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Posts posted by clearsighted

  1. I'm a little bit late to the party for this, but Master Mode as a sniper/gunslinger, mainly revolves around 1) Getting all of the companions you're forced to run with to rank 30-40+ and setting them as healers, and 2) abusing the hell out of cover and 3) mastering how to root/slow/kb knights of Zakuul.


    Scrambling field combined with the heroic utilities that buff it is a big help (especially the one that improves your DR for every enemy inside the scrambling field, while healing you and making you immune to CC/KB.)


    Sweeping/Suppressing fire, with the +25% damage boost should be able to mow down most regular spawns before they can hurt you much.


    When you're fighting a Horizon Guard or Knight, you need to keep them rooted and slowed and kite them as much as possible. Several of the utilities help enormously with this. You can't interrupt all the thunderous blasts, which one-shot you, so you need to master the roll to avoid the damage.


    In a couple fights, like when fighting multiple golds, you just have to go balls to the wall, set companion to DPS, use heroic, open with 2x orbital bombardment, and then trigger Unity and Scrambling Field in succession, while burning down one of the golds, and then kiting the other. The heroic tier that heals you for 10% when rolling and increases Dodge's duration is very useful.


    Bag of Tricks will often need to be used. Combined with Dodge, that can give you 10 seconds of near immunity.


    I think Marksmanship/Sharpshooter is probably the worst spec, since so many enemies have high armor.


    I think Dirty Fighting/Virulence is the best, since it has the strongest defensive passives (5 more seconds of Scrambling Field, DR added to shield probe/defense screen, etc). And it's the easiest to kite with.


    When you get lucky and you're up against difficult enemies that are range only, you can also cheese them, by loading them up on dots, and then staying in cover while healing via the utility.


    Anywhoo. One thing Master Mode will teach you, is how to maximize all of your defensive abilities.

  2. From the first time I did it in 2016, to just last night, I always do the Shroud of Memory chapter at the start of Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen. It dumps you back out into Odessa, and tells you to go to to the Gravestone Shuttle Access.


    That's pretty much the first time the game gives you a breather (since entering the alliance base will often auto-start missions).


    So I wait until that point, and then burn through all the companion alerts and Shroud of Memory...It's never bugged out on me. It's also the best time to do the Star Fortress stuff...which one should probably do at least once. It doesn't make any sense to do the Star Fortresses after the Battle of Odessa.

  3. Are they sending goons round to people's houses with Uzis and baseball bats to menace players until they buy it?




    Then they aren't forcing anything on us.


    Well. The removal of alternatives is a way of 'forcing' an outcome. From a certain point of view. So removing the ability to dye something (or dye it well), essentially 'forces' you to either use it that way, or don't use it at all. Is someone standing there in real life holding a gun to your head? No. But is there an element of 'force' involved? Yes.


    Moreover, Bioware often makes questionable design decisions that no one could possibly like. For example - the ugly *** trash can backpack attached to the Discharged Infantry chestpiece. What is the point of it? Or the weird patch of different textured lime green half-circle on the back of the pragmatic master chestpiece. It looks so bad, being completely smooth and shiny lime green compared to the textured white of the rest of the tunic, that it looks like a missing graphic.


    Both of those visual horrors are initially hidden, unless you either rotate your character around while previewing it, or see it in play. Both look atrocious, and it's hard to imagine anyone believing they enhanced the outfit.

  4. hk 55 is better in combat, especially since they nerfed 51 :(





    they couldn't, because to get hk-51 you have to go through the hoops of his quest, so they needed a new one ;)


    1) You only have to go through the HK-51 quest once, before you can skip it via a legacy purchase.


    2) They could've just inserted a couple differences, so that those who went through the trouble of getting HK-51 earlier, had a few special interactions, or were the only ones able to rebuild him after he was destroyed.

  5. It's toxic because it only takes one person screwing up to mess up a match for everyone, and losing gives no rewards. This means that every time there's a loss, the other players on your team are hyper worried about shifting the blame.


    Combined with that, is a history of various guilds abusing it. Taking turns throwing matches and such. Some alts exist only to throw matches.

  6. Everything about Kotfe/Kote is trash, but there's a certain icky charm to it for the first character you drag through it.


    Everything before that is pretty good, and Ossus/Onslaught is great too...some of the best storytelling since the class stories...once you get past the 'But Muh Alliance!' residue. Just be prepared to get called Outlander or Commander by everyone, forever and forever.


    I wish they would've just kept calling Sith 'lord' and Jedis 'master', and the non-Force users could be the Commander or whatever. The only character for whom the title ever felt appropriate was a smuggler.

  7. The three companions people seem to have an issue with are Kira, Nadia, and Mako. In the Encyclopedia their given ages are:

    • Kira - 20
    • Nadia - 22
    • Mako - 19


    I've seen this list posted many times, but it is hardly canonical. It gives Talos Drellik as 27 for example. It is an obscure reference, from an obscure supplement put together by an intern or such.


    What matters is how they're written - the narrative tropes that they clearly lean into - and how the voice actor portrays them. Nadia Grell is written and voice acted as a teenage girl, and leans into every 'teenage girl in Space' trope you can think of.


    It's not just her age. It's that she keeps telling the BH no. He keeps pressuring her until she has no-one left but him and finally caves.


    Also. There's no way in hell that the BH is in their early 20s.

  8. The Jedi Knight/Kira Carsen romance isn't too problematic, since you're both basically around the same age (she might even be a bit older) and you're at the same maturity level. She also gets raised to Knight by the end of the first chapter, and as such the whole 'Padawan' thing is more of an in-joke, IMO. She's never really even officially your Padawan. From the time Bela Kiwiiks is incapacitated, you pretty much go right into the Chapter 1 finale, and then she gets elevated to Knightood by the Council.


    You both shouldn't be getting it on regardless, since it's against the Jedi Code. But as far as IRL sensibilities go, it's basically just a couple 20 year olds.


    The Republic Soldier romances are both worthy of court martial. No military leader should ever be bedding subordinate soldiers that follow them into battle. No commander that would do so is worthy of their rank or of being saluted. It's something only a pasty civilian writer would think was compelling.


    However, the TRULY creepy relationship, is between Nolan North's male consular, who sounds middle aged, and Nadia Grell, who sounds like 14. She clearly worships him, and her father hoped Nolan North would teach her. And he basically molests her. The romance is completely creepy and wrong, by both in-game and out of game sensibilities. (And yeah, people have argued about the Consular being young, and I can see that with the female Consular...But Nolan North sounds like...a fifty year old man.)


    The female Consular/Iresso romance is by contrast, one of the most mature and reasonable.


    As for Mako...The bounty hunter is still definitely way older, but it's a far more acceptable romance. She's not his student or his ward (which Nadia basically is after her father expresses hope that the Consular will look after her). However, I still think it's better to let Mako end up with Torian (or Akaavi, I guess...), and romance Lana later. (You know you will, anyways). The BH banging Lana makes it slightly more believable that she's following him around everywhere and so loyal, as a Sith to a non-Force user.

  9. Just to give my own belated, spoilery thoughts about Onslaught, after coming back to the game for the first time since 2016...


    I disliked everything about the KotFe/KOTE storylines. I thought they were a massive design mistake, and the developer responsible for it - especially the guy that thought people would want to grind them - should never work in the industry ever again.


    I especially disliked Satele and Marr deriding the Jedi and Sith, since it felt too gimmicky and forced. Trying to convince the player to embrace being the 'Alliance Commander'. (Whoever designed this chapter, also thought players would be jazzed about making a new, awful looking weapon).


    I hated everything about Zakuul, because it re-used the EXACT SAME premise of the Sith Empire's surprise emergence. So we get like a Russian nesting doll of empires.


    I disliked hearing about the Alliance. I disliked hearing my character refer to the Alliance, and I really disliked being called Outlander or Commander.


    In light of that. I think that SWTOR would have been vastly better served, if the previous expansions had been in the same vein of the Ossus and Onslaught expansions. It's nice to somewhat belatedly get back on track. But there is still so much Alliance/Commander garbage. Like 4-5 years of it now, that it seems to have become baked into the game's DNA.

  10. Troopers weren't safe from this ******* change either, their replacement is just as bad visually.


    Yeah, well. The Trooper's animations always sucked. Now the bounty hunters' animations suck too.


    I still miss Unload on my Trooper. Cause it was the one chance to really fire his blaster rifle and have it mean something.

  11. Because there's been like three separate bugs in the last year, which were each allowed to go on for multiple weeks, which allowed HUGE fortunes to be made. Credit sellers made a killing, and bioware did virtually nothing to correct it. So those that exploited got the rewards and those that refrained got higher GTN prices.


    Another reason for higher prices, is the way they handle opening cartel crates now. It used to be that people who bought tons of them had to make inventory space by dumping their unwanted onto the GTN. Now they can just leave their unwanted items in their cartel stash for eternity.

  12. It would be awesome to go back to a time when mercs and maras were the best. Given they've sucked balls since six months after release, to now. I haven't even played a merc since the cap was level 50, and I'd love to see them on top for a change. It'd be like voting for Obama, in a good way.
  13. You know Musco is only the community manager right?


    He's the main face of the SWTOR team, and he does a horrible job of communicating what the community actually needs or wants to the developers.


    When every dumb decision the team makes for the last 2-3 years, gets brought to us, explained and defended by the same guy, it's going to attach ill will to his name. Although in reality, I do know it's a whole team of people making stupid decisions.

  14. I loved Bastion server. I have a 150m guild ship on it and three strongholds.


    But sadly, they killed Bastion in three stages:


    1) Made free/cheap server transfers possible. This got people moving away, but then some came back as it stabilized. People were able to get what they needed on the GTNs of other servers and bring em back to Bastion for re-sale. I could still get warzone pops 24/7.


    2) They made the horrible decision to make open world pvp voluntary. The one thing Bastion had remaining to it, was that you could at least get some open world pvp in and stop people botting/farming. Yavin was great for open world pvp. With the pvp/pve situation being identical on all servers, there was no real reason to not just roll on Harbinger (THANKS MUSCO).


    3) They then killed cheap server transfers and jacked the price up 1000%, after leaving it at 90cc for more than a year.


    Since then, Bastion has become a ghost town. No GTN, no warzone pops, the removal of open world pvp. Nothing. It was killed by the dev's bad decisions.

  15. Hey folks,


    I checked into this and you are correct, Treasure Hunting lockboxes are no longer dropping credits. This is an intended change to bring Treasure Hunting in line with other Crew Skills.


    This was missed in the patch notes, which I will have corrected today. I apologize for any confusion this caused.


    Thanks everyone.




    I'm sure we all appreciate you letting Treasure Hunting stay in its ridiculously broken shape for over six months, and destroy the game's economy. That'll teach us for not buying cartel market crap directly.

  16. There is literally no reason. All the rewards are bound to the freshly rolled character. Which if you've been playing SWTOR for a while, you're unlikely to have any attachment to, since you've probably leveled all eight classes by now (to get the legendary status).


    It is a horribly considered event, and the person whose idea it was, does not deserve to get paid for game design. He (or she) is incompetent.

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