heroes. Has anyone checked it out? Is it worth following them? I've heard its like Diablo but in an MMO world.. sounds odd? I dunno, I'm having fun in Swtor but the times I'm having fun its usually with the guildies that are leaving.


    So instead of listening to your guildies (and I assume friends), you decide to ask a bunch of complete strangers who couldn't care less whether you stay or go?

  6. So, by no means am I saying I am fantastic or am just being consistently unlucky, but I am dying A LOT more than I used to when leveling pre-Hutt Cartel. It's starting to become an issue with money and armour repairs and I honestly do not know where the problem is coming from.


    I spent a lot of money on Malavai Quinn to improve his healing (his cunning is now on 1001) because I need the healing as a Marauder and neglected to improve his gear as I went before. My own stats aren't amazing either but surely not so bad as to allow me to die this much (1257 strength, 1344 Endurance)?


    Any help would be much appreciated because I am at a complete loss and the huge toll that the repairs are having on my credits is starting to get to the poitn where I can't afford the repairts!


    Thanks for reading/helping!


    The 2 parts I put in red are your problems.

    Quinn at 1001 cunning? That's not very good at all for a level 50+

    At 50 he should have way more than that to be effective, and your Strength is way too low as well.

    Are you using the correct gear? Are you augmented? Wouldn't hurt to augment Quinn too while you're at it.. since you're still leveling up you don't need the best augments, try MK-7 or so and go with Blue Str for yourself, and Blue Cunning for Quinn.

    You want STR and Power for your Marauder.. those 2 stats are crucial!

    Quinn needs Cunning and Power (some crit too).

  7. My fault i wasn't very specific. I meant to say boss was easier before THIS WEEK's patch. I wasn't referring to pre 2.0 tfb.


    My guild was locked out to OP IX HM before that last patch, so this week we went in and started on the Data Core trash...

    wiped 3 times... which we never,ever wipe on.

    The weird thing is, the trash (droids) seemed to hit WAY harder, and there were more of them (on the 1st pull).

    The 4th try, everything was normal and we went on to OP IX with ease.


  8. Progression raiding gets you vehicles, pets, titles, achievements, and set bonuses. Letting people craft the highest tier doesn't change any of that..


    I know that, but still the driving force behind raiding is getting that gear drop. And of course the sense of accomplishment from completing the raid.

    I don't raid for pets or titles or achievements, if I get them, cool.

    My point is, if everyone was able to be fully geared BEFORE entering the raid for the first time, they would be less likely to run it more than a couple of times because the content would become trivial and usually not very difficult.. and then the forums would fill up again with complaints that there is no content because they already completed it in record time.

  9. Awesome l33t attitude.


    I wouldn't say that....I would say what he said was fact.

    It was beatable before the nerf, and before we had this level of gear, not it's nerfed into oblivion.

    Heck, a guildie and myself 2 manned the Droid boss.

    Gave up on the pillar boss because of bad luck with him jumping.. as heals became a problem.

    It's still a challenge for fresh 50's... but not impossible.

    Think about it this way.. if a full group of fresh 50's were able to faceroll it with ease, they would come here and complain that it was too easy.

  10. I leveled up solo with Quinn, only because I never did fp's or heroics ,and was always about 4 levels below the content so I needed a healer. Always fighting mobs 4 levels above me,but it was a blast.

    Now once I got to 50,aside from soloing Torvix, and Poisonous Strategy,I used a geared Jaesa... she is an absolute beast.

    I just can't see a need for a tank companion on a Marauder, I've used Pierce before, it's a nice change of pace, but it's not as effective as Jaesa.

    But to each their own. :D

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