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Posts posted by Sangnz

  1. Ok so a gripe of mine regarding stealth for healing OPs and to a lesser extent lethality is while stealth is all well and good there is little to no real reason to use it as a healer, concealment obviously gets huge benefit from opening from stealth and it they should be in stealth at all times for full access to their openers.

    Medicine has no stealth openers (well they have hidden strike but it his like a wet noodle compared to concealment and has no knockdown) that are applicable to the spec, aside from the usual benefits of being unseen (except 1.2 has made us a lot easier to find) there isn't much of a reason to move around in stealth, as a medic you need to be moving point to point to heal and I often find stealth just means I lag behind my team or don't get there in time.

    In PvE there is 0% reason to use stealth as a Medic.


    My idea would be to provide an opener bonus based on spec, probably appended to a deep talent


    Medicine: Dropping stealth gives you a buff that makes your next kolto injection free or makes your first kolto probe an auto double stack.

    An extreme idea might even be a huge boost to energy regen for 10 seconds upon leaving stealth.

    Just something that encourages us to use stealth as a tool both in PvP and PvE.


    Well that's my thought at least.

  2. The side keys on a blackwidow are special macro keys and you can't bind them as such.

    What you can do is record a macro on them either using the on the fly macro recording while in game or in the Razer control software.

    Check the manual if you dunno how to do either.

  3. TBH unless the headset is of shoddy manufacture I don't see what the problem is, sure you don't get to be Mr Special (which is the main cut of your jib) with his fancy colour crystal but you have a (I assume) decent head set that gives a Free in game item that anyone else has to work and pay for.


    Seriously this recent spat of whining and ************ over the littlest thing is getting tiresome, it is no wonder the majority of the gaming community is considered a bunch of whining self entitled complainers.

  4. In WoW, I selected Death Knight when I should have played Feral Druid.

    RIFT I played a Mage when I should have played a healer.

    SWTOR I played a Juggarnaut, when I should have played a ranged class...ANY ranged class.


    DK = initially incredibly OP at start and for about a 6months until a series of nerfs brought them inline, even then they are one of the most common Arena classes (most 5man team have a DK) and make good dps and excellent tanks


    Mages in Rift have at various points been intensly powerful, pyro build mages have some of the highest dmg numbers in the game and chloromancers are very desirable raid healers.


    Juggernaught is an awesome raid tank and in PvP make excellent flag carriers with high mobility and decent CC/snare abilities. Admittedly they are late bloomers and honestly dont come into their own until late 30s

  5. The problem is probably routing from the local ISPs.


    Most Asia Pacific ISPs route through the US to Aus, some small amount route straight through to NZ/Aus. Same thing happened to WAR.

    Run a trace route to the servers if you route through the US you are better of playing on a US server or locating an ISP that routes straight down.


    This not Biowares fault this is a routing issue from local ISPs who route data through to the US before it goes to Aus.

  6. Failure 1: Not letting the oceanic community know well in advance of plans to release regional servers. Most of us would have waited if we had known a) the release date b) that we were going to get Aussie based servers.


    Failure 2: Not providing any substantial info on what was happening with server transfers in advance of the oceanic release. Giving us vague info that they were looking into it then dropping a 2 month delay on people out of no where with no explanation as to why such a huge delay is kind of asking for it.


    I know Devs normally play their cards close to the chest but they could avoid a lot of anger if they would communicate more openly regarding important issues.

  7. I have a 50 Op I like the class but it feels like a lot of our talents where rushed and we are full of half finished ideas, with a big design disconnect between stealth melee basis we have and the lethaliy and medicine trees.


    I have a 34 Merc who has a MUCH easier time PvPing as a healer or dps than my Op was.

    I have a 37 Assassin who is way more effective in a surprise ******* role than my Op was.


    I also have a way easier time PvEing on those toons than my Op as well.

  8. Commando/Bounty Hunter healers have 2 deep tree talents that 1) increase self heals while their shield is up and 2) makes them immune to spell knockback from being hit and immune to interupts., the shield lasts 12 seconds and reduces dmg by 25%.


    Trick is if you see the shield go up use focus/rage builders on em keep enough dmg flowing so that they can't heal others or fight back then the moment the shield drops burst the living **** out of them.

  9. Concealment Ops are viable in both hardmodes and operations. The damage they do is fine, despite what some people may say. I am a concealment op with the unyielding title. In my opinion concealment dps is on par with everyone else.


    This, I think a lot of the whining that has gone on around operatives has kinda of skewed the opinions of a lot of people, when played well operatives dps is on par with most other dps.

  10. Unfortunatly, it doesn't matter how good of a healer you are,

    No amount of skill can fix our broken secondary mechanics (Tactical Advantage).


    Getting TA on a reliable manner forces you to cast 2 second heals to do so. (for a single TA).

    When you're in a situation where you can't cast that or when someone is under so much pressure that you do not have the luxury to cast for 4 seconds then there is nothing you can do.


    The only other ways to get TA is by putting ourself in danger by being in melee range for shiv and just asking people to f*ck us up.

    Or by praying to the RNG gods that Kolto Probe gives a proc. And even that requires time and GCDs


    We desperatly need a Cooldown that allows us to generate TA procs instantly.


    Evasive Imperative/Scramble replaced by following:


    - Cornered ~ Using Countermeasures gives you the advantage over the situation, instantly granting 2 stacks of Tactical Advantage.


    - Trickster ~ Using Surrender tricks your opponent into thinking you give up, instantly granting you 2 stacks of Upper Hand


    I would also love to see Infiltration/Smuggle to be actually made useful. Because in its current state its very lackluster.

    Preferably a group or raid wide defensive cooldown that would make Operative/Scoundrel desired for Operations and dungeons.




    TA is also very restrictive only stacking twice with a 10 second duration is silly, if they either allowed a higher number of TA to take into account the RNG nature of kolto probe TA procs or gave it a minute duration (like EVERY other 2ndary mechanic/resource) it might be more bearable.

  11. Personally I would like to see them work more on the idea of a stealth healer.

    Remove the near useless med shield ability and replace it with:


    Shadow Healing


    Cloaking screen healing debuff is reduced by 50/100%

    After using cloaking screen you can continue to heal without breaking stealth for 5/10 seconds

    Sneak allows you to heal while stealthed for 4/8 seconds.

  12. In short Ops can be effective healers but the other two healers have it easier.


    The core issue is a combination of a clunky highly restrictive secondary resource and lack of supportive talents.

    Our heals do only that heal no additional buffs, look at the Merc, 5% for 15seconds healing buff to targets hit by kolto missile (which can be improved when using supercharged gas to include 10% dmg reduction as well), 10% armour buff to targets hit by healing scan, synergy between heals with healing scan reducing the heat cost of rapid scan. and a secondary mechanic that doesn't need constant babysitting, doesn't run out every 10 seconds and can be used for a +10% 15 second heal bonus on demand and improves kolto missile and healing scan during that time.

  13. Those things are testable. I have a 25ms rock steady high speed cable connection - these issues aren't present in wow, a 7 year old game... old technology. It's not a huge issue right now because pvp is anything but "competitive"... But with 1.2 rateds are going to be a frustrating joke if they are not addressed.


    Yours might be the person you are hitting might not be, if that person as high latency you will see the same stuff.


    Also instantly blaming the engine is retarded, the engine handles things like ingame physics, graphics, sound etc, looking at the vids this would probably be network code related or a server side issue.

    If you ever played WoW you would know that for 7 years people have glitched warrior charge by jumping which due to latency caused them to be stunned 5-10yards from where the warrior ends up.

    It is a frequent occurrence in ANY MMO where stunning someone causes them to appear in a different location but still reasonably close by and is normally caused by latency on one side of the equation yours or theirs (some times server side)

  14. Takes longer than questing by quite a lot, I would recommend at least doing space mission dailies to boost you on the way as well as class quests.


    As for enjoyable class, that would be personal preference and what you want out of your PvP no one can tell you which class you find enjoyable only what they find enjoyable.

  15. Note: all of the following assumes people know appropriate use of defensive skills, stuns, interrupts and knockbacks.


    Healer vs DPS = healer is not healing regardless of what happens, one dps has effectively stopped one healer from healing their team, job done. A healer is incapable of continuing to heal his team if being wailed on and will die fast unless they heal themselves.


    Healers do dick all dmg so if they take on a DPS it's an attrition war, can they keep themselves alive while slowly whittling away at your health.

    2 DPS on a healer = dead healer unless he pops all defensive cooldowns and even then he is going to die he is just prolonging the death.


    As for spotting them look for the cast bars and look for the guys standing around not shooting ****.

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