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Posts posted by LadyVix

  1. In 6.0, players geared quickly and easily, then were free to play the content they were interested in.


    In 7.0 players are forced to play content they're NOT interested in, and gearing up takes forever. Players aren't doing content because it's fun, they're doing it because that's the only path to gearing to 218/220/222 and beyond.


    In 6.0 EVERYONE had access to top tier gear.


    In 7.0 top gear is reserved only for those that can run the most challenging content. Unless you're an "elite" raider, you get NOTHING!


    If you enjoy the current system, that's great, but please remember that once the majority of players get frustrated and leave, queue times will rocket thru the roof and people will abandon SWTOR.

  2. So if we actively use one of these tacticals that we paid millions for, Bioware is going to remove it, leave us 100 credits, then charge us 1,000,000 credits and 3,000 tech fragments to replace it? Really? We're also supposed to grind those tech fragments with NO TACTICAL, and at a earn rate a fraction of what we currently have on live? (This, of course, is also as the level cap increases and we're trying to level)


    We should have had more than 5 days notice so that our characters could have prepared and bought replacements, and we should be compensated at very least the replacement value.

  3. I expect a re-colored speeder or droid for throwing thousands of snowballs, a forgettable title for hugging 10,000 wookies, and a few over priced "anniversary exclusive" items in the Cartel Market.


    Anyone who has been around the last 9 anniversaries should know not to expect much more than that.

  4. Was residing down in the Cantina, RPing as I usually do, posted two messages to a friend in quick succecion on a fluke, and then I couldent post a third, it keeps telling me I got "Squelched". So I looked it up, apparently it means I've been spamming, but I've never spammed in this game, far as I can recall.


    What do I do to get this lifted? I'd rather not have to wait out the next 24 hours.

    Personally, I'm glad the the system worked in this fashion.


    There's a place for your roleplaying... and it's NOT in general chat. If only we could figure out how to mass squelch many of the trolls on fleet and DK too.

  5. I've noticed that my guilds levels are both frozen. Regardless of how many millions of EXP my members are gaining, the guild level hasn't moved at all since the 22nd.


    Fate: Average .55 guild levels a day (almost 4 levels a week)

    Destiny: Average .71 guild levels a day (almost 5 levels a week)


    ZERO levels gained during a 2X EXP event where we're putting up 50+ million conquest points a week per guild.



  6. I have a friend who died from it here in Seattle, and I'm still on the mend, with almost zero energy. Being 60+ with respiratory problems and on chemo, I guess I should be happy just surviving this mess.


    FWIW, I posted how I felt that the current Rakghoul event was wrong for Bioware to run right now.


    For voicing my concern I was penalized, and the entire thread deleted by "Community Support."


    Luckily I'm too damn tired right now, otherwise I'd be tempted to disband my guilds and delete the 90+ characters I've leveled over the past 9 years.



  7. Tempt Fate. Define Destiny. Rally your allies. Conquer your opponents.


    Destiny and Fate Guilds can help you to do it.



    Destiny is our Republic side NON-RP guild on the Star Forge server. We participate in weekly large yield Conquest, and support:


    • Leveling content

    • Heroic missions

    • Guild flashpoint groups ( Level 10+)

    • Guild Operations groups (8m and 16m) Wed/Sat/Sun @ 6pm Pacific

    • World boss hunting parties

    • Daily mission runs

    • Datacron hunting

    • PVP parties


    We have a fully unlocked guild flagship and stronghold with GTN terminals and personal, legacy and guild cargo bay access.


    During peak playing hours, expect between 15-30 members online.



    Fate is our Imperial side NON-RP guild on the Star Forge server. We participate in weekly large yield Conquest, and support:

    • Leveling content

    • Heroic missions

    • Guild flashpoint groups ( Level 10+)

    • Guild Operations groups (8m and 16m) Sat/Sun @ 2pm Pacific

    • World boss hunting parties

    • Daily mission runs

    • Datacron hunting

    • PVP parties


    We have a fully unlocked guild flagship and guild stronghold with GTN terminals and personal, legacy and guild cargo bay access.


    During peak playing hours, expect 15-30 members online.





    Fatè & Destíny have a shared Discord server that's available to all at https://discord.gg/AjSV6c


    Tweet our Guildmaster @SWTORDestiny


    We are casual, family friendly guilds, and prefer that chat be rated PG(ish) and free of religious, political and ideological debate.


    Free players and Alts are welcome as long as they are actively played.


    For more information or to join our ranks, visit our discord, ask any in-game member, (ALL members can invite to guild) or leave a reply to this post.


    Thanks for visiting!

  8. Such a good troll post...


    This is a game.. FICTION.. it's not real ! :eek:


    This is a video game. It's not real, and it's supposed to be a fun way to forget about real life for a while. Unfortunately, as I struggle with covid related health issues, and as a friend fights for his life after being infected, this whole damn idea of having fun by infecting and killing others is anything but fun or enjoyable.


    Enjoy your sick infect and kill event.


    Rakghoul Resurgence on Tatooine: April 7 – 14, 2020


    Despite tens of thousands of people dying from an infectious virus ravaging the globe, Bioware thinks that having an event where people purposely infect and kill others is a great idea... Really?


    Some of us have lost friends to this epidemic, and to promote such an event during this pandemic shows exactly how insensitive and out of touch the Bioware staff is.


    To all that share my disgust, I implore you to tweet this to all your family and friends. Tell the world what kind of people are running this game.

  10. I don’t get it. You can get armorings mods and enhancements all by doing content. Heroics PvP FPS solo vm and mm. Yes you need 1 million for the shells but you can easily deconstruct gear you don’t want or need,for a chance at legendary embers which you can sell for 300k+ per on the gtn. It’s not that hard to get credits in this expansion.


    The title of the thread is "What exactly are Tech Fragments used for?"


    The tech fragments are used mainly as a creditsink for Bioware to suck credits out of Lv75 players. For every 3k fragments you earn, you spend several million credits on shells, augments and augment kits. The more fragments Bioware throws at you, the more players grind for credits. (Bonus time sink!)

  11. Let's be real. Tech fragments are really designed as a huge SWTOR credit sink.


    You play the game;


    You earn tech fragments;


    You hit the 10,000 tech fragment limit;


    You need to spend 1 million credits on an armor set shell;


    You need to farm armorings/mods/enhancements to put in that shell; (Yay, more tech fragments!)


    You need to buy augment kits;


    You need to spend a couple million credits on augments;


    Everything is designed to suck millions of credits from your player account while giving you back a couple of 50k credit vouchers for grinding conquest.

  12. 2. Solid Resource Matrices need to remain as a reward for ALL LEVELS please, otherwise why bother with conquest as a solo player with crafting. I do conquest on lower levels as I have no other sensible ways to get those matrices & they are currently given as a reward at all levels completing the personal conquest weekly. If they are not there, doing conquest on a lower level character is a waste of time for a solo player. As I suggested before just lower the amount of Solid Resource Matrices rewarded for below 71s rather than remove them:

    • 1 for levels 1-49
    • 1-2 for levels 50-70


    I disagree. The solid Resource Matrix is a high level crafting material that isn't relevant to low level characters that can't even craft anything that requires it. The only reason to give Solid Resource Matrix to low level players is to sell on the (price manipulated) GTN for credits. I'd rather lower level characters be given level appropriate materials, or better yet, just give them enough credits to entice them to participate in conquest.

  13. is it do with stopping people killing the mobs in KP Before the the boss leaving and resetting??? if that is probelm and how they dissed alot of people who subs for this game for many years, and plays then whats the point on doing conquest anymore helping big guilds? what is the complaining about now???


    There's nothing wrong with people farming KP mobs. Killing mobs is a part of the whole conquest system You get points for killing planetary mobs doing Rampage I/II/III and you get points for killing mobs in flashpoints. Why shouldn't you get points for killing elites in a KP ops group?


    Bioware setup a system that encourages farming. This is the end result.

  14. Hi all -


    My republic guild is rapidly growing, but I currently lack an established imperial side guild for our players.


    Does anyone have one for sale? (15% EXP) I'm not real concerned about guild name or flagship, I'll rename the guild and/or buy a flagship if necessary, I just want something with a decent EXP boost to entice current members to continue our SWTOR journeys together in the opposite faction.


    If anyone has one to offer, please let me know. Thanks!

  15. Hi guys,


    How do i transfer my whole legacy from one server to another, including My ranked pvp tokens and everything else?

    You can't transfer a legacy, just individual characters.

    How do i transfer those token that i cant put on my inventory (Like ranked pvp tokens, dark side tokens, etc)


    As far as I know, everything *should* transfer. I don't see why they would specifically exclude specific items like ranked tokens.


    Regardless, please report back after moving so we have a definitive answer.


    Easiest way to transfer a character is to use a referral link (like mine below) and use the free one-time server transfer.

  16. So much this.

    If you're not raiding or doing rated pvp you don't need the top tier gear. Period, end of story. MM FP's can be cleared easily with gear as low as 270.


    I do occasionally raid, and I frequently PVP. (unranked) Are you saying that I shouldn't have 306 gear unless I'm doing ranked?


    I'm not teh one with problems gearing. YOU are. Maybe you're doing it wrong, or have the wrong expectations?

  17. I

    Grats on your 306 gear that you never needed in the first place since all you do is probably dailies and other low tier content. That doesn't make the system good as a whole.


    What do I "need?"


    What do you "need?"




    If I run a lot of flashpoints, shouldn't I be entitled to decent gear? I grind a little over 1.5 million conquest points per week running flashpoints, PVPing, doing events, and running an occasional OPS. Should I not be entitled to better gear because i don't play like you do?


    If you're not running OPS or PVPing, do you change to crappier gear because, obviously, you don't "need" it, right?

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