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Posts posted by Lium

  1. I'll be moving to London from the US in a few months, and I just wondered how playing SWTOR from the UK is. I have a ton of characters on Star Forge, so , I'm guessing I'll need to transfer my characters to Darth Malgus? Is that even possible?


    Anyway, I'll figure it out. But I'm mostly wondering how the ping is from London to the server and how stable DM is.


    Also, if any of you are ever in Shoreditch, gimme a holler. :-)

  2. Didn’t read through this whole thread, so apologies if this has been mentioned already, but I guarantee it’s an instance thing, and the OP didn’t realize there was probably 3-4 instances of the fleet. Especially if he/she plays Empire.


    I play on Star Forge pub side and it almost always heavy with multiple instances of fleet and most leveling planets.

  3. I've been thinking about taking all my non-Force characters through the last two expansions, but I'm hesitant because I can't wrap my brain around the idea of these characters realistically standing a chance against Arcann and Vaylin. And I don't think someone as powerful as Valkorian would take any interest in my smuggler or agent.


    I could - could - see Valkorian being interested in my trooper or BH because they are basically warriors. Particularly bounty hunters, who in this game are Mandalorians. And Mandalorians have a history of fighting against Jedi and Sith. They even fought against Revan, Malak and the Exile.


    The same could be said for troopers, who stood against the Sith Empire by themselves after the Jedi retreated to Tython after the Treaty of Coruscant.


    But someone posted a screenshot of their agent fighting Vaylin with her glowing hands and lightsaber while the agent had a pistol. It looked SO STUPID.


    Problem is, I really love my non-Force toons. I just haven't taken them past SoR because the story gets really Force-centric after that.


    So, I'm wondering. Those of you who have leveled your non-Force characters through KOTFE and KOTET, how have you managed to headcanon it? Or do you just not care and play through it because it's just a game?


    I sort of wish I could do that but I'm really big on story. :-)

  4. here's a dps merc soloing it with a healing companion:
    he used both the turret and the rockets.
    I tried that a couple times. The droid destroyed the turret. And the guy in that video was able to use the rocket more than twice. So I don’t know if it’s a glitch or what.
  5. Why can't it be a daily? You have a million others to do if you don't want to do this one and since it appears every day it's not taking the place of any others.


    I've solo'd it with a healer and 50 tank companion and the rockets that destroy it's armor.

    The rockets have only two charges so I highly doubt that. I tried it multiple times with the rockets. It doesn't work.


    Also, like I said, the people who have claimed to solo it are either doing it as a tank or a healer with a tank companion. Which is exactly what you did.


    Also, you DO have to do this if you want the complete five missions on Iokath weekly. It's like 30k CP.

  6. How is this Iokath daily soloable? It’s a world boss and the rocket launchers you can purchase only have two charges. I can avoid the AOE but then he has an instant cast death ray with no warnings that can one shot me.


    Honest question: are people just trolling when they said they can solo this? If you can I assume you are a tank class with a healing companion. I main a sentinel so I’m super squishy. Also you must need to be in 248 gear to solo. I’m not. I’m in 230.


    Which leads me to another gripe. Why didn’t BW Mark this quest as requiring a group? And why doesn’t the group finder have heroic missions as an option? Seem like that would be important?

  7. The Jedi must end because they are dangerous and turn to the dark side and after that they cause too much death and destruction...


    We already had this theme in KOTOR 2 to some extent so it is not a new thing for me and it actually makes sense.


    Force users ARE dangerous, end of the story and Luke just had enough. ;)


    I was waiting for someone to (finally) mention KOTOR 2. Rey saying after her meditation that she could feel and sense everything but Luke because Luke had cut himself off from the Force was a direct reference to the Exile, whether it was intentional or not. That was actually something I was hoping would be explored more.


    Later on when Yoda appears, he tells Luke that failure is the ultimate teacher and that Luke has in effect, come full circle. As in, the circle is now complete. It was a great moment that tied in to Empire Strikes Back.


    The fact that so many Star Wars fans cannot or will not make that connection has 100% convinced that they never once saw the original Star Wars trilogy or simply don't remember it. Go back and rewatch the Degobah scene from ESB over and over again if you have to. That is what the entirety of Luke's story arc in TLJ is about, and you could argue, the entirety of this new trilogy.

  8. It is a spoiler. As I said, not everyone has experienced those conversations. And just hovering the title of the thread reveals information. If people wish to see this information in a post form, then they can click the spoiler button to view it and not be spoiled because they hovered the title.


    And that other thread you linked doesn't reveal any of the information on hover. It has links that have to be clicked in the opening post, and I applaud Jenny for doing it that way.

    A spoiler would be something like, "Scourge is the actual traitor. After you were placed in carbonite, he journeyed to Zakuul in secrecy and took on a new name: Zildrog. He then formed the Order of Zildrog as a way to weaken the Eternal Empire from within. Kira has been trying to stop him since it is believed he's gone too far."


    A couple tidbits of info about companions from vanilla that no one has seen in years that's really only of interest to one class is not spoiler information. But to each their own.

  9. Not to be asinine about this, but, well yeah, I'm gonna be asinine about this. You need to wrap stuff like this in the spoiler tags. Not everyone has experienced this. Take other people into consideration. TYVM.
    What an odd thing to post.


    1. There is nothing spoilerish about the OP. It's info on a couple old companions that have no bearing on the story whatsoever.


    2. There's an entire thread about this here, which is actually quite helpful to those who may not have had the chance to get the companion.



  10. Can you tell me how you know this? I got Hexid, but I can't figure out how to get her quest to hear her talk.


    Bring up your companion screen (press N). There will be a new Alert at the top from Lana Beniko. Click Travel to Location. In the base go to the Force section, and Hexid will be there. You can then start the dialogue.

  11. From Darth Hexid. I was able to ask her about both companions. Apparently, Kira did try to break me out of carbonite but had a run in with Vaylin. She somehow survived the encounter. Thanks to my training, of course. ;)


    She has since disappeared into Wild Space.


    Scourge, meanwhile, was apparently working behind the scenes to ensure my victory over Valkorian. Nice to know he was involved somehow, but I'm curious how.


    Hopefully we'll get more info in the near future.

  12. Add me to the list of peeps who did the wrong version first. I had to run the damn thing twice. Wasted two hours last night. Was so stupid.


    I don't understand why they changed this. For Umbara and all the other new FPs, I would just click Launch on the right hand side of my screen where the quest tracker is. Then I would watch a couple cutscenes, and then run into the instance. No problem.


    Last night, it was like, click launch, watch the cutscenes, and then wonder what the hell is going on as I was unable to enter the flashpoint. Then I noticed the terminal nearby and clicked on it. I saw the quest "Traitor Among the Chiss," and thought, oh okay, here we go. Accepted the mission and was good to go.


    Or so I thought until after I finished it and realized I had run the wrong version. It was super frustrating.


    But, you know, this wouldn't have been nearly as aggravating if it wasn't for the fact that the new FP was so freaking boring. It is way too long with far too much trash. As I was going through it (the first time) I kept thinking, "BioWare is doing that thing again." Where they basically fail at new content, such as the original Makeb and Section X before they cleared out some of the mobs and made them a bit more convenient.


    The walker boss in particular was an exercise in tedium. The fight just goes on and on and on. And then to top it all off, the story really doesn't progress. You see some cutscenes and the traitor still gets away. So nothing really advances, except we now know it's the Order of Zildrog which many people on here guessed a long time ago.


    All in all it was a super frustrating night.

  13. These forums are so freaking depressing. I don't know why I continue to come here because, more and more, I dread it. When I look at the WoW forums or the FFXIV forums, yes there's complaining, but it's not THE END IS NEAR type of stuff. It's gameplay stuff.


    Anyway, just enjoy the game while it's here.

  14. If Cartel Packs are made illegal then you can kiss this game goodbye. The Cartel Market and its packs are the financial lifeblood of SWTOR. I personally don't like the packs and haven't bought one in quite a while, but I do buy some of the direct sale items.


    However, I also understand that those packs saved this game from being shut down. There aren't enough subs to sustain the game, and rotating direct sale items won't generate enough revenue on its own. I mean, hell, BW is still charging preferred players extra quickbars and the ability to unify colors on your character. They need all the money they can get.


    So, be careful what you wish for.

  15. My thoughts are that SWTOR needs it badly, but I know a lot of folks probably disagree with that. On my Combat Sentinel I have two rows of action bars and every single ability on them is important. Whether they're combat abilities, defensive cooldowns, or buffs. All are important.


    And in PvP, it's hard to hit the right key in time because things happen MUCH faster. Modern MMOs released in the past three years or so, have actually taught me how to keybind because there's only about four abilities on the quickbar, so it's super easy to bind everything. (And in games like Tera, DCUO and WildStar, there's no tab targeting so you have to bind.)


    SWTOR, though, is still using an antiquated UI. And Combat is a difficult spec to play correctly. I should also mention that this isn't a really big issue on my sorc/sage or my merc or commando because those classes have really simple rotations.


    But sentinels and marauders can be a little unforgiving if you mess up the rotation. ESPECIALLY in PvP. So, I'm hoping for a prune.

  16. I guess we've just had very different experiences in MMOs. On your list I've played both BDO & ESO for a fair bit of time and both were very mild. In my month in WoW I didn't see anything bothersome.


    And for perspective, I've been playing MMOs since 1999. Asheron's Call 1&2, DDO, LotRO, CoX are the main ones and I've dabbled in many others. This is the only game I've played that I have been angry enough to block anyone, let alone report them.

    For the record, I was actually thinking when I wrote "you simply haven't played many MMOs" that you may have started playing them like 20 years ago when MMO communities were much better, more respectful and cooperative because they had to be to get stuff done. The games were more challenging back then so you had to work together. If you were a jerk or a troll, chances are you wouldn't get groups.


    That includes vanilla WoW. The community in WoW was much better back then than it is today because you were held accountable for your actions. Today, there is little to no accountability in WoW. Thus, you see the kind of behavior you do.


    The good thing about being on one server now is that you can actually hold people accountable. There's no cross-server stuff, so if someone is repeatedly trolling general chat, call them out. Like the other poster in this thread said, there are tools to handle trolls and repeat offenders. You just have to use them.

  17. That's a really sad statement about your life. The chat I've been seeing since the merge isn't any sort of normal for anything in my life, irl or online. I've played numerous MMOs since the dawn of MMOs and this has been the worst I've ever seen. (I only played WoW for a month, so I didn't experience the infamous Barrows chat.)

    Log into WoW right now. The first 20 levels are F2P. Go to any populated server, such as Tichondrius or Stormrage. Go to any capital city. I defy you to look at the general chat for longer than one minute.


    I almost want to dare you to do it. Because what you will see there makes ANYTHING you see in SWTOR seem like mild banter. You will see the most racist, sexist, homophobic and religious intolerance you've probably ever seen in such a short amount of time. Each comment purposely worse than the previous one. It's quite honestly a competition to see who can be the most offensive. That was especially the case on Tich.


    If SWTOR is honestly the worst you've ever seen then you simply haven't played many MMOs. Take these games as an example, all of which are F2P.


    Elder Scrolls Online


    Black Desert Online


    DCUO (they won't even talk to you while grouped with you)

    Eve Online (there has actually been news stories about this game's community)


    Those are just off the top of my head because I've played all of them. The general chat in those game's are straight up unreadable.


    Also, it was Barrens chat. Not Barrows. ;)

  18. This. It's like a street where all the windows are broken and there's garbage everywhere- it does present a negative impression. If you're a new Level 15 and you're landing on Fleet for the first time, and all you hear is that bile-spewing, it may be very off-putting. One's first reaction might be "well, I certainly don't want to get to know these people," and since there aren't any other voices in the mix, it leads to an overall negative impression.


    There's a reason that many online publications have turned off comments altogether, why sites like YouTube let you disable them, and why many sites moderate heavily before posting any reader remarks - people DON'T like seeing it, and know that it creates a negative impression. It's not a matter of being too delicate to hear the subject matter; it's about time, place and adult behavior. ]


    Usually the only ones who think the gen chat toxicity are amusing seem to be other trolls. They remind me of little kids when they go through a swearing phase - they walk around saying four-letter words because they think it's daring and clever, and don't realize that nobody - except maybe other little kids - is at all impressed or amused - they just find it babyish and tedious.

    First of all, this is a video game. It's one of the last places you should be looking for "adult behavior". And by the way, I can guarantee you that the majority of trolls you see in chat are likely "adults", because adults often act more childish than kids. ESPECIALLY in video games.


    Second, if someone is trying out SWTOR for the first time, I highly doubt they are new to video games. So, seeing all that crap in general is not going to turn them away from the game. Pretty much everyone knows that anonymity breeds this kind of behavior online. So once again, it's the norm.


    Third, one of the biggest things that will cause new players to quit are empty servers. People trolling in general chat is actually a sign of a healthy game, if you can believe that. Albeit, one with possibly a crappy community. But a healthy game nonetheless.


    In general (make sure you read that part before you rush in to say, "Well, I'm only 20 and I find chat offensive!) a kid or a young person won't care at all about what's said in chat. The only people that will complain about it are older gamers.


    Young people are too busy actually playing the game.

  19. They did away with moderation because frankly, people like the unmoderated chat. There will always be whiners on forums about it, but these companies know people engage in the behavior and enmass don't really mind it as much as they say they. It's like the 1990's when all these groups protested lyrics in music. The only thing that did was make it more popular. The facts support the current system over the moderated system. Its proven people like vulgarity and sic humor and political rants. Sometimes it goes to far, but in my opinion you have to go a long way to offend me.

    I was just going to say this. The cries over the chat channel remind me of people complaining about South Park and shock jocks in the 90s. If you don't like it, ignore it.


    Seriously, I'm a person of color, if anyone should be offended by the stuff they see in chat, it would be me. But I don't care because I just ignore it. Sometimes I do ask game related questions and they always get answered. Even if it's a whisper.


    Again, I'm not saying it's right. I'm saying it's normal. You might not like that, but it is in fact normal.

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