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Everything posted by rEaX

  1. Is this the most active server in EU? I just returned to the game after years of break.
  2. You are right but it doesn't have to be that way!
  3. No you have misunderstood everything I have said. Premades can have very good strategy and teamwork. I never said that Premades does NOT create teamwork. It very well can. BUT to beat a PUG you don't need any of it. You don't need skill, tactics, strategy, organisation all you need is a group of players that are trying to do the objectives. Pugs is not about QQing or blaming others. The truth with pugs is that people are playing relaxed, they don't try their best. Many of them are lower levels or new to the game. Many are under geared and just try to learn how to play. These are the players your premade sign up to beat. Do you feel pro when beating those? That will be a default win no matter how poor the premade is. I never said that you should not be able to play with groups and teams. I only said that they should play against other teams. For competition and fairness. And then it truly requires teamwork and skill. MMO is about competition and becoming good. Not beating on noobies.
  4. How is it irrelevant and how am I mistaken? Premade vs pug does not require any sort of skill. It's the simple truth. You must be high if you think otherwise. I don't know why so many SWG players want to play premades vs noobs. Don't you enjoy true competition?
  5. I clearly do know what I am talking about because I spent 8 years playing Pvp in different MMOs at a very high level. However if you don't want to read that is up to you. You don't have to discredit what I am saying. It's not about the game it's the "point" that there is no prestige in doing it.
  6. I think you missed something or perhaps you are just inexperienced with pvp. Creating a premade does not require to use tactics or strategy. It only requires a group of people that are playing to win instead of farming kills. Compared to pugs where every man is for him self and no one trying to do the objectives. It will always be a default win for a premade vs pug no matter how little tactics or strategy they use. Simply because they have more players that are trying to win. Pug vs Pug is fair. Premade vs Premade is fair. What is fair with a premade vs pug? Premade vs Pug does not require strategy or organization. However premade vs premade does. It is like jumping in with a clan in Counter Strike or any other game, on a public server and be happy that they won the round. It's ridiculous and absolutely no prestige in that. People do it to farm gear and it really is that simple. Which is fine but it is unfair to those playing solo because they will never have a chance. You can say "go make your own team" but everyone is not into pvp enough to bother with that. And they should be matched with equally minded players. I would also assume that at least half of the SWTOR player base has played WoW at some point so it's stupid to divide the community like that. And again a premade doesn't have to be a "intelligent and organized group" it just has to be a group and yet they will win every round. Kind of pointless system. Wow also had their system like this long time ago. It turned out that everyone would just stand AFK each round because they kept getting massacred, waiting to get matched against a non-premade. Is that how you want this to be every time you decide to play without a "premade"? Standing AFK or get killed as soon as you spawn? I am pretty sure I am going to play with premades my self for the easy wins and gears. But is it fair? No way. I would much rather be playing against other premades for the competition. Personally I don't enjoy to gank lower level players. But same level can be fun to attack. Though world pvp is different. If you make your character on a PvP server it means you will be open to get attacked. I enjoy that sort of stuff, exploring the world and see enemy players that can kill me, or I kill them. I don't mind if a higher player attack me. That's the scary feeling I signed up for when I rolled on a pvp server. It adds an additional dimension to the game except from just killing mobs. Premades is different. When you sign up for a competition then you want to have the "chance" to win. Against premades there is no chance at all. You would just wish that you never joined. It's pointless.
  7. Damn this sounds depressing. Makes me want to roll another class.
  8. That depends we have not been showed proof of it yet so we can't tell if it's true.
  9. Sounds perfect. Could you find that link and post it here?
  10. Yeah same thing goes for me. I thought they would have fixed this without reading the forums. It's really a shame that they haven't. They make probably the most advanced MMO to date but they don't even make the most essential feature, the camera right. It's such a shame because this game really has potential of becoming the greatest MMO ever. If they want that to become reality then the camera must work properly. Or pvpers will seek another game, sadly.
  11. Sorry man several of us in this thread has been hardcore pvpers in multiple other games. The targeting system and camera system has nothing to do with being a clicker. You must be able to look around your character at all times and tabbing while doing that won't cut it. We need to be able to get a good perspective of what is happening around the character while still fighting at the same time. Mouse is sometimes needed for targeting then. That does not mean being a clicker. However with this camera people will likely turn in to backpeddlers.
  12. Thanks for the input. It's interesting to read. You say they can be very good in group pvp. Which is most likely in a battleground such as hutball. That a marauder will top the dmg list or that an assassin will? Equally geared and skilled.
  13. Yes that helped a little. Thank you. What do you think about Marauder vs Assassin (1v1) or Marauder vs Sorcerer (1v1) ?
  14. Hello I've watched some youtube clips and I kind of like the Marauder fighting style. But I couldn't find any videos on them in high level pvp. How do you think they will perform on level 50? Are they a plain heavy dps class? How good are they 1on1? Can they take a few hits without dying? Will it be a pain in the *** for the enemy to get rid off a Marauder? How well do they compete with other classes if we assume the players are equally skilled.
  15. My friend has received early access and he says that the option is not there. Don't know what EA has to do with it? Bioware is the developers. And even if it's inconvenient for them like you say people will not stop complaining until they fix it. Also the game is not even officially released yet so it's way to early to give up!
  16. What you wrote in there is self explanatory already so I don't know if it's more constructive. But it's good that you are giving it more attention. Bioware, you make the most advanced MMO to date and you don't even make the camera right... Come on!
  17. Good post I couldn't agree more. Anyone that is into PvP NEEDS the ability to turn smart camera off. It can also be needed in PvE as stated in first post. Giving the option to turn it off should be a very simple thing to do for the programmers. Fix this! thanks
  18. Yes the locked camera view is very irritating. There should be an option so we can choose whether the camera should follow the character or not.
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