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Everything posted by SteveMND

  1. They've done alright. I mean, they took a big chance on having EVERYTHING voiced-acted, as that makes it harder to change stuff later on and takes up huge amounts of disk space as compared to textual stuff. Personally, i'd be far more happy if they actually made the choices you get in the dialogue options to match what it actually is your character says. Choosing something like "I can't agree with that" and having my guy actually say "Wow, you're a complete moron, aren't you" (and subsequently getting a dirty look from my companion) detracts far more from the 'story-driven' aspects so heavily advertised than any voice acting would. That said, a friend of mine had a very good idea that I think might be doable for Bioware. The game already has it such that in some cases, such as certain helmets, etc., your character's voice takes on a slightly 'digitized' voice effect. That implies they can make those sorts of changes to the sound file on the fly, and that means it should be potentially possible for them to adjust the regular voice a little. Not a lot, of course, but it might be able to set the character voice for a character to be deeper or higher than the default voice as a result, allowing you to choose different 'versions' of the voice depending on your preference at character creation.
  2. Are you certain it's 'dwindling population' and not just 'players playing alts once their main reaches 50'? Because on my server (Kath Hound) I hear a couple of people complaining that the lvl 50 WZs have slacked off some due to the creation of the separate lvl 50 bracket (a change I wholeheartedly agree with), but i've not seen any sort of noticeable population change in the 11-49 level WZs.
  3. Is that what happened? One of my biggest gripes with the game was that even on High, the textures -- especially my guy, since that's who i see most often in the closeups, cutscenes, etc. -- always seem to be comparatively low-resolution maps on all his gear. I was wondering if maybe my client had simply gone rogue, or lost some files, or whatnot. Also, speaking of 'medium=high now,' did anyone else notice recently that High Shadows no longer seem to be high shadows, but seem completely equal to the medium ones now? At least on my client it seems that way... I'm hoping these are temporary measures until they get them fixed, and that they haven't just written them off as stuff not to bother with in lieu of fancy new PvP zones and raids. That sort of irresponsibility usually comes a little later in a game's lifespan than two months in!
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