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Posts posted by clearsighted

  1. I'm in my thirties, but I tend to play my characters as children or teenagers. I realize that skeeves a lot of people out because of some of the dark stuff you have to go through in the various storylines, but that is the age I most relate to, and it's interesting to come into this complex, dark world from an innocent or idealistic standpoint and then watch the character evolve over the course of the story. There are exceptions - my trooper's 28 at the youngest, not counting the 5 years in carbonite, and one of my characters is essentially a droid so traditional age is hard to pinpoint.


    My SW I imagined as being about ~14 on Korriban; it was only a day or two ago that I realized that even with how much time had passed, it made the romance with Theron kind of sticky. Helps that Theron is a huge dork and acts younger than he actually is (in my opinion.)


    I love that we have Senya, now. I like Vette, and Mako (never could stand Jaesa), but it's really refreshing to have a mature, kick-*** female in the main cast. Lana is good, too, and of course Senya isn't a romance option, but I love her character. I mentioned how awesome I thought she was in General chat and was disappointed to see several "ewws" and "She's like old enough to be your grandmother" to which I... I just wonder how young these people's parents must have had them, if that's what they think grandmothers typically look like...? :confused: Oh well. To each their own.


    It must take a lot of imagination to imagine the SW at 14, given the voice actor and body type limitations.

  2. Because there are SO many elite, delta-class special forces commanders at 18-20...:rolleyes:




    I'm guessing Havoc Squad is at the very least, equivalent to something like SEAL Team 6. (Even though, with the nature and scale of the missions they're asked to pull off, they're more like SAD - but I won't get into that, I'll just keep with the most basic and simplistic comparison)...and their average age was about ~38.


    If you broaden the range to the entire SOCOM community, than the average age dips to around ~25ish. But it goes way up when you consider those entrusted with operational command. The Republic Trooper starts out as a Sergeant, and is seemingly on the cusp of Lieutenant, right on Ord Mantell. There are extraordinary circumstances of course, but realistically, they're in their mid 20s at youngest.


    This said...It's all sort've besides the point. Since the Bioware writers went out of their way to cram in certain Stars Warsy cliches. That's why the Jedi Consular starts out as a padawan, despite the story clearly being written from the perspective of a Jedi Master. The male voice actor sounds like he's 45. It requires a great deal of suspension of belief to see him as a padawan, going to Jedi Master by six months later. But they did it so it would align with the Tythonian quests for the Jedi Knight who does realistically start off as a padawan and work their way to Jedi Knight, and finally, Master, by the end.


    The Consular requires you to basically pretend Tython never happened.


    The Bounty Hunter is also a naturally much older character, even if its story gets largely ruined by the shambolic Great Hunt narrative. The Smuggler is a good candidate as well for someone who starts out at basically Han Solo's age in New Hope.


    The Imperial Agent makes sense starting out in their early to mid 20s.


    The only characters where it makes logical sense for them to start as 17-18 is the Jedi Knight (because it's a classic Star Warsy story), the Sith Warrior (he's completely ignorant of even the Sith code) and the Inquisitor (given they're from a fresh crop of similarly aged slaves).


    This would put most characters somewhere in their 30s to early 40s, by the time that KOTFE rolls around. With some, like the male Consular or Bounty Hunter, clearly more sensible at the higher end of the age spectrum, with the exception of the rote cliche references to them being young on their starting planet. If you take in the 99% rest of the story and their voice acting, it goes up. This all seems pretty clear cut to me, absent someone having an age-related fetish that skews it.


    I personally felt that my Jedi Knight, who I saw as being 18-19 on Tython, was in his early 30s by the time of KOTFE, being Battlemaster of the Order and such after a decade+ of war.

  3. After 4.0 the game was the most fun it has ever been (for me). Then 'the nerf' and now inevitable 'buff.' But honostly, I can't come back unless the comps are returned to 4.0 levels. I know what its like now, I tasted the sweet nectar of pure joy in 'grindless' content. FINALLY AN MMO THAT HAD GOTTEN RID OF THE GRIND! From now on everything will seem 10x worse of a grind. The 'slight' buff they are giving will not bring back the sense of freedom that 4.0 gave me.


    Sorry BW. Its not enough and you've lost my sub now. Between this and the horrible loot in the new packs, its just not good anymore. Thanks for the memories and all the best.


    Please quit so we can stop seeing these idiotic threads. Bioware already catered to you enough.

  4. Hi guys,


    I have a very very reasonable offer for anyone who is looking for a guild with flagship i will keep it short and simple.


    REPUBLIC GUILD 12/15 expansions i have spent 190 mil on the ship, but willing to let it go go for 40 mil even tho a flagship with 0/15 expanions is worth 50 mil



    I have a imperial guild with 3/15 expansions which i spent 85 mil


    i am willing to let it go got 35 mil


    Leave a message on this post if interested.



    I'm interested in the Republic one. Send a message to Rictur in game if this is still available.

  5. I tend to duo almost exclusively with my gf. One thing that we both really hate, is that when we greet an NPC solo, we often get a very interesting greeting, that is relevant directly to our class. If we do it as a group, it's almost always some lame variation of the line, "Well, look at this group of heroes!!111".


    The whole Makeb storyline is an especial offender. We would both rather have it go normally, with whoever starts the convo first getting the personalized greeting. Pretty much the only quest in the entire game which handles a group dialogue is meeting Darth Lachris...which can be hilarious if you're questing as a Sith and a non-Sith...whereas the Darth refers to the other group member as your slave.


    But that's the single exception. All of the rest is 'hurr durr, they sent all of you!'

  6. Here's something on topic:


    I wouldn't have wanted to romance a male force companion, but I simply would have liked one as an apprentice as a change of pace. Kira and Jaesa were all right (I played a Guardian first, and Jaesa had the novelty of two personalities), but by the time I got to Nadia and Ashara, I just started getting annoyed with them. Xalek doesn't really count.


    Even letting us equip one saber on Kira, Jaesa or Nadia would've been a nice change of the pace. I can only take so many youthful, naive female students with dual-sabers before they all blur into each other. Ashara is just obnoxious in that it never feels as if you have much of an impact upon her. She reaches her own conclusions and won't be swayed otherwise.


    It really is sort've bizarre that they didn't branch out and give us a companion that could've explored the Qui-Gon/Kenobi or the Kenobi/Anakin dynamic. The Consular would've been perfect for it. But noooo, Bioware had to cookie-stamp the same relationship onto each one. Sort've a glaring oversight really.


    Also. I wish that instead of having all 100% straight characters and 100% bisexual characters, they'd have some be straight, some gay, and some bisexual where it makes sense. It was equally annoying having them all be straight before as with all new romanceable characters having the exact same dialogue, regardless of gender.


    This can be very jarring, since the bioware writers seem to construct every relationship as a heterosexual meet-cute. Lana predictably treats even female characters as the awkward, masculine roguish charmer. That really only makes sense when writing from the perspective of a teenage boy.


    By contrast, the writers of Dragon Age III, knew that women want to be pursued. So the romances in DA play out very differently if you're male or female. All of the characters have very believable sexual and romantic inclinations. The female character is always the one getting pursued and flirted with, rather than taking on the dramatic role of always being the romantic aggressor as it is in fiction with a male protagonist.


    None of this would cost Bioware more money or be difficult to implement. It's just a matter of good RPG dialogue writing vs average dialogue writing.

  7. Tastes are subjective...see, I loved Quinn, Vector and even Doc lol. Not into BieberFett, Catdude or Boringdude (Felix). Corso is kind of cute (customization 2), I don't mind his gentlemanly ways...but his jealous tantrums I could do without. Love Theron too. Koth is better looking than Andronikos, but more annoying. I only married Andronikos on my SI because there wasn't anyone else.


    Anyways, what I mean to say is that they should give us several choices, or at least several customizations...or allow us to customize comps the way we want using the designer, even if to a limited degree like only hair/colour and eye colour changes. But the bottom line is, that it would be nice to have a romanceable powerful male force user(s) for both sides.


    I get that tastes are subjective, but Quinn and Doc are such scumbags, personality-wise, that they'd be all right as an optional romance...But it's very hard to see a Jedi Knight (light or dark side) getting 'married' to someone like Doc...And it's harder to imagine the Sith not killing Quinn.


    Although...My girlfriend did start out liking Quinn - But after the infamous, spoilerish scene which we all know, but I have to be vague about anyways or else I'll get *****ed at by someone who already knows it regardless - she couldn't even stand to hear his voice. And she almost stopped playing her character when he remained the primary voiced companion afterwards. She did like Vette, Pierce and Jaesa though and would have romanced any of them over Quinn.

  8. It is sort've interesting how all of the female love interests are body type 2 weird-ish/scummyish men. Doc (horrible), Iresso (boring, issues), Jorgan (annoying cat man), Vector (bug boy), Quinn (for obvious spoilery reasons).


    The only ones that I can see as being very appealing is Andronikos, Corso or Torian. Andronikos has the pirate angle going...But looks like a jawa took a dump on him. Corso Riggs is an impressionable farm boy with a 19th century view of women, which may or may not suit your smuggler's idea of a romance.


    Torian is a pretty solid choice for female hunters, if they don't mind robbing the cradle. Theron and Koth...more shady body type 2 guys with issues.


    Ironically, Lana might just be the most interesting and aesthetic female romance.


    The only game I've seen with female love interests that seemed written in a way to actually appeal to most female gamers, are the ones available in Dragon Age III.

  9. Two things I felt needed clarification on the survey.


    1) I didn't actually like Nico's coat. I felt it was a boring reskin. But I do like the idea of new gear, which might not be such an uninspired reskin.


    2) I loved the KOTOR-inspired mount. It's one of my favorite speeders. But I still put the mount last, because - let's be honest - any future mounts are more likely to be akin to the atrocities in the cantina crate or completely ugly...and not the sleek and iconic KOTOR speeder. I don't think we're ever going to get a free mount as sexy as that ever again.


    Companions are always fun though. Can't really go wrong with them.

  10. Bastion is great for everything except Operations and Ranked.


    I love the open world, level synched pvp. I love that it isn't crowded with mouth breathers, spam bots and credit farmers. I love being able to do heroics without massive competition. (On Harbinger, you can stand around for a half hour waiting to do a non-instanced heroic).


    I vastly prefer the regular warzones on Bastion, which pop 24/7. And they're not nearly as laggy as Harb's.


    What Bastion lacks, is the massive PvE community that manages to keep Operations going all the time via group-finder, and the 24/7 ranked pops.

  11. I just sell or destroy the mods. I swear you *********** hoarders need to let go of your virtual items they will never be worth anything later on and NO you will not find a use for them 30 years from now! :D


    Well the thing is, I used to feel this way, and then I got *burned* on 2.0 and 3.0.


    In 2.0, the old set bonuses (like the guardian leap giving 8%, and intercede giving 8% health) was SO much better than what it was replaced with. And in 3.0, the level 55 pvp gear was absolutely killer in level 55-59 pvp (which could cover 100s of warzones, as the xp for warzones was about 1/4th what it is now).


    So I got burned pretty bad, twice. Now I'm a bit gun shy! But the various input in this thread has helped me. I'm saving what I found aesthetically attractive, and saving weapons/offhands, and getting rid of the rest.


    I think it took them jacking the item rating from 174, all the way up to 208 for some of the pre-2.0 pvp set bonuses to finally become obsolete. I still saw people using the old 8% damage on leap, and the 15% crit chance for tracer missiles, until a couple weeks ago.

  12. I agree. I also miss the heroic 4s, and I also find the heroic 2s insultingly easy.


    But it is because of level sync, everything has to be the same level now, H4+ and bonus series were above planet level.



    So now because of level sync, this content can't exist anymore.


    Please take your tired anti level synch crap somewhere else. It has no foundation in fact, or in this thread. You are simply outright lying here to try and tie this issue to your own personal grievance.


    Every single heroic 4 was set at an appropriate level to the planet level. I did them numerous times levelling up in the past, and I did them on level.

  13. As someone already said..


    Yes. This is credit card fraud. Bioware usually catches them within a couple days. Some people make a living in game hovering over the GTN and waiting for the fraud stuff to appears before buying it and reselling it.


    And yes, they get the credit card numbers from those who respond to the credit card spam and purchase credits from them.


    And yes, it's about 4-5 guys - probably Chinese or Russians - who do most of it. It seems like a huge network of people, but 90% of it is done by a very few guys make extensive use of botting as well.


    Sometimes, they will even pretend to be 'legit' credit sellers (although there's no such thing) to conduct fraud without them being directly blamed for it.


    A lot of people don't report it when they get ripped off, precisely because of the fact they were buying credits to begin with.

  14. It also mystifies and annoys me at thsi obnoxious and completely arbitrary restriction. It's just beyond stupid.


    Corso should be able to use blaster rifles or pistols, as he always has.


    Our companions should still be able to use electrostaves. I also had my Nadia equipped with a warstaff that she can no longer use, which I found intensely annoying.


    Really, this all comes down to Eric Musco being obsessed with differentiating companions and classes by restricting weapons, and he doesn't seem to realize that it is more annoying and takes away more value than it adds. (I say this because he was actually asked about it in a recent interview).

  15. Is there any reason whatsoever to keep the tons of old 174 dark reaver gear I have, and all the various mods and enhancements? It doesn't seem so, because 190 greens appear to bolster better, so it's not really even worth saving for alts.


    But I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything, before i vendor all of my accumulated dark reaver sets.

  16. Pure tanks are fine, and have always been more than fine in warzones. All do surprisingly good damage.


    It simply takes a bit more effort to gear them effectively. What you want, ideally, is the tank armorings, and high endurance DPS mods and enhancements. Get shield/absorption on your earpiece,implants and shield generator. Use the DPS relics. Augment for endurance.


    Then you should be fine in any warzone, regular or tanked. Provided you know how to guard swap.


    All that other stuff you suggested like using ion cell in tactics, or energy cell in shield, is just crap. It's all about gearing. Only juggs can skank well (using soresu in vigilance/vengeance) and that's more because it abuses the matchmaker, and less because it works well.

  17. I wish I were quite young. As far as La Tour d'Eiffel, you've got me on that one, as far as monuments go it's certainly not high on my list. I'm not alone on that however, " it was initially criticized by some of France's leading artists and intellectuals for its design" From an engineering and historical perspective though, I find it absolutely amazing.


    Anyway, back to the armor, I take it from your response that it's some sort of lore or cannon piece from the movies, which explains why someone would get so excited about it. Just as La Tour d'Eiffel ain't much to look at, it's quite a significant item indeed.


    It was the first semi-unique adaptive armor available from an event. The first trooper armor without an enormous backpack as well.

  18. Hey. Fellow Bastion player here.


    I agree it was fun to mod up a 'very special' companion in full augmented Dark Reaver, and head to Yavin. But overall, I vastly prefer the new system. Not having to mod companions, not having to buy them gifts to see their convos, and being able to choose their role, has made life a lot better for all my other characters. Depending on how many alts you have, I'm sure in time, you will come to feel similarly.

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