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Posts posted by Sangnz

  1. Interesting idea but tbh feels like it would be more like something that would be pulled off as a instance event.

    You are also asking for almost an entirely new set of mechanics to be made and introduced which probably won't happen soon if ever, while I would love to see more space based content including squad based space missions I don't see them happening at least within the first 6 months while the bring the base line features in line with other MMOs like customisable UI, Guild bank introducing the legacy system etc

  2. Simply put if you have auto queue warzones very few people are going to go open world PvP unless the rewards drastically outweigh those found in warzones.

    No one wants to travel off the fleet if they can sit there being auto dropped into PvP without any effort involved.

    Same thing happened in WoW, huge open world fights almost totally vanished with the intro of BGs and did completely vanish once you could queue from Battlemasters in the cities. Same thing exists in almost every MMO that has instanced PvP zones that you can queue for from anywhere at any time unless the rewards for open world PvP force players to do it.


    Short of removing Warzones and putting everything into open world warzones (could even make one for the 10-49 braket) there is no fix for the ever increasing laziness of players who want everything handed to them on a plate.

  3. There isn't a lot to comment on, energy management is the hardest thing to master but that requires practice and experience.


    Conceal - 4 buttons

    Medic - 3 buttons 4 if you raid

    Lethality could probably do with a guide with its crazy priorities dot/debuff/buff management etc

  4. It does get better. I have a 50 Imperial Operative who I leveled as a medic 100% of the time. I LOVED the story loved the questing enjoyed FPs, PvP and space battle. I really enjoy the crafting system. I barely explored 50% of the content due to getting so badly hooked on my main story :p


    I am now leveling a Sith Assassin with a friend and it is even more fun leveling with a friend (he is also an assassin) we are thinking of getting a 4 man leveling group done at some point in the future possibly republic side.


    You know what I am still loving this game, I have so much more to see and do.

  5. Adapt.

    This is how PvP works in swtor everyone has CC abilities, typically one hard stun one mezz and a snare, some have a bit more.

    If you don't like it then that is your personal issue with the system I haven't seen you say anything as to why this is bad beyond the fact that you personally don't like it.

  6. 15-01-2012

    Healing bonus 345.7 (1248 cunning, 72 power, 934 techpower). Considérant 0 alacrity


    Kolto Injection:

    H = 2018

    HPE = 80.72

    HPS = 1009


    Kolto Infusion:

    H = 1755

    HPE = 87.75

    HPS = 1170


    Kolto Probe:

    H = 1012 (x2)

    HPE = 67.47 (not x2 since you have to cast twice)

    HPS = 56.2 basis, 112.45 stacked, 96.38 stacked counting 2 GCD.


    Surgical Probe:

    H = 766,5

    HPE = (-)

    HPS = 511


    Recuperative Nanotech:

    H = 1312

    HPE = 43.7 pro target. ie 43.7/87.5/131.1/174.48

    HPS = 87.5 pro target. ie 87.5/174.9/262.5/349.9







    - Kolto Infusion is very not worth the TA cost unless you want (you may somethimes) to burn your energy. KInj+SP is pretty much our single target basic rotation.


    - RN isnt THAT bad. For instence its more energy efficient than KP on 2 targets. I'd say its worth taking even if very situational.


    - KP is very bad. Unless for it being instent and eventually proc a TA.


    You should probably take into account each tick of KP can crit so good chance of 1-2 crits during its duration.

  7. I'm mostly pleased.


    RN needs something, right now it is SUPER situational, trying to get a full group to stand close enough so it hits everyone is pretty much impossible, coupled with its high cost (most expensive heal) means it is rarely used which from a design perspective is pretty poor for the top end talent.

    I would like to see it go one of two ways


    Leave cooldown/cost as is but have it heal over a shorter duration, there is no point keeping the duration longer than the cool down, due to our mechanic it is impossible to cycle RN as cool down is up so make it a big burst hot that heals for the same amount over 6 seconds.


    The other direction is is leave it all as is but it costs TA instead of energy, allowing use to work it in rotationally.

  8. Ok so I use a razer naga for additional buttons this is my layout for a 50 Operative


    These are on my naga

    Num1 - Diag Scan

    Num2 - Kolto Injection

    Num3 - Kolto Probe

    Num4 - Surgical Probe

    Num5 - Recuprative Nanotech

    Num6 - Tox Scan

    Num7 - Stims

    Num8 - Adrenal Probe


    Everything else on the keyboard

    1 - Rifle Shot

    2 - Overpower Shot

    3 - Corrosive Dart

    4 - Sever Tendon

    5 - Shield Probe

    6 - Evasion

    7 - Cloaking Screen


    S1 - Frag Grenade

    S2 - Carbine Burst

    S3 - Orbital Bombardement


    Q - Debilitate

    E - Flash Bang

    R - Distraction


    SQ - Shiv

    SE - Backstab

    SR - Hidden Strike


    Relics I still havent slotted in yet probably have them in the 8-9 slots

  9. Can anyone say loot bug (Woe, that is)?


    Oh Oh me, I loved being stuck looting for 30 mins at a time! Oh the memories.


    Seriously this game requires polish but it is still a good MMO, smooth launch minimal impact bugs end game mostly playable.

    However a portion of the gaming community is a very vocal bunch of self entitled morons. While the rest of us will either play the games and occasionally complain a bit about bugs or just quit the game because it's not our thing, these people will rampage on the forums throwing tantrums and demanding the developer makes it into the game THEY want.


    The impact on the community these people have is immensly negtive because they persist on spouting their vitrol and hatred clogging up forums with copy and paste posts burying useful info, proper feedback and insightful posts, it also puts off people visiting the forums who may be interested in the game.


    So a word to these people, we get it you don't like the game, thats is fine no one is forcing you to keep playing but stop trying to make it sound like the game is dead in the water, stop posting uninformed crap and trying to drag down the rest of us just because you don't like the game.

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