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Posts posted by FormlessOne

  1. Assume for a second you know for a fact that I am in an ACCREDITED MBA program. Compare my opinion to a guy with absolutely NO background in business and economics. Whose opinion would be more credible?


    Neither, really - as neither of you have any actual experience in that field, never mind the field actually being discussed, what would be the point of asking either of you?


    You're a virgin with a copy of the Kinsey report - I could ask you and another virgin about sex, but, as neither of you has any applied knowledge in the subject, I'd get two different, but probably incorrect, answers. The fun part, though, is that the virgin with a copy of the Kinsey report would be smugly confident in their incorrect answer - got that report and all.


    Yeah I'm not out there making millions of dollars because I am in school.



  2. Thats me, my family and all my friends. I spend time in the forums when I am doing other things and can't play but I'm the only one I know that even comes here. BTW we all love the game.


    How DARE they enjoy themselves without being fully informed of the true tragedy of this game's eternal shortcomings! It's almost as if they're ignoring the efforts of the windowlicking trolls on the forums to disrupt their ignorant bliss - it's inconceivable! ;)

  3. Yeah.


    Keep saying stuff about going back to Pandas by the way.


    Those Pandas you keep making fun of are going to take everything that isn't nailed down from this piece of **** in a few short months.


    If it means taking the credit farmers, the pseudo-hardcore, and the loudmouths, then they're welcome to Mighty Morphin' Power Pandas, with my blessing.

  4. You want to fail as a master and as a jedi when your apprentice takes over the galaxy? Not only did you let him turn, but couldn't stop him afterwords. You want to fail so hard you can't even beat a sith 2 on 1 and have to resort to basically sucker punching him? Then you want to be driven out of civilization entirely and have to live in a cave for the rest of your life, until your own apprentice pwns you both you and your new apprentice? You're quite ambitious there. Well, I guess there could be a certain prestige in being the biggest failure that ever lived. At least you'd be the best at something.


    On the other hand, I get to find the kid meant to fix this mess, choose the manner of my death and, by doing so, ensure that I ascend to a higher plane of consciousness. This ascension allows me to guide the kid to blow up the Death Star, point him at his next mentor, unite him with his estranged family, and enjoy eternity wrapped in the Force while the struggling but oh-so-angry Sith resurgence blows up in Death Star II: Electric Boogaloo.


    Guess it depends on your definition of success. Become invulnerable, immortal, and enjoy eternal schadenfreude watching my arch-nemesis get tossed into a chasm by my once-failed apprentice, only to have that same apprentice embrace the light side of the Force, die, and spend a happy eternity with me and my mentor? Yeah, I can live with that, so to speak.

  5. Im saying I saw the email not a screenshot of it. The parts the guy who originally posted took out had to do with account names and emails. I dont really care if you believe me honestly I am just conveying what I saw. I think Bioware doesnt want people in those high lvl areas at low level because they dont want newbs with millions of credits. Its clearly a lvl 50 area. That being said they are banning people for going there below lvl 40. Ive seen the email I cant believe Bioware would send emails out like that. Must be a company who's first language is not english who made that email (meaning I think they outsource this stuff).


    So, that's a "no"?

  6. Why do you think?


    People want to be Boba Fett and Darth Vader and Darth Sidious.


    Nobody wants to be Luke and Obi-Wan.


    A small fraction wants to be Han Solo.


    It's mostly about the image with the population.


    However, I'm trying out most classes (Not making a Bounty Hunter, because after I made an Imperial Agent, I vowed NEVER to go to Hutta again. Most boring planet in the world)


    I know I want to be Obi-Wan. However, your mileage may vary.


    It's the same old story. In any escapist entertainment, anything positioned opposite the thing you're escaping has the appeal. It's hard to make an accurate generalization here, obviously, but I suspect the younger players joining the game don't want to be "law and order" types. There's enough forced order, constraint, and limitation in their real lives, and so playing a bad guy that doesn't have to follow orders, feel constrained, or suffer limitations is the hook.

  7. The Trooper says, "Havoc Squad, move out!" and it's just the one person you brought with you. I feel like this game was planning to allow you to use 2-3 companions at all times (would explain why groups have 4 members instead of 5).


    Anyway, it'd be cool if BioWare added in the ability to summon 3 companions in instanced areas. (Like story areas).


    Because we don't have enough disincentive to group up?

  8. Wrong, people that don't understand the game (or product) are wrong. A developer has "vision" of how a thing should be. He works on it and the expert (which is the player) gives his input.

    Based on that input, the developer gets all the info it needs toimprove or perfect the product.


    Utter shash.


    Shops vary as to what & how they do things, but here's a general flow (I'm skipping some steps for the purposes of brevity.) A developer gets a design spec from a project manager (PM), typically after a series of high-level discussions with managers, marketing staff, prospective or current internal or external customers, or service personnel. Lots of haggling before this point during a spec review, as everybody and his brother either wants "in" on the feature or function to be specified, or wants to grind their particular ax.


    The developer then drafts an implementation spec, to ensure that the feature or functionality to be developed matches the requirements & expectations of the design spec. Again, a round of spec review occurs, in which the developer, PM, and anyone else with a stake in the outcome shows up and ratholes for hours, days, or weeks on exactly what should be done and how it should be done.


    Once everybody signs off, because CYA is the name of the game here, the developer codes, unit tests, and checks in their particular chunk of feature or function. In the vast majority of cases, the "expert" is the PM, not the customer. (Hint: in this scenario, the player is the customer.)


    And, far too often, the PM is clueless. Either he's received incorrect or biased input from customer feedback, marketing, or is leaned upon from on high to unduly influence a feature or function in the wrong direction - it's a bad design. The developer may cut corners from an implementation - technical or architectural limitations, time issues, or even politics may prevent a suitable implementation.


    And that's before it gets to testers, usability, localization, and user education (UE - read "the folks who document it.") It can be months or years before a customer ever actually sees the output of such a feature, and rest assured, customers range the gamut from "expert" to "huh?". Their feedback, accordingly, spans that same gamut.


    Even with all this, at the end of the day, all of the people involved with the process can end up being dead wrong, not because they didn't do what they were asked, but because they did what they were asked to do, and then discovered that it wasn't what was really needed.


    There's no magic "vision" given to a developer - the dev gets a concrete set of inputs, provides a concrete set of outputs after following an explicitly determined process, and may never even meet or talk to a customer during the entire development process. The customer is, quite often, anything but an "expert" - their requirements are typically narrowly focused to their particular needs, and so tend to be biased and myopic. The wider the customer base of a product, the less likely a specific customer is going to get the entire product changed just for their needs (although it does happen.)


    On a side note, this is YOU who is not seeing the point. It's because you think like that. Generally selfish people who on purpose refuse to admit error simply because of their own opinion.

    Remember my friend, if everything it would have been how we'd wanted to be, we'll all be millionaire's and kings, fortunately it is not like that:)

    You're not showing signs of improvement either with that statement. Instead of giving an argument like that, dare to ask that the problem is, instead blocking and keeping the problem from being fixed.


    Pompous, presumptuous posturing does no one any good, and what you provided here was just that. Condescension does not somehow raise you above whatever level you perceive to be here, and certainly does you no favors.

  9. Well I checked out the subscription email and even it had a spelling mistake. If you still have yours they spell notification, notfication when referring the the 30/60 day plan.


    Yep - not everything gets caught. I've been in the field for over a decade, and editors occasionally miss things. Here's the text from mine, for folks who don't have theirs (the typo is emphasized):


    Greetings FormlessOne:

    You have successfully created a subscription for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. If you subscribed to a 30 or 60 day recurring plan, you will be billed on a recurring basis without further notfication. If you are subscribed to a 180 day recurring plan, you will be notified approximately 30 days prior to being billed.

    To view or change your subscription information visit http://www.swtor.com/user/account

    May the Force be with you,

    The Star Wars: The Old Republic Team


    However, compare the flow, grammar, and wording of this message with the dreck posted by the OP, and you'll see they're not even close.

  10. Where is our sever forums Snoggy? I'm going to start posting this stuff. I'm so angry right now. This Operative just grabbed a purple BH implant and left group. I have screen shots of it as well as screen shots of me messaging him/her with no response. I'm just so sick of this.


    It's one reason I've been avoiding PUGs. I like my guildies, and so I stick with my guildies when it comes time to run group missions. The only challenge is that we need more guildies. :p

  11. Avoiding the issue we are, yes.


    No, just comparing this silly "message" to other communications provided by BioWare, and realizing that the folks who write such communications have both a manual of style and, typically, an editor to which they are beholden, there are so many mistakes in this "message" that it's pretty damned obvious it's a fake. To wit:


    1. No editor worth their salt would've allowed passive voice in this kind of communication. "We wish to notify you that we are sanctioning..."? Really?
    2. No comma between "From an investigation of your account" and "we can see".
    3. "Loot Containers" shouldn't be capitalized.
    4. It's "Ilum", not "Illum".
    5. Missing space between "(below level 40)." and "Illum [sic] is intended"
    6. "Level" shouldn't be capitalized.
    7. "Account" shouldn't be capitalized.
    8. No indication of what "a ban on your Account" is, actually. Typically, accounts are either temporarily banned, for a specified time period, or permanently banned. In both cases, the type and length of such bans are explicitly specified, for legal purposes.
    9. Comma missing before "up to and including".
    10. Unless the "message" came from the EU, it's spelled "familiarize".


    Basically, someone with little or no concept of technical writing, but with some experience of getting kicked off a game, drafted this silly little "message".

  12. I opened over 40 of those bags and got two lightsaber (my companion has an epic now) and an implant...thats all, I have guildies who opened 8 and got 6 items that are not repeats. I'd say it is a horrible system and extremely luck dependent.




    I'm grateful that this game actually includes an element of luck. We're not socialists - you're not entitled to have exactly the same as everyone else. Sometimes, folks get lucky - and unlucky.


    You have the same chance as everyone else, just not necessarily the same result. That's a perfectly reasonable approach, and beats the "succession of hamster wheels" approach other games use to keep you trudging the same paths over & over again.

  13. I don't have this problem. I've removed gray missions without difficulty.


    I do have two grey missions that I don't want to abandon:


    • Social Points
      Yep, that's right - I still haven't grouped with enough folks to make Social rank 1.
    • Back Alley
      Once they fix the bug in this mission preventing completion, I want to complete it.


  14. Story is very important to some folks, like myself, who don't simply want to exercise the functionality of a game - BioWare made book on engaging story lines, voice talent, and immersive plots.


    If this game doesn't work for you, if story isn't as important as, say, raid progression, then there are actually dozens of games out there that do cater to the "succession of hamster wheels" gameplay characteristic of current MMOs.

  15. If you have already put over 100 hours into this game then you really have been playin too much. That's like 6 hours a day if you started on the first early day. I have a 9 to 5 and I don't even spend 6 hours a day working if you take out breaks, chatting and bathroom stops.:p


    I am happy the ops don't require you to be on the top of your game. I want to see the stories and content. The only thing I care about gear for is how I look.:D


    There are plenty of games on the market that cater to the "hardcore grind" - I'm here because this isn't one of them. I have a life outside of whatever game I'm currently playing, and so it's nice to be able to decide not to play the game for a bit without the wailing & gnashing of teeth from fellow guildmates who feel stuck because I'm not performing my assigned role in my guild's assigned progression, thereby halting the collective race with the Joneses to claim a "first" or a "level".


    It's nice to see MMOs return to being just a form of entertainment, and not a friggin' job.

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