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Everything posted by Kcebrevo

  1. If you have a bracket you will get...A challenge! If you do not have a bracket you get a ROFLSTOMPING from the team with all the 50s. With the bracket you can ensure that level 10s will keep playing, and the level 50s will keep going against each other, keeping the challenge and the low levels from quitting the game from being stunlocked or smashed by all the level 50s in an unfair PvP situation?
  2. Yeah, I agree with this. I can run into a Warzone, run into a level 40-50 (Myself not being very far off at 34, so I am guilty of this too) and I get either stomped by them, or the level 10s-29s I can totally annihilate. This really does need to be bracketed, because no matter what you do, more skills, or armor bonuses, or just skill with the class is going to dominate the other players.
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