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Everything posted by Malckiah

  1. I never said or implied I have a dev in my pocket....they would never fit. And as far as your other comment...I am gimped in the pocketbook and have shown throughout this thread very clearly how. To reiterate for you. If I spend the whole day pvp'ing and I put all my comms toward buying pvp credit boxes....I would be lucky to walk away with a total earning potential of 200k for the whole day. If I spend that same day doing pve dailies (and yes I can spend the whole day doing dailies....I have more than one character.) I can make easy 1 million credits and that is pure profit....but wait... I also get to turn in my basic comms for isotope 5 and sell them at 100k each! In a week it works out to around this: pvp: Max: 1.4 million for the week. pve dailies: 8.5 million between daily payout and selling isotope 5's. That is a huge difference...so ya when I pvp I am being gimped in the pocketbook!
  2. Thank you for your concern, here is my reply... 1. The devs do see threads on general and post in them...You may not think so but I can assure you at least one dev has taken note of this thread and its topic. I have my reasons for saying this that I am not at liberty to disclose. 2. You final paragraph makes it clear that you did not read through the thread and its progression (which is the most important part of a thread...that is where ideas grow and become better ideas....or where they die). 3. I enjoy pve dailies and I know many others that do also, but as with anything after you do them over and over and over again....you need a break....this goes for anything. 4. If someone does not sell isotope 5 that is there choice to miss out on that money opportunity....it is a choice. The idea that I have implemented which you can see at post #405 works under the same concept...it is not a get rich for all pvp'ers, but it is an opportunity to make equal to what a pve'er can make minus repair costs. I and a few others have made very valid points as to how this would actually help the game. I have not suggested that I only want to make money through pvp.....but that while I am pvp'ing I should not be gimped in the pocketbook for doing so.
  3. I will spend the time to answer your post. Even though all these points have already been addressed..... As much as I have taken the time to address the points you brought up....you don't have to agree with them, but please stop saying that I am not doing so. I am taking the time to bring forth vaild points. You can continue to debate those points if you would like. I would just ask that you do not ask for an explanation where it has already been given.
  4. Wow, I gotta hand it to ya.... So nice of you to pop into the thread... completely neglect the posts that have been made, then say you won't be back. First off to say you won't be seen again already shows you really have no interest in truly participating in the thread. As well to neglect the points that have already addressed your post shows you really don't care. My advice would be that if you are not willing to put forth the effort to read the thread and stick around for responses.....your just better off to not post at all.
  5. I have listed the risk....I guess you just choose to ignore it. I would like to here from you why you would demand there be a risk beyond what I said in post 405?
  6. If you really feel that way then please stop posting in it.
  7. This has been addressed and thrown out the window already....please refer to previous posts in this thread for enlightenment.
  8. Sorry, but your lack of looking through the thread and seeing them is not my problem....I assure you I have.
  9. Answers in green.... Again I am sorry that you have chosen to ignore the many things in this thread that have already been answered clearly. As you can see I answered your post.
  10. I sure wish they would add this!
  11. You apparently fail to see the huge number of posts where I take the time to respond to each so called rebuttle with a real answer. The posts I listed have in no way been shown wrong... so until you can show how my plan is wrong and would not work, I will continue to show that it is right.
  12. In green below again... I am a pvp'er and I do the pve dailies. There is no excuse for wiping on any of them unless it is a rare occasion.
  13. 1. We are talking about different things. They indeed should not allow people to leave a match without a penalty (ie....not being able to queue for 15 minutes or something)...this has been a debate already, but separate from this thread. And to some degree they did lose....time was lost and wasted and they received no rewards. 2. Being that the changes that I have proposed in this thread do not include your repair bills your argument has no places here. I have said several times already that I am asking for "the opportunity to make near equal to what the pve'ers can make minus repair costs." 3. As another poster had made the point..."In this game, time is money." ...using that idea here... when someone goes into pvp and loses matches all day long, much was lost!....time which could have been used elsewhere to make money.
  14. Answers in green... As I have also said a hundred times, give us the opportunity to make money equal to what the pve'ers make after repair costs. And there is already plenty of risk in pvp as I have shown recently in this thread.
  15. And lets not act like pvp can't become a grind. Sometimes days can go by where one side just keeps kicking your butt.....I assure you that gets old fast. Pvp is no more or less a grind than pve....it simply boils down to personal preference.
  16. ...and?... you can quest at level 10, but the amount of credits you get are progressively less....same concept here.
  17. Ranked pvp dailies only reward wins. I received 30 comms which is near nothing.... not even enough to buy a credit box worth 1500 credits max. and you said "Simply increasing the payouts because people demand it will most likely cause more problems than it will fix, as others have already demonstrated in this thread."....show me! And I have never asked for the option to pvp and no matter how well I do I make big money..... I specifically asked for pvp'ers to have "the opportunity" through pvp to make big money equal to that of the pve'er (minus repair costs.) Opportunity does not mean all pvp'ers will make millions, but it does mean it would be equally possible.
  18. Nevermind post #353 that addresses a similar post as yours already. ....and NO ONE has even suggested that at level 10 it would be expected to make that kind of money.... nice try though.
  19. You don't pvp do you. I went into a ranked match last night and my team lost... I received NO credits...NONE!
  20. Well I have seen plenty of people in gen chat offer big credits if you would simply perform certain "roleplaying" acts for them.... go for it! Infact DarthMaulUK said it best:
  21. Really? Come on now.... I have said I will and do like to participate in all facets of the game. Saying things like this will get us back where we don't want to be. I love the game... I participate in every aspect of it, but when I pvp I shouldn't get gimped in my pocketbook and penalized for doing it. You say "Also - yes, the reward for me is the fun of PVE."... so then how about they cut the money making options in pve to match that of pvp then. ??
  22. Not trying to be rude or mean here, but these were already addressed earlier in the thread. 1. I am not saying people should only pvp or even that I would only pvp, then that would gimp me as far as seeing great content. I am saying that when I am pvping I shouldn't be gimped monetarily for choosing to do so. Credits are equally needed or should I say wanted by everyone nomatter what they prefer to play. Credits are you could say are (neutral). As I said let the pvp'er make near equal to what the pve'ers can make (minus repair costs). 2. I like to primarily pvp, but I do not have a rancor mount...just because someone participates in content doesn't assure they are getting that special stuff. (and that's how it should be....those things should be hard to get so they stay rare) Isn't the fun of PVE, and unique gear etc the reward? (see what I did there?)
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