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Everything posted by Kadjet

  1. Coruscant never had imp markings just banners plus 1 trillion people on Coruscant and 10 years > 100 imps and 2 months (or however long they have been there)
  2. Hurry Bioware make a quest for KetMalice so he can scrape off this paint but make sure it take 2 days to complete.
  3. Banners = easier to remove than something plastered on the concrete but by all means find more pointless things to complain about.
  4. Belsalvis is Republic controlled Imperial invaded the ground was owned by republic previously they simply did not remove the symbol, so it's fine and makes sense to me since the base was just barely set up
  5. They'll add a Water planet then we will end up only in the cities on the planet. lol
  6. Bioware should not do Cross-Server PvP because it doesn't build community seeing people from my Server regularly is awesome because we build rivalry and build friendships easily which makes PvP that much more fun. If anything they should add more Emp v Emp warzones like huttball but not huttball.
  7. Assassin/Shadow can heal O.o maybe I dont understand this complaint. yeah BH can do all things but advanced class cannot
  8. People associate Addons with Recount and associate recount with being told their dps is bad. Addons are fine.
  9. Funny Tattooine was the most populated on my server the other day. and with a new mmo Low level areas (korriban) tend to be more populated
  10. 2-3 million is my prediction I feel this game will succeed where many have failed. It's just the new girl on the block and WoW to me has become all used up.
  11. You're right just me none of the other people posted in contrast.
  12. Um I am level 50 did not skip 1 quest I have 4500 Darkside and 4400 lightside i carefully picked all my choices so you are saying i should be punished because I looked past just seeing the Galaxy as Black and White? Clicking Dark Side for every option is much easier than maintaining balance.
  13. Agree with 2 and 3. LFD is worthless IMO made flash point kinda boring.
  14. Peak =/= total subscribers. People have no idea what they are spouting out.
  15. I don't understand how 350k is low if that game has 1.5 million that's 1/4 the sub base that's a lot.
  16. Troll:"What level do I get a flying mount?" A:"70" Troll:"Why is it called Invincible if I can see it"
  17. So my idea is that instead of having to do huttball in the same arena why not add more to make it less... repetative getting it several times in a row. Different traps, different team names, different announcers, would make it far more enjoyable. Also say there is 4 huttball arenas but still just voidstar and civil war make it 33% chance to get each still meaning all 4 arenas are just random if huttball is chosen. Also we need a new imp v imp WZ perhaps another "sport like" WZ
  18. Love the game BW but this feature is needed you're fooling yourself to think its pointless.
  19. Wow but better isn't true in all aspects yet but the game has great potential. WoW is more poilshed in a lot of areas mainly PvP and raiding this polish comes with time.
  20. Maybe its just due to me being undergeared they seemed rather challenging to me harder than wow at any rate. The ones we've killed now would be on farm I can't see wiping to them learning the fights was the fun part I suppose.
  21. Anyone else level 50 feel the same?
  22. Level 50 now and I have to say I'm having a blast I see a lot of talk that Heroic FPs are bugged, only bug so far I've seen is the last boss on Boarding Party doesn't drop loot unless you kill Jorland last. So far I've done Black Talon, Boarding Party, The False Emporer and Directive 7 (all Heroic except D7). Some of the bosses are Hard and some even seemed impossible (Jorland being hardest so far, yet soooo fun). I do enjoy this difficulty however keep it up BW. PVP use to feel delayed I noticed a post about responsiveness and while I can't speak for EVERYONE I only notice delay/problems with positional attacks (playing Assassin) I use to feel it more before turning off ability queuing which fixed a lot of my gripes in PVP. Other than that now that I'm 50 I destroy people 1-49 personal recommendation make bolster give expertise I feel this would help with balance. Complaint:: Make ability queuing off (0.0sec) by default like beta was. Next issue I would like to address is FPS mine never drops below 30 unless I'm in Imperial Fleet even in PvP I'm 30+, however what I have noticed is that people who complain to me in game about fps typically have lower end computers that are barely above "min requirements" but again this may not he the case for everyone (ill take my advantage for now I guess haha). Last issue I will address before rambling is world density. This is one complaint I have yet to understand maybe I'm lucky who knows but even now on Corellia/Ilum my server (Warriors of Shadow) has 30-50 people in each zone more at lower level, and I run into people all the time even back when I was 25 I ran into Rep all the time on Tattooine making for some nice pvp. So maybe I'm alone in misunderstanding this complaint. Overall I really enjoy this game so far have yet to touch Operations so can't comment that but I want to say good job BioWare I would like to thank everyone there for this game. So far I am enjoying myself a ton and hope to for years to come. No game is without faults FPS issues, graphical bugs, general annoyances at first but as long as Bioware is in it for the long run I back you guys 110% so please stay true to this franchise and stay true to being the amazing game company I know you can be Good Luck. Tl;Dr Like the game, Having a blast I know there are problems if BioWare tries to resolve all they can to the best of their ability ill be sticking around for awhile. Also done on my phone I apologize for typos.
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