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  1. Thankfully for him he started with "Give us a free" so he's good!
  2. I know games are impatient and demanding but wow some of you seriously need a reality check. A delay to the announcement of a teaser of info about the expansion causes you this much anger? I think you all might need some serious anger management.
  3. So looking at the OPs rage. He is upset that the game has changed but isn't really very intelligent about it. Firstly to even play the game you had to be subscribed, so without a subscription you couldn't play the game. Subscribers now barring some cosmetic stuff and being able to use cartel coins as well as credits have the same access/entitlements they did then. So what the OP is actually complaining about is that he was allowed to play the game for free. And what he actually wants is SWTOR to go back to the subscription model so that he has to pay to play the game and post on the forums. It makes no sense. The sense of entitlement is astonishing, you want to play for free, have everything unlocked, post on the forums and all without paying anything. While also complaining that it isn't like it was at release, make up your mind! You either want a subscription barrier or you want a f2p/subscription model.
  4. 100k credits after the patch and Rancor + Magnus, before nothing. I think people are doing what people always do are reading too much into it. I don't think the chances have changed, just keep at it and you'll get it(I hope).
  5. If you want to be picky about it, you pay for the 30 days of gametime. You are not entitled to nor pay for the 600 odd cartel coins, these are a gift for your support of the game. At any time Bioware could stop giving them, so complaining that you don't get enough and you should get more for your money is amusing. The $12.99 a month(equiv) is for the gametime nothing else, I imagine that if there were options for subscription+cartel coin monthly packages you would be paying a lot more. "The free stuff you're giving me isn't enough, give me more free stuff I paid for it!" Is basically what you're saying.
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