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Everything posted by rkopczak

  1. nice music in the video, but that sentinel i s nothing special " I got bubble, I'm immortal and fighting 3 guys" he doesnt even kill anyone.
  2. switch your goal to get fulll ranked war hero gear then - problem solved.
  3. lol, this is jusrt mindless hack&slash, I get bored of that genre after 1 hour of playtime.
  4. that's exactly why I'm not interested in that game, there will be no end game content for old raiders like we.
  5. you dont need "countless hours" to raid, it's really simple you should try, takes about 2 hours for avarage players to clear one raid, and you dont even have to do it all in one day. Stop with that excuse "I dont have time" please.
  6. rkopczak

    Jerk move?

    do you think BioWare will force someone to play Republic? it's not their fault people wants to be bad in video games.
  7. well, we could buy rakata implants for daily comendations, and not "rakata comendations", it's not a proof.
  8. dear BioWare, I have no life, can I get a reward for that?
  9. lol you're saying you're such a pro player, and cant see obvious buff. Our aoe will be amazing, it will heal for 10% more then now in half that time. it will be awesome aoe burst, and not slow ticks like on live right now.
  10. they didnt nerf scoundrel healing, and actually we got small buff, and I'm rarely not first one in healing done in the warzone, so..? Your Op class got nerfed, stop crying and use your leet skill you're bragging about.
  11. you can buy whole "black hole" set for black hole comendations. This set doesnt have any set bonuses. Same vendor also sells "campaign" gear for gear tokens (like rakata right now), but that gear doesnt have any stats atm. I tried to ask on the fleet but noone responded (4 in the morning in US, and there's no EU PTS). I believe black hole will be something that allowes slower/solo players to catch up with the gear, and real T2 gear with set bonuses isn't in the game yet.
  12. lost to the sages and troopers team maybe? OP my ***, all I see in warzones are sorcs and sages.
  13. how do you know what the balance in GW2 is going to be? Nope, you have no idea, I can bet all my money there will be op and up classes, like in every other game. SWTOR is actually pretty well balanced for such new game.
  14. So now you will know how we (scoundrels) felt when your big heal was 1.5 sec and our 2.0. We dealt with it for months. At least try to play with it first and not cry on forum, when you have no clue how it will work out.
  15. that page is now updated with Empire gear, and actually looks much better then Republic ( again ), except Agent, who\s got worst gear in the game.
  16. thank god I'm sawbones, so yeah I will just laugh at all the operatives trying to kill me
  17. omg no, please don't take it away. If soemeone doesnt like please make option to turn it off, but I really like to keep it, it's much easier to track my upper hand that way.
  18. one simple question: WHAT THE F...? PvE sets looks barable, but PvP is some joke, right? please tell me it is a joke.
  19. busted! that was good one, hehe
  20. the sky is falling, we are all going to DIE!!!
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