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Personal Information

  • Location
    New Hampshire
  • Interests
    WoW. Been playing as an end game raider for 5+years
  • Occupation
    Film maker
  1. My ops group in the guild Fortitude, is looking for a healer or dps. We are HM focused only and while we are a new group together we are all competent and mature players. Drop a line on our website, the raid group is The Short Bus Commandos. -Whozscruffy
  2. Ah yes... Thank you. Although it is in the Subject... Republic
  3. We are a group that has been together a short time but are all experienced gamers/raiders. We are currently pushing our way through HM content and lost our healer due to RL circumstance. We are all members of the Fortitude Guild, and your joining is not a prerequisite. Our Op group name is The Short Bus Commandos. We are of the Republic. We raid Thursday nights from 10pm-1am server (EST) We are a mature group with ages ranging from 20's - 40's We raid only HM ops and are working our way through HM's to NiM. We have been running content for a short time, but are all very aware and solid with our classes. Some of the group are new to SWTOR but are long time MMO'ers and very much capable. We are all quick to adjust our strategy. DPS are averaging 5-7k Heals are pushing 6-8k eff. Looking for someone who is geared and ready to step into HM content. Weekly plan is to clear the featured op if possible and then work on whichever OP we have yet to clear or presents the most immediate gear need. Respond here or try me in game, -Whozscruffy Get on the bus! Very laid back group, but also very focused. http://fortitudeguild.enjin.com/home
  4. We are a group that has been together a short time but are all experienced gamers/raiders. We are currently pushing our way through HM content and lost our healer due to RL circumstance. We are all members of the Fortitude Guild, and your joining is not a prerequisite. Our Op group name is The Short Bus Commandos. We raid Tuesday and Thursday nights from 10pm-1am server (EST) We are a mature group with ages ranging from 20's - 40's We raid only HM ops and are working our way through HM's to NiM. We have been running content for a short time, but are all very aware and solid with our classes. Some of the group are new to SWTOR but are very much capable and we are all quick to adjust our strategy. DPS are averaging 5-7k Heals are pushing 6-8k eff. Looking for someone who is geared and ready to step into HM content. Weekly plan is to clear the featured op if possible and then work on whichever OP we have yet to clear or presents the most immediate gear need. Respond here or try me in game, -Whozscruffy Get on the bus! Very laid back group, but also very focused.
  5. Hey there, Got your reply to my thread about a Shadow Tank LF Ops Spot. This seems like a great fit for me. The one limiting factor is raid times. I cant get online until 9:30 at the earliest and most reliably. Any chance the 2nd raid team will start at 9:30? Really interested... Suuen. P.S. I was a MT for a progression guild before my hiatus, so I know my class and role as it relates to end game.
  6. Just transferred to the covenant and am looking to find an op spot. Been playing the game since launch, but took 1.5 years off and just got back a couple weeks ago. Gearing up at 192 or better but only 1 tier slot. I am looking to find a group that runs ops 2 x per week starting at 10pm server time. Character name Suuen Thanks.
  7. Still looking for a tank? I am a shadow tank looking for a chance at a raid spot. Have experience with end game at lvl 50. Came back recently and am looking to get back to raiding. Thanks Toon name is Suun
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