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  1. So, to all those rage quitting, all I have to say is... Can I have your stuff? To everyone else waiting patiently and not throwing your toys out of the pram, I personally expect a quick temp fix soon before a perminant one, the new set-up is moderately better than the old one, not by much, but the exploiting of Ilum for easy PvP gains has now switched from just trading objectives to actually killing each other... The obvious fix is to move spawn points into faction instance areas so that they can't be spawn-camped, the temp fix would be to increase health and power of turrets (like have them one-shot anyone in range) to stop the camping of the respawn point. It's a new MMO and there are always teething problems with new MMO's especially with PvP, People tend to forget what early WinterGrasp was like, or how AV used to be like. If people want to be drama-queens and rage quit, then thats fine with me, just means less drama and hissy fits server side
  2. When WoW first anounced they were doing Duel spec, I didn't care either way about it, I could understand why they were doing it; the healers and tanks I knew were VERY greatful they were doing it, but I could take it or leave it. Or so I thought. A duel spec is a vital part of any MMO at end-game, that is just fact, it's the way end-game works, the way most guilds work. If you don't want a duel spec, that is fine, nothing stopping you from taking it, but don't try to deprive others from a great game feature. I've leveled up to 50 as Sith Assassin Tank spec, I spent 99.9% of that time solo, just so you understand I'm not talking about making things easy-mode leveling, duel-spec isn't about making leveling easy, although sometimes it's the by-product. Keeping a duel spec within the advance class will make your choice at level 10 matter, it won't remove diversity within the game. So, why do you need duel specs? Well at end-game raiding all guilds want you to have a specialised and focused spec, be it Tanking, DPS or Healing, the good thing about TOR is that you can actually still play to a viable degry while solo in such builds, that sets it apart from other MMO's out there. But guilds need flexibility too, if you have a tank spec and DPS spec, or Heal Spec and DPS spec, when the call comes, you can fill the role your guild demands of you. If you are serious about raiding, if you are serious about your comitement to your guild and if you are serious about being the very best you can be, you need a duel spec, otherwise you are just short-changing your guild and yourself. Oh and, if it wasn't for duel specs in WoW, I wouldn't have wanted to become an off-tank for my guild, I wouldn't have looked at the tanking builds and wanted to try it, I was originally DPS, but for helping out my friends my second spec became a tank spec, I got gear for it and tanked my way through heroics for my guild, to help them out and it helped me too, plus I found it fun.
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