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Everything posted by Dairam

  1. Uh.... I beat him like a week maybe two weeks ago and found it quite easy. After each time he goes down you just rest to heal up. I was at like level 45-46 when I took him out and I also keep my gear fairly up to date so I was using mostly low 40's blues and a 45 weapon from reaper. I was using jaesa as well. Maybe it was easier because I am a jugg? I just used my tanking cd's and I think 1 medpac when it felt needed.
  2. Quoted for truth. It isn't that big a reduction to the cd and this was basically a pvp talent. I know I never specced the jedi knight version of it on my pve only guardian tank. I also don't recall having alot of problems tanking on him either and he is literally a carbon copy of the juggernaut just with different ability names.
  3. Again depends on where you ordered it. I have had my collectors edition from amazon for the better part of the 16th.
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