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Posts posted by Garton

  1. Pvp gear has no expertise until the high 40's... and only weapons then.


    So technically crafters can make "PvP" gear for low levels.


    True but remember they are also decreasing the credits gained from wz, so pvpers that are leveling a new character are not going to spend their credits on gear because they will run out very quickly.

  2. I did not knew the prices yet but it does not really matter since getting BM gear now is not something you spend 2 a 3 week trying to get if not more because of the rng element we have right now.


    Now i can get alts to a point quickly aswell, however it does seem to completly destroy the purpose of getting either cent or champ gear which in my opinion is still a waste since gear progression does make it intresting. Not to mention BW is introducing a new step in 50 set which is going to be completely useless for anybody who takes the time to save up his tokens for his BM gear.


    However i dont see any mention of the cent and champ gear costing wz coms now aswell, since the champ bag gets removed and daily's now only give coms aswell.... So what is the gear now worth wz comms ? Because if its cheaper its probably still best to buy the cent set first in order to get yourself competitive quicker...

  3. I read your point, and I was a BM before 1.1.5. I don't feel your pain. I think it's a step in the right direction.


    You came here to whine about all the "hard work" (news flash, it wasn't actually hard at all) you put into your gear in a thread that had absolutely nothing to do w/ that, and you got flamed for it. The world goes on.


    No one is getting screwed over; the playing field is being evened out for Ranked Warzones, as it should be. There is absolutely zero point to having a rating where having gear that other people couldn't get yet contributed largely to the victories.


    I agree here, BM since January and full bm gear, i admit i had quite some free time 2 months ago so i was able to get it all. But saying it was fun..... Sorry no it wasn't i had more fun getting my gear in aion and anybody who played that knows how frustrating that can be.


    If you can get top gear in a reasonable amount of time without having to go into a grind fest its perfect, give's people the sense of progression. Just keep releasing new gear and keep giving players something to do, it will work make sure all the gear below it gets easy to get and you keep both party's happy. The moment you introduce something that is only obtainable by those that are throwing hours and hours into the game the ************ starts.


    I never understood the whole "it should take months to get your gear" thing in a pvp oriented environment.. There are only 2 reasons why someone would go to extreme lengths to put in hours of work is to show off their epeen and curbstomb anybody that has lower tier gear... Thank god the difference between champ gear and BM is minimal.


    Now i only feel this way about pvp since if there was no gear progression at all it would eventually become a bit dull. But aslong as anybody who wants to pvp can be competitive quickly and stay that way without throwing his social live into the game who cares how long (short) it takes aslong as bioware keeps evolving the pvp game.


    For PvE i say it should take a bit longer but i will admit PvE simply aint my thing anymore i loved the diablo II days and it was exciting to get new gear although in the end what was the use for it only to show off or kill things quicker. So i assume people still PvE for the same reasons as back then. If not then i have to apologize and have no idea what i am talking about.

  4. It's none of your business how they decide. You're just a player, just play the damned game and leave the hard decisions to Bioware.


    *points to the combat log as proof*


    Its beginning to feel that way, every time you read some news article about swtor there is something like coming from bioware "We feel the needs of our community and acted on it..."


    Uhm sorry for example i am going to throw out the the old emote on bike thing.... Yes i will keep repeating this until swtor shuts down because it was stupid and what makes it even worse it still does not work and i never saw anybody ask for it...


    Some things BW does do make sense some still do but are implanted in a way that i am like.... Why..... :confused: Others don't make much sense at all and you wonder if BW just sticked their fingers in their ears and went "lalalalalalalalala cant hear you"


    Now my lone opinion or that of anybody else does not matter, only when a very large part of the community start asking for stuff do things change... However i sometimes ask myself what part of the community is BW watching.... Anyway my personal way of dealing with it.... I will adept to any changes made by a developer, if for some reason i cannot adept after trying and trying and it takes the fun away for me then i simply leave. Because in the end i am here for one thing and that is to have fun i do not play a game to make money or see it to way of fame as some people make it out to be :rolleyes:

  5. BW stated the person with the highest valor rank is automatically promoted to ops leader.


    I remember reading that somewhere 2 months ago, but it quickly became apparent this was not the case. I have been in matches where a fresh 50 with valor 50 or something has lead while there are like 5 BM's in it.


    So no that was either a flat out lie from BW or its just them having no clue what their game own game is doing.

  6. The problem is not one healer but multiple in one team. If you have like 3 healers in a team and your team only have one or none then you need some serious dps and coordination. And even then its hard i have seen a single healer take a beating from 5 guys and just not dyeing because of the insane amount of heals he got from the other healers (mind you 4 healers their team). Sure teams like this lack dps but are practically indestructible, and that said yeah some people really cant seem to push out dps even when they are not healers i understand the defense that they are doing objectives but so am i and i do end up high enough on dps list on both my marauder and sorc.


    The problem is if your in a pug group then forget it, your not going to win 95% of the time.


    This problem would go away if the max would be 2 healers on 1 team and both teams would always have the same amount of healers. However that is not going to happen since that would mean BW actually writing a working match maker.

  7. I have been against teams that had 3 or 4 healers and seen 1 healer take a beating from 5 guys and never dropped below 50% hp. And i can cc 1 or maybe 2 of the other healers but usually they break out again and just go on like nothing happened.


    So you might think lets switch healer, well same problem... Oke lets divide our forces and try to take out 2 healers at the same time.... Uhm no not working either, simply to much heals flying all over the place.


    Now they might not have alot of dps but while you are trying to take down the healers the other 4 that do serve as their dps will eventual kill you. Now maybe take out them first then and hope they die fast enough... most of the time they simply don't die maybe when you jump them with everybody on 1 target yeah. But by the time you kill another one the other you just killed is back again and the cycle continues.


    Now lets counter them with 4 healers of our own.... I have been in these games aswell and its boring as watching paint dry.. Noone dies not on their team not on your team...


    I don't think a nerf would be necessary but limiting the amount of healers in a team to 2 and making sure both sides have the same amount of healers would be great. However letting the match maker decide who is a healer seeing as more then one class can be specced healer or a hybrid healer is probably asking for the impossible.

  8. Its quite sad to see people pick on the OP after he made this post 2 months ago.....


    Back then it really was a grind to get to valor 60, it took hundreds of WZ's to get valor 60 i was lucky enough to get alot of valor from ilum...


    And no not by kill trading, on hydian way we had some very nice big fights which kicked me from level 57 to 60 in about 2 or 3 days.


    Now ilum is dead because of the latest patch and reps pretty much stopped coming to ilum, so i for one am glad i can now get my alt to valor 60 aswell.

  9. If you ever been 1 comm short and completed your daily and weekly its perfect. Also if your short for your last piece as well. The only thing the bags do for me now is gear my 4th or 5th companion in full cent gear....


    Well i already said that, but you still have a chance of getting a free champ item from the bags. So its still worth it more to actually bu the bags then the lossless tokens, not to mention you save 40 wz comms which does not seem like much but if you do it 10 times it would still be 400wz comms wasted.

  10. I just noticed something.....


    You actually need to be valor 50 to even buy the tokens..........................................


    Seriously now they are even more pointless then i just said they were...


    Sorry i am just speechless right now.

  11. I actually wanted to make a topic about it since i really dont see the point in adding the champ tokens for 120 WZ comms to the shop.


    Who in the right mind would buy them :confused:


    Like jibbo said, it might be handy if your short of 1 or 2 tokens but why would anybody buy only the comms while they can get 7 champ tokens for 800wz commendations instead of 840 not to mention that they get 15 cent tokens aswell.


    Now i know that when your only after champ tokens the cent tokens mean nothing anymore but you can atleast outfit your companion and have "some" use for them.


    So who came up with this idea at bw, how on earth can the devs not see that this is completly pointless. They should have been atleast 110 but 100 would have been a much nicer number seeing as i dont get cent tokens or the chance of getting a piece of champ gear (which btw i never seen happen on my alt)


    I would love to see someone from bw come in here and tell us why buying lossless tokens is more expensive.

  12. Oke granted depending on what your view is on casuals its not really that hard if you think about it. You need to play 50 matches like you already said devide that by 7 and you get 7.1 so that would be 7 matches a day and on one day do 8 matches.


    But if you really are referring to casuals that simply only have like 2 hours a day to spend or less since it cannot be expected from everybody to play every single day, you have a point.


    Remember you have 7 days to complete your weekly, so if you have the opportunity to go to ilum and collect or kill there then do that while waiting for a queue to pop. Its not impossible if you ask me, offcourse it depends how populated your server is and how the balance is between the empire and the republic.


    All in all its a step in the right direction but saying that it will kill wz's all together is a bit of a over statement since more people will likely be joining the wz's now when their ilum is empty. Not to mention that people that would normally quit a wz because they are losing might actually stay now.

  13. I came here reading OP's post and was like :confused:


    So i logged in to see what all the hub hub was about and now i get it...


    Uhm whats the problem m8, i can apparently still go to ilum to get the the weekly and daily done but i dunno how it is on your server but i had plenty of times i had to sit in a empty ilum collecting armaments.. Thats really not my idea of having fun i rather spend that time in a wz then standing on ilum looking like a idiot.


    When i first saw the change announced i thought it was for the kills you made in the wz's which lead me to believe ilum would kick the bukkit (i would rather have seen this happen so bw can take out ilum and redo it).


    But this works aswell i guess.

  14. I am on the european server hydian way and i believe its also one or used to be one of the most populated servers.


    However the amount after 20th of feb (That would be around the second month for alot of people) numbers dropped like a rock.


    Before that around 150~200 people during prime time on imp fleet has now been reduced to 70~80 sometimes around 100+. I dont know about the rep side but seeing as they seem to have smaller population i assume its even worse.


    Now its normal for most new mmo's to lose people after the first few months but holy hell this is going fast and with the amount of servers there are you going to have its spread out so thin if this keeps up more people will leave because of the ghost town effect.


    If you look at torstatus.net then seeing some servers never go beyond the light status i really feel sorry for the people playing on there. But its only going to get worse, now there will always be those that will stay but i think at this point server mergers or character transfers are unavoidable. Now asking people to reroll on a new server i think is retarted, some might do it because they really enjoy the game but alot of people do not want to redo everything again on another server.


    Even the one's that swear by swtor and love it, you cannot tell me that if you are on a server that is almost empty you like playing on a empty server.

  15. Ok, for people just starting out yes cent gear is great. But I have 9 champ and the rest cent pieces. I have no use for my cent comms now since I already have the gear. As of right now they are just collecting dust. So that's why I am asking. And I gear my companions in pvp gear because that's all I have to put on them. I don't Pve, I have run enough HM to get my rakata biochem stuff, but that's it.


    Yeah in that case the bags still are the better choice since you still save 40 commendations on it instead of buying lossless champ tokens... IMO there should be a cent to camp com converter but yeah i am a bm and i spend my champ and cent tokens on gearing my companions aswell. Why because what else am i suppose to do with them.

  16. Uhm the champ coms are 120 warzone coms. (someone correct me if i am wrong) so buying them in that fashion is kinda stupid since buying 7 of them would result in a cost of 840 wz coms while a bag is 200/200 which is 800 wz coms and you get 15 cent tokens to boot.


    So getting your cent gear first is still a better option and at the same time safe up champ tokens is still the way to go..

  17. Did you see the beta vids from last weekend about world vs world ?

    Man its not huge but HUGE !!!

    I can't wait to group up and swarm the map to gather ressources while protecting the caravan that bring supplie to our Keep. Then buy some blueprint of siege weapons and buils em around the castle we plan to invade !

    If not sneak up around in underwater tunnels and reach hidden entrances... Any guild with voice chat will have a blast in there !!!. As for solo players, it will be easy to join in any battle on the map when each fight is marked...

    I seriously doubt Bioware can deliver something 1/10 this epic...

    sad but true.


    Not yet, to be honest i tend to not watch that much and just play the game once it comes out and draw my own conclusion based on actual gameplay.


    However ncsoft allthough not as involved with GW2 as in their own games does make some intresting pvp choices. I come from aion and allthough there are some very terrible flaws in the system for the western market. I had some very cool world fights and some kickass fun in it.


    What they are going to do in GW2 for pvp is gonna make swtor pvp look like childsplay. And like i said i actually do enjoy the pvp in swtor but chances are GW2 is going to provide a much better experience.


    Anyway no matter what happens bioware should be very aware of GW2 and should actually consider the moment its official release date is announced as a point of no return. They should get a lot of things right before then because people will move to GW2 or atleast check it out since its very hyped aswell. And offcourse there will always be people that will say GW2 will suck for whatever reason but those are the same people that probably left swtor or any other game aswell because they disagreed on a game mechanic or whatever. Some people will never be happy because they expect everything to be perfect, the painful truth is a perfect world only exists in one's mind and these people should probably just start playing games in it.

  18. Hmm i think 3 maybe 4 types of people play swtor atm.


    1. You have the die hard pvp'ers that only come for the pvp the rest of game is not that important.


    These people will most likely switch to guildwars 2 the moment its released, now i pvp alot aswell and i do enjoy it unlike alot of other players but GW2 seems to interesting to pass up and has way more revolving around pvp then swtor has so bioware needs to kick things into high gear to compete with them.


    2. The scifi fans, now there are not alot of really good scifi mmo's out there so bioware has a good chance to keep them in until anarchy online starts bringing out its new graphic engine in which i as a scifi fan will defiantly check it out since allthough its old its still a very good scifi mmo.


    3. The star war fans, i dont think they will leave this game that easily, as long as BW keeps updating swtor these people will probably stick around and there are alot of them so even if all the pure pvpers leave this group will probably stay.


    4. Is probably the casuals that just like mmo's in general, swtor is a nice game for the casuals the leveling is fast things dont take weeks to obtain. I know for those that can spend more then 6 hours a day on the game you will find yourself quickly asking yourself what to do next. But for these people they dont have that feeling and will probably continue playing aswell.


    All in all, swtor is not going to die out so quickly however if bioware wants to keep the playerbase at this level they need to start adding and patching things soon. Not to mention to expand and improve their customer support service.


    Will the new patch make the people happy, dunno i have not seen the patch notes only some text what we can expect but not solid patch notes. People that have already left will in most cases not come back that easily. However it will be a milestone where BW can show the current playerbase that they are working on problems and things will get better over time.


    But BW should defiantly keep a eye on the release date of GW2 because its gonna draw HUGE amounts of people in and if they do get it right then every mmo on the market right now will be effected by it.

  19. 1. stop necromancing threads!


    This, when i saw the topic title i was like *** did we not settle that already.


    But to answer your question, doing wz on my alts is fun, sure enough some people are better then others and it will always stay that way.


    But like mentioned some really cannot get any dps out and that would be fine if they could either heal or guard but for quite a few folks even this does not seem to be the case.


    So if you find yourself in a wz with a equal lvl player on your side and he can out damage/heal you then you might wanna use that as a incentive to do some research and see if you can improve yourself hell contact that person and maybe he will be able to give you a few pointers.


    I have a alt marauder now and i can get in the top 3 slots for dps since i was 20 and now that i am 41 i get the first spot quite ofter while other marauders don't even seem to be able to break the 100k mark. Now i am far from a good melee pvper hell even on my sorc i know there are people on my server that are much better but alot of people should really start adjusting their playstyle a bit.

  20. Playing my alt lvl 35 mar now and in damage its good i wont say that its as high as my sorc (well far from it) but considering its level i do tend to end in the top 3 quite a few times.


    Now i will be fair i find it a hard class to play but its fun to play.

    The only thing i sometimes get frustrated about is when you get knocked back, charge then get knocked back again and slowed....... You just have to stand there looking like a idiot while the that other person just blasts you back to the stone age.


    Its to easy for almost any ranged class to get rid of melee classes and keep them at bay would be nice if something could be done about this. But you can annoy the hell out of people as a mar.

  21. I am a eve veteran aswell been on it since 2005 up to beginning of 2011.


    I just needed a long break from it, pvp in eve is kinda dull lets face it there are only so much you can do and all it boils down to is target a ship and start shooting and using your equiped utilities and make sure you dont run out of cap and pray he does not have the things your not fight to fight against (which is offcourse you actually get a 1vs1 fight).


    The real thing is to know when to engage and make the battle start in your favor. However allthough eve has some serious flaws it does provide a good rush once combat has been commenced. The underlying communication between corps and alliances are massive and dirty political games are being played. Simple truth eve is not a game for anybody and sure it can get boring sometimes but most people i spoke to that made this statement never really got far. Its when you own space and you have enemy's sitting outside your doorstep waiting for the right moment to take it from you thats when things really gets interesting.


    However eve is a sandbox game its a completely diffrent game from swtor, wow, aion, AoC or any other "mmorpg". I don't think eve can be compared to any of these games. For now i enjoy swtor but at this rate its not going to last, the pvp is not mature enough on swtor and needs some real work.


    Anybody here ever tried global agenda....... Thats what the pvp on swtor feels like right now, queue up wait fight abit aaaaand repeat. Allthough in GA i was pointing a gun at someone and someone really good moments.

  22. I encourage everyone to report anyone who does this intentionally in-game.


    Omg... First you tell people whats wrong and why so now you will have groups of people doing it just for the hell of it.


    So the first thought that comes to mind, you brought this on yourself.


    However now maybe all these people will get reported but what about those that enter and crash..... Can you tell the difference, i have had happen a few times now that i would enter a WZ and was simply back on desktop.


    Not to mention all the other reasons people leave a WZ. Ranging from internet loss, real life issues that need direct attention, or any other reason that forces you away from keyboard. Hell if someone has important stuff to take care of i rather have him leave then just being afk and costing us a player slot. Those who leave a WZ because they might lose should just take a hike. You lose some and you win some deal with it. People are screaming for competition but if they end up against a stronger team they leave... Makes NO sense what so ever, so what if they are stronger i will do all i can to atleast make it as annoying for them as possible.


    But anyway BW is being incompetent for not seeing consequences by making this aware to the public... This was a very bad choice to make it aware to everyone and now telling that people that do it should be reported whether its by accident or not.

  23. Lets face one thing that the first thing you do when you get to 50 and want to pvp is getting gear and this part is exciting yes. I really dont understand people complaining about there even being pvp gear. Because its a part of it, and getting it in swtor is easy, i played both eve and aion also centered around pvp and god getting stuff in aion to match up with the veterans aint a easy task but its doable and swtor is peanuts compared to that and lets not even start about eve.


    Anyway the point is in both these games there was something to fight for. So even if you were just looking for trouble there was always something to be gained. Either rank, loot or fighting big fights that the entire faction you were on could benefit from.


    In swtor once you have reached BM you can do WZ's and sure that oke and fun but even after doing that for 2 hours... Its like meh done, so lets level a alt which is fine but i log on to my main less often.


    The point is we only have 3 wz's to do, and ilum is a complete joke. I either get zerked by the pubs but by the time a big enough group of the empire comes along to get a equel fight going the pubs have pissed off and then we play the waiting game. Our side gets fed up ******* for 2 hours leave and pub zerg comes along.... pfffff after sittng on ilum for 3 hours i also cannot be arsed anymore to take the fight to them.


    Granted the fights we did have on ilum or should i say snapshots of a good fight were good fun but ilum is flawed its to large the objectives make no sense there is not really any goal laid out and you cant really win or lose on ilum.


    The pvp section of ilum should be completely cut out of the game and the lvl 50 open pvp should be rethought and remade. However this wont happen since it would be very unfair to those still trying to get to valor 60 since ilum does provide the best valor if you have good big fights and the pc to do them.

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