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Posts posted by Castiel

  1. No...just no, I can name 10 force users in the PT era alone that would wipe the floor with Revan. Also Vader's cybernetics making him slow?....Right...the jedi he killed while in the suit, who were younger and more agile then he was would like a word with you.


    And I can name 10 force users that would wipe the floor with Vader. What's your point ?

  2. It's quite sad seeing people complain about how this place is way too hard. Challenging content is what keeps people playing and I cleared this with a pug yesterday and it being my first time there. Me (MM Snipe), Leth/Eng Sniper, Op heals and Jugg tank. The also other reason why it's so hard is that the last boss drops Rak Chest, I really would feel disappointed of they just handed that out as the only other raid to get that from is HM Ev Soa which can be quite difficult. People have to learn to stop Qqing, learn mechanics from fights and enjoy hard content while it lasts. Also we cleared the place is 2 and a half hours and all Colum/Rak gear and only one other fully Rak gear. So yes it does take some skill and gear reqs to clear the place. But the end boss/Black hole comms for weekly is what its mostly there for.


    You're safe with ranged. Melee gets B00tf00kd in this FP.

  3. It's all tactics, minding your surroundings and a whole lot more of team coordination.


    We did it with 3 melees on HM died once on each boss including bonus. Guardian (Tank - half rakata half columi), sentinel(dps - columi), scoundrel(dps - rakata) and Sage (healer - columi). When doing sentinel droid with 3 melees, you will have to fight all around the room, with tank moving from side to side and front to center to back, everyone needs to know where they are going.


    Which is *********** stupid. It means you can NOT pug it... I'm losing faith.

  4. Apparently you don't know all about Sidious. Since you told me top your arguement for Vitiate.



    You do know Vitiate is obviously based off of Sidious right?


    And lol where the F do you get that from? That's a retarded quote, you know that right ?

  5. Then don't post arguments in a "vs. thread" if you don't think SW is about power levels. It really isn't because canon facts are there to tell us who is more powerful than who, But there are always ignorant children on the internet that turn this into "it's all about opinion".


    Why even bother with anything if "that's the way it is!" ? I never understood that. It's an absolute, wich is a baaaad thing.

  6. Depends on who it is. If your talking Sid vs ANyother Sith then yes, Sid will always win. First off, his EU abilities outmathc any other Sith and its G-Canon that he is the most powerful.


    Rofl, you've been brainwashed by the canon-club....

  7. Vitiate was considered an Abomination. Re-read the Revan Novel. In fact the only reason he was able to take up the mantle of Emperor was because everyone else was pretty much dead.


    If there is no "Canon or fact" to support these debates then why don't we have debates such as R2-D2 vs Luke Skywalker?



    Canon is what the creators of these characters, your favourite characters, have to follow. If they don't their fired, I've said it thousands of times. KT Is a Prime Example.


    So you don't think R2 could've made it hard for Luke ?

  8. All writers and such have to follow GL's words and G-canon or else their fired...



    We are stating canon facts and yet you say we think our opinion is the only one...? Do you know the different between a Fact and an Opinion?


    Canon or not, doesn't mean that one character will win VS everyone ya know.

  9. But its G-Canon that Sid was strongest, and nothing says Vitiate was strongest.



    Also Sidious absorbed Billions of Lives a day when he went to his retreat. He ripped surfaces of planets with his force Lightning and so much more. I cannot see how you disregard Sid. He was praised by the Anicnet Sith while Vitiate was considered an abomination.


    Vitiate was not considered an abomination. He was recognized as a true sith lord by Marka Ragnos himself. Besides, stop saying "It's canon", those words hold no meaning whatsoever on these here forums.

  10. And thus not teached to most if any students. If it was a single one was a rarity. But that isnt what i meant though. I meanth the jedi dogmas, and way of thinking, they were too short sighted imo. That was the jedi faults of that time.



    Yeah exactly. Also this is always very subjective, i mean if han solo can kill sidious, i dont get it why a fictional character couldnt beat other fictional character.


    They don't understand what we mean, to them, canon and GL's word is law, and nothing else.

    I can't understand how they can't understand that there are far too many variables for them to spew out their canon-"facts" and think they'd win every time.


    And now I'll be called a Revan fanboy when I say that what GL said is suggestive and not 110% cold hard facts.

  11. Vitiate is no match for Sid. I cannot possibly see how you don't acknowledge that.



    Lets see Vitiate have the strongest Force Lightning and master all 7 Forms and have such a strong Force Storm it could create a wormhole.



    Sid is strongest Sith.

    Luke is strongest Jedi.


    Sigh, for the last time ; Not everyone agrees. It's subjective. Understand that people have their own opinion about which heroes could win against who, and stop disrespecting that.

    These threads were made so we who like other people than Sidious and Vader could discuss what would happen if some of these heroes and villains met in an epic battle, and all you and your fellows can say is "Sidious is best" and "Vader is best rofl".


    I know you feel that "canon" and what GL says is the word of god and belongs in a bible, but that doesn't mean it's correct. There are too many variables for you to say "This is how that is, and that's how he is." all the time. Understand that. Thanks.

  12. You seem to forget that Vitiate whooped Revan's butt and kept Revan as his personal slave for over 300 years, you also forget that Sidious is the most powerful sith lord to ever exist.


    Again, in my opinion he wasn't. And Don't assume; I haven't forgotten anything. I just stated that Revan was still influencing Vitiate's mind.

  13. Not only is he ignoring canon, He ignores my argument..

    He doesn't even botehr to counter but goes straight to insult mode.


    Nawh, I'm just used to the fact that you guys cannot be discussed with because your opinion is the ONLY one. You're like a religion, ya know.


    (I'm instigating a rebellion against GL canon)

  14. Stop crying because you lost an argument, it happens, get over it.. grow up.


    I'm just saying, you're part of the canon-club, the people that seem to NOT have the ability to form opinions for themselves. It's quite amusing to read.

  15. "Originally Posted by _Zorth_

    Canon is that Kreia is a liar, The golden age of the jedi was during the clone wars..

    Canon is that Sidious is the most powerful sith lord ever to exist, near godlike and Vader is 80% of that.

    Canon is that Revan may have saved the galaxy from his own mistakes, but he never faced opponents or even won over opponents that are on teh power level of Vader, Palpatine, Luke, Dooku and all the other guys from the movie era."


    Isn't anything else than a mindless sheep that's been indoctrined.

  16. Ofc Revan!


    what they both did:


    Revan create a legacy!



    Obiwan lost his padawan to the sith.


    all i have to say :p


    Technically, Revan influenced the mind of Lord Vitiate... Obi couldn't even sense sidious' allignement, so there ya have it :p

  17. Could Vitiate..


    Create wormholes with the force?

    Fry planets with force lightning?

    Destroy starfleets with the force?

    Drain planets of lives?

    Mind wipe the entire population of Coruscant?


    Do the above WITHOUT the help of relics, ancient artifacts or teh power of other sith lords?


    Read, Dark Empire series..


    Haha, the DE series.... You serious ? It's the worst written piece of *** since the original star wars. Thanks for the laugh, though :)

  18. Canon is that Kreia is a liar, The golden age of the jedi was during the clone wars..

    Canon is that Sidious is the most powerful sith lord ever to exist, near godlike and Vader is 80% of that.

    Canon is that Revan may have saved the galaxy from his own mistakes, but he never faced opponents or even won over opponents that are on teh power level of Vader, Palpatine, Luke, Dooku and all the other guys from the movie era.


    Canon this canon that. Seriously ? It's the lamest argument any mindless drone could spew out. Give it a rest, none of us care.

  19. Except it was Lucas that said the Jedi during the PT were in there prime and attained the highest lightsaber skills ever, with the strongest jedis/siths ever living during the Clone Wars era. Kreias reference(if to be taken seriously :rolleyes:) is talking about the Jedi/Sith during the KOTOR era, which are clearly weaker then alot of other eras.


    If your saying Revan beats Obi-wan then your now arguing that Revan is in leagues with Windu and Yoda. Which is absurd.


    So Obi could've beaten Windu ?

  20. He was the better duellist because of the form he invented, what is so hard to comprehend here?


    I said Sidious wasn't better than any given Jedi with a saber, since he lost to Windu. He basically told me in reply that Windu won because he won... You guys are really overexerting yourselves on this fanboyism of yours...

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