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Posts posted by Hockaday

  1. Turn off anti aliasing.


    Read the post...


    OP. I believe it's packet loss. I've been at 50 fps, 35ms latency, and had my game stand still for 4 seconds. Latency never changed. It's been happening since before the expansion. Nothing you can do really.


    I play on three screens at very high resolution, on a i7-4790k with a EVGA SC+ 980ti and the game is butter smooth. Just finished up a WZ about 30 min ago, 60fps the whole time.


    Could be your ISP, could be heat or configuration issues, could be the hampsters haven't been fed... all I can report is that the game is smoother than it has been for awhile, for me at least.


    Again...it's not frame loss. smh...

  2. Ok, that's what I thought. I love Webroot, but this is a huge problem. I was not able to resolve it with them. They want me to call them, I just have been a bit busy. Let me know if you get an answer.


    Also, this doesn't just happen in SW:TOR. It also happens in a few other games. Like Space Engineers.

  3. Actually I am. Luckily my wife is sane. I have shown her some of the post on here. She chuckled and said (Sometimes I wonder how the human race has made it this far). I laughed. I tell you some of these forums make you loose faith in humanity. Its funny in a dark scary way.


    MMO forums are more toxic than Nucular Waste lol. They should carry a tag saying "If you have an IQ under 100 we want to hear from you! BTW crayons are over there."


    Well then.

  4. First thing that comes to mind is your A/V. Webroot causes something very similar. If you're tabbed out, or your cursor is in another program. When you click back into the game it can randomly press a bunch of keys. Thus opening a bunch of menus, activating abilities, making you run, etc.


    Try turning off your A/V and or switching to Defender, see if it still happens.

  5. Of course, there is only one real companion with multiple skins now, since any individuality was removed with the last update. They can all tank, dps, or heal.



    Thisi s partially incorrect. There is a difference, at least for dpsing, in companions. Before 4.0, only melee companions with bleeds were decent. Now, if a companion is not dual wielding or using a rifle, their dps will be quite lack luster compared to the others. Even then, some outshine the others.


    Senya and the Akk dog are by far the worst dpsing comps.

  6. +1 This.


    Many in this thread look LEVELING aspect only. Sure its powerful to have companion who is strong also in heroics areas but thats EXACTlY what bioware intended. People forget that no one wanted to do heroics pre 4.0 and it was obvious that many had to skip heroics areas because of that. Question is if companions scale well from mid to end level that is 50. But since in future you have to run tons and tons of heroics to farm supply crates i see why Bioware did this move in first place. I cant imagine having to get group of people to do ALL planet heroics. Being able to solo them with companion is exactly what was needed.

    Leveling without companion is still possible if some want challenge.


    You've been able to solo Heroics since launch. Yes, while leveling; yes, H4s.


    Companions are overpowered as hell at the moment. Player healers do not even touch companion healers. There is no need for them.


    I'm not exactly complaining, but you're a fool if you don't think they're OP. But it is what Bioware intended. They've turned this game form a decent MMO to a pretty garbage single player game.

  7. Yes, the engine is updated frequently, just not in ways that people who know code by bullet lists on review sites would understand. We've had two major rewrites of the shaders. We've had two major changes to how lighting and shadows are handled.


    It should be known, that while this is true...they've done it poorly. And actually decreased performance.

  8. See, people like the quoted are a major problem in MMO forums....they don't like the game the way they used to so they BASH the entire game when anyone has an issue....


    On topic though, I have gotten into the habit of reinstalling windows annually to get rid of the unavoidable performance loss that occurs. My dinosaur runs the game on ultra..by dinosaur I mean 4 year old computer.


    No, you're putting words in my mouth. There are horrendous optimization issues, if you actually played the game, or weren't white knighting it, you'd see it. The very fact that you say you have to reinstall windows -just- for SW:TOR is a massive problem...but no, this game is made perfectly!


    And yes, there will be a lot of defense...it's coming. Oh, and yeah, I'm probably not a lone not being impressed they're turning this into a subscription RPG.

  9. Vanguards are the easiest IMO because mitigation is almost baked into the class. Just run through your attacks. Shadows, on the other hand, have to work much harder at mitigating damage. And that is something you don't want to be worrying about in a Pug.


    On the other side of this, an Assassin can carry a healer much better than a PT can.


    PT is a one button rotation, it's the easiest, and your main attack is an aoe. All the threat.

  10. 1)

    Grats :D but reember its all one level at 4.0. Are EV/KP nim on par with snv,tfb and EC nim? Not in the slightest. BW knows this.


    One of the first raids I tanked was NiM EC, it wasn't very difficult (this was when it was current content). Are they on par? No, but they're not that disimilar either. The fights have around 1 slightly different or added mechanic. Usually another circle or dps having to kill at the same time. It's basically HM.


    NiM EV has slightly varied mechanics as well. Should we keep that in then?



    Yeah nah aye. Where EV/KP Nim are almost identical to their HM versions. NIM EC, TFB, SNV all do feel like NIM versions, when compared to HM. Otherwise you would see more casual guilds selling NIM SNV/TFB if it really was as easy mechanics/scaling wise.


    Disagree, any pug can clear it. It's as easy as SM. The mechanical differences are extremely minor. I cleared it with a bunch of RPrs who couldn't clear SS HM, could barely clear Bulo.

  12. No doubt metrics would point to story being the main thing players do in Swtor. It is also the main reason I came back. But the simple truth is metrics point to story being the main activity because everything else in the game was so poorly done. I prefer PVP in MMO's, in Tor world pvp is non existent due to being so instanced and warzones quite simply suck after a couple hours of playing. The game can't even handle more then 10 players fighting in the same area, pvp is torture with lag. Once I finish the main story of every class and the new expansion, I plan to put the game down for a while. Should line up perfect with Battlefront, I'm sure many others have the same plan.


    ...this...this is a you issue. Not saying there aren't further optimizations that could be made etc...but I mean...I do 16m raids fine, pvp has 16 people in it, I've done 20 plus world bosses...it's a you thing.

  13. For your point of Torque, bring a Jugg DPS? As for Monolith, that was broken and fixed, again, I'd agree with you if it was still in game which it isn't. Also if you're bringing jugg primarily to burn fire devices, you're taking a weaker tank purely to cheese an already trivial mechanic which is silly. That's like bringing 2 PT tanks to Sword Squadron so they can alternate who runs the bombs with hydraulics or Assassins with Phase walk.


    We're on the same page, but the damage on torque isn't too bad, and the dps I run with these days need all the help they can get :p (ever seen a sniper pull less than 3k on torque? I have...) But, at best you're arguing that neither jug or sin have an advantage on Torque...but torque isn't difficult to begin with. So while shroud is the better abilitiy in general, it just depends on the fight.


    Though, I believe the bigger problem isn't shroud or reflect (really a non issue), it's still the mitigation mechanics of Sins vs jugs / pts. Neither have to do damage to trigger them, nor have a tight time to fit it in. iirc, Jugs have an absurd 6 seconds of leeway.


    Btw, we both agree shroud is the better abilitiy in general. Though I don't think Jugs should have reflect to begin with...but that's an entirely different argument, and more of a philosphical one. Which the devs have chosen to homogenize the classes, vs making them diverse.


    Also, shouldn't Sin aoe taunt...do something? Both jug and pts have the ability for it to do something.

  14. Other than Overcharge Saber on Revan and Fire Devices, there is no absurd amount of damage bouncing back at the target due to the cap. Hydraulics in Revan out shines reflecting Overcharge Saber and in Torque, being able to shroud both floor vents and fire device is better than globalling every 2nd fire device.


    Shroud can be used in a lot more situations than Reflect can, so the question is.


    Is reflect better because it works on less abilities but deals damage?


    I'll give you a hint, the answer is no.


    The cap is about 15,000 a hit. 15,000 a minute for a big hit, i.e. say Soaring Smash or in the case of Revan, Overcharge Saber which hits for like 6-10k? About 30k in total if not more every 1 minute. I'd rather be able to shroud Trail of Agony than be able to hit Revan for 30k every one minute.


    I would have agreed reflect would be on average better if it was still usable on broken abilities to deal absurd damage.


    They just finally got to "nerfing" reflect. The problem is, it depends on the fight. Would I rather have a tank be immune to damage on torque, or just one shot devices / fire. (I prefer the latter). Generally, I would go by your thinking as well. But it really depends on the fight. Currently, I only see 3 fights I'd really want a sin on over another tank. And unfortunately / fortunately, they're the fights most don't clear and M/B. Lurker? 2 pt, Torque? 2 jug, Commanders? 2 pt. Bulo, malaphar, sparky, SS, doesn't really matter.


    Also, the cap is closer to 16k. And lets not forget, the best group to clear HM CM was 11 jugs at one point.

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