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Posts posted by Lium

  1. Welp...I'm done. I tried. I really did. Way too many bugs. This whole thing has really left a sour taste in my mouth now every time I think about this game.


    I finally cancelled my sub after all these years and completely uninstalled the game. Been here pretty steadily since 2012. You can even check my posting history not that anyone would remotely care about that. :p


    But I remember when this game was first announced back in 2008 or so. Remembered that long thread on the old BioWare forums. "Interactive BioWare/LucasArts game". I posted there regularly and would check it daily for updates. I posted in that thread for the last time the night before the official reveal of this game. It sounds totally corny but it was like Christmas Eve or something. Everyone was super excited.


    The next day, these forums went live. The old version, that is. And I've been here ever since. But it's time to go now. For good. This whole thing has been so disappointing and frustrating for me. And it's 100% due to the bugs and glitches. The short update was also a disappointment, but to launch a patch like this with all of these bugs is just...folks, that's a development team that no longer cares. This was wholly unprofessional and straight up sloppy. That's what has me so upset. I can actually live with the short story and the UI changes, etc. But not being able to play the game because of loading screen bugs and constantly falling through the map? No way I can justify paying for that monthly.


    If you went to McDonald's and bought dinner, then when you opened your meal it was all cold and soggy, you'd go get your money back. That's this DLC in a nutshell. Just broken and unprofessional.


    Anyway, best of luck to anyone still hanging out here. Hope the game gets turned around for you. I enjoyed my decade here. Peace out.

  2. This is the first time I've ever posted anything like this, but to release an update like this is borderline unacceptable. And I'm not talking about the story or the UI. I'm primarily talking about the bugs.


    Now, all games have bugs and glitches, especially with new content. But LOTS is almost unplayabe during some parts. I was constantly falling through maps and on the final fight, I had to hide behind a rock while my companions actually did all the fighting because of how broken and glitchy the fight was. Everytime the boss used a knocback, I fell through the map.


    The zone chat was inundated with complaints like this. Even before the final fight. Just going through Manaan was janky.


    And by the way, this was all after I couldn't even get into the game for hours because of the loading screen glitch, which was the first time I ever experienced that.


    From a story standpoint, I don't think it was too bad but it was incredibly short. This is not an expansion. This is a patch. FFXIV's patches are far bigger than this "expansion". You want to know what an expansion looks like? Endwalker. I understand this game doesn't nearly have the staff and resources FFXIV has, and that's okay. But don't call it an expansion. Just call it DLC, because that's what it is, for the most part. A small story you can play through with a new dungeon and some new weapons. This is just seriously misleading.


    The UI redesign doesn't bother me too much, though I agree with some other posters that it looks like a mobile game. What was wrong with the previous UI? Seemed fine to me.


    Lastly, the gear changes. A lot of people are up in arms about this. Since I don't raid I don't need BiS gear, so to me it's actually okay that those are locked away in raids. However, one of the biggest draws of this game, and one it turns out that I foolishly hyped over on Reddit about, is how alt friendly the game was and how you could earn gear from doing any activity you wanted. Once you got to 306 on your main, you could easily gear up your alts by keeping on playing your main, so that 306 mods/armoring etc. dropped, which you could put in your Legacy bank for all your characters. Now suddenly, a bit portion of that is locked behind raids. That's very headscratching to me.


    A core principle of your game was solo content and basically letting the player do whatever they wanted. Now, it's trying to go back to the WoW method? I mean, WoW isn't doing all that good either in case you haven't noticed. Hell, if you really want to copy anyone, the game you should be looking at is FFXIV. They balance story with MMO very well.


    All this is just so odd to me, and it's unfortunately classic BioWare behavior. I always hold my breath when they release something because I'm afraid they are going to screw it up badly.


    And here we are.


    I think it might finally be time I unsub for good this time.

  3. Task Manager doesn't do anything simply because I can't get to it. The loading screen doesn't minimize when I Alt+Tab or bring up the Task Manager. I literally have to sign out of my computer and sign back in for it to close.


    Edit: Honestly. If the solution is to uninstall the game and reinstall the entire thing, there is no way that is happening. It gets uninstalled permanently. That's not hyperbole or nerdrage. I am legit uninstalling the game for good because that's ridiculous.

  4. This really sucks. I haven't been able to play the game because I can't get past the loading screen. The music will play, the loading wheel will spin, but then stop. But the music continues playing.


    I've tried deleting the Bitraider folder. Running the game as administrator and restarting my laptop, but nothing works.


    C'mon guys...

  5. I skimmed through this whole thread hoping someone - anyone - pointed out to the OP that when they started comparing this new expansion to those old expansions, it is basically and apples to oranges comparison for the simple fact that those older expansions came out literally YEARS AGO, when this game had way, way, way more people working on it than they do now.


    Like, I was seriously hoping someone mentioned that.


    Nobody did. So, instead I'm going to mention it.


    ROHTC and SOR came out literally YEARS AGO, when this game had way, way, way more people working on it than they do now.


    Honestly, if you're a fan of this game, you should be happy that we are even getting an expansion at all, and that EA and BW still support this game. Period. If you were expecting ROHTC and SOR size expansions, then guess what? 2013 called. It wants its expectations back.


    This community, man...


    By the way, I'm super excited about this announcement and I can't wait to continue the stories of my characters!

  6. It was kind of frustrating tonight when I got the PO for dailies on Section X, only to see the quest actually said to do dailies on Rishi. I wasn't sure which to do, so I did the four dailies in Section X, only to see I didn't get any credit for them. So, it was all a waste of time. No way in hell I was going to travel to Rishi and do four more dailies I should have already gotten credit for. I ended up doing other stuff until the game crashed and kicked everyone out.


    Very annoying tonight.

  7. I tried two section X dailies - neither counted. Then I tried two Rishi dailies - neither counted. So I gave up. 🙂


    But I have to ask - what do people mean by "re-roll"?

    When you click a PO, in the top right corner you can click the little "refresh" symbol (circular arrow) and it rolls a new Daily or Weekly PO.
  8. This is what happens when there's no new content. I mean, we have a new FP, but we haven't gotten a full blown expansion since KOTFE. Since then it's just been snippets. Like small releases here and there.


    Don't get me wrong, the releases have been good and I've enjoyed them, but they aren't full on expansions. Just small DLC. Onslaught, though billed as an expansion, was really just DLC such as you'd find in FFXIV.


    I'm burned out on Galactic Seasons as well. Every daily PO is kill 75 mobs on some planet. Galactic Command was terrible and Galactic Seasons is almost as bad. This game needs actual content, not just grinds.

  9. That's just an excuse.

    It would only take one extra fill in character that everyone has with dialogue to replace the toon for those that don't have it.

    BW doesn't have the resources to do that anymore. And haven't for quite some time. I'm telling you a big reason for not including old companions in new content is largely because of kill options. Hell, they took our companions away completely for KOTFE/KOTET and weren't even sure if they were going to bring them all back. It took years for them to do that. And even then it was just an Alert with the a small cutscene. The only exceptions were the few companions that impacted the overall story of the game.


    They are even phasing Lana and Theron out now and replacing them with Hylo because they know everyone has Hylo. Everyone has Lana as well but Theron has a kill option. And it wouldn't be fair to only have Lana in every cutscene going forward for those who would prefer Theron.


    So, yeah. I think BW tied their hands with old companions. Expect to see new ones going forward.

  10. I understand the allure of Star Wars is the Jedi and Sith, but with the success of the Mandalorian, I'm hoping for more Rise of the Hutt Cartel type of storylines. And I say this as someone who has mained a JK since 2012. But I now want to really focus on my smuggler as my new main and - as much as I loved the latest update - that character felt really out of place fighting the emperor. At least she wasn't alone. There were a bunch of other powerful force users around to help, so it wasn't quite so jarring as going through KOTFE and KOTET as a smuggler knowing that there's no way any non-force user would stand a chance against the likes of Arcann and Vaylin. Let alone Valkorian.


    So, going forward, I'm hoping for less force, more blasters. :)

  11. Sorry for this incredibly sappy and sentimental post. But I had to make it for two reasons. One, to just say thanks for Echoes of Vengeance. I had a great time and it kind of reminded me of BioWare of old.


    Second, because of this old post of mine from 2012:




    It's cringe and unnecessarily long, like this post will probably be. But I had to make it because I think it's time to finally retire my main. A JK from back in 2012 that I've been playing ever since. In that post I talked about how my journey started with KOTOR and ended with my JK confronting the emperor. You can even some old screenshots I took of my battle with the emperor at the end of the JK story!


    Little did I know I'd be fighting him again and again. But after last night, and fighting alongside Revan (which completely made me nerd out) and the Exile and Satele and basically everyone else connected to the emperor, I do feel my main's story is finally complete, at last. From an RP standpoint, her sole purpose was to stop the emperor in all his forms. And she finally did that.


    The last scene in the update when Lana asked, "Where to now?" My JK replied, "Some place quiet."


    And that's the perfect way to end my story. She's done. Soooo, thanks again BioWare. It has indeed been an amazing journey! :)

  12. Remember how SWTOR used to be when you hit max level? I'm talking prior to Galactic Command. It was very staightforward. You did flashpoints or PvP to earn whatever the currency was, then you'd go to a vendor to upgrade your gear. For me, that was PvP since I wasn't a raider. I could get decent gear by doing random warzones with PUGs. I lost most of the time, but I'd still earn whatever the currency was back then, and get gear.


    This new system is a marginal improvement over Galactic Command, but I have found my desire to log in is less and less. Here's why: I don't know what to do.


    I log in, sit in my stronghold or on my ship for several minutes trying to figure this out. I check out what the bonus activity for the day is, and then see if it's worth doing. In most cases, I just go to Onderon and do dailies and the weekly, then log out. The problem is you can do...well...anything you want to earn Renown and tech fragments. And then you get new upgrades automatically. Until you get to like ilvl 300, then you go to the SoW vendor and buy random mods for gear shells which you can buy from class vendors. That sounds GREAT on paper, but in reality it just leaves me without direction or a tangible goal to work towards. This is because the whole system is overwhelmingly RNG.


    Contrast that with a game like FFXIV, which uses a traditional method of gearing. You have different tomestones, their currency. The latest tomestone for the patch cycle can be used to purchase the latest non-raid gear. Each day you have bonus roulettes, which are random dungeons you can run to earn X amount of tomestones. Once you get enough tomestones for a piece of gear you want, you simply go to the vendor and buy whichever piece you need. Done. It's almost exactly like SWTOR used to be. WoW as well back in the day.


    And I know some of you are probably going to chime in and say, "I hate the way FFXIV and WoW do it!" That's fine. But it provides direction and a direct path to follow to get geared.


    Here's it just kind of like...do whatever to get random upgrades, and if you don't get the piece you want, buy an empty shell from a vendor that you'll still need 306 mods to fill, which are, by the way, all random drops. It's so...directionless. I'd love a system like the old one where you just buy the gear you need.


    On the plus side, you don't really need gear in this game unless you're going to be doing really difficult content, but still. MMOs are about progression and the progression side of this game is lacking.


    If I'm wrong on this because I'm missing something, please correct me.

  13. It was very brief but serviceable. Was certainly not on the level of the previous expansions. This was more like a DLC.


    Having said that, I just finished it on my main - a JK that I've been maining since 2012. I jumped in my chair when Kira and Scourge showed up. That made the whole thing worth it to me. It also just confirmed once again that the Jedi Knight is the main character of SWTOR. (I mean everyone already knew that for the most part, but now it's like, yeah.)


    So much connection to the emperor and what happens in the entire SWTOR universe. I'm guessing that whole bit about Satele will be the next FP coming up?


    I'm intrigued about that, but I'm calling it now. This will be Satele's swan song. And possibly my main's. I'm feeling like with my whole crew reunited and back on the ship like old times, it might be time for me to retire my JK. I think her story is done after all these years. Time for them to head off into the sunsets. We'll see.


    PS. It was cool to see the Republic with a new likeable chancellor.

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