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Everything posted by Ooloi

  1. Yes, I gave her gifts to get her to 10K affection for crafting purposes. So I have to live with the contradiction of that with her story not ending. 40 companions at 10K affection, 39 stories complete, presence over 750 on my toons. I wish i could swap vette for someone else, also skadge - neither fit *at all* with my characters. Also, I don't like Ashara at all - neither her presence nor the lack of gift liking nor her story fit with the character and i refused to romance her, though i understand you *can* to get the courting bonus then jilt her.
  2. Even if there are 2 guarding the pylon, if they don't position themselves well and stay alert, I can ninja the pylon. Dart, dart, start capping, then flashbang them if they both come out. In PuGs it works surprisingly often (to me this means about 1/3rd of the time) and you never heard such crying. If there are 2 guarding the pylon, an operative and an assassin can still eat them up, which means you need 3 to guard the pylon. If you want a near guaranteed steal, send 2 folks like that in with about 1 min left, and be sure everyone else stays at least as far away as mid. I also find that taking it a tad early is good. Some folks are learning to guard at the last moment, but all you have to do is be able to steal it and live long enough to run them out of time on recapping. ****** Nothing like pulling a troll in your PuG group to a fire trap in Huttball with a friendly pull, or dropping them into the abyss in Voidstar. Employ troll control, play a sorc.
  3. There's going to be a permanent gaping hole in the legacy companions. I have 8 characters with all companions' stories unlocked and at 10K affection: except Vette. I won't be getting the 10 presence from her, because that collar isn't coming off: not today, not tomorrow. Give me a storyline to progress on *with* the collar on, and I'll consider it. But I can only be railroaded by the game makers so far, and Vette is the line I've chosen to draw in the sand. She and Skadge just don't belong on any ship of mine, for the personalities of my characters. Too bad, so sad.
  4. i told people in multiple posts before f2p2p2p2w launched that it would be like this. a lot of people didn't want to listen. you will never again see the "cool stuff" in game. there will be countless reiterations of good stuff on the cash shop, but there will not be in-game methods of acquiring it yourself via dent of your own efforts. buy it from the cash shop or buyfrom someone who bought it from the cash shop; ea gets its cash either way. gone are the days when you *play the game* in order to get the rewards of the game.
  5. People who are against SGR *are* intolerant. Maybe not against what they may assume, but in some way, yes. Honestly, I think every single companion should be able to be romanced, no matter whether it is malavai or khem val or scorpio or blizz. Who is Anyone else to say who I can fall in love with. "Our love was never consomme-mated, but it was pure(ed)."
  6. Ooloi

    New WZs

    Please make a roller derby war zone. Create a specific set of skills for it (like throw elbow) extra. Put in a couple of half-blind half-crooked referees who can penalty box you. Allow 2 members of each team to be in restricted LoS boxes that can only affect a small portion of the track. Let mayhem commence.
  7. >aides a Princess in overthrowing a tyrant's hidden fortress (the Death Star). Um. Not quite. The hidden fortress is where the general is keeping the princess until they can make a break to bypass the enemy lines to get her to safety. However, your general point is true, and Lucas has explicitly stated that Star Wars creative roots in not only Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress, but also Herbert's Dune books.
  8. You are simply never going to see them go back and tidy stuff up, or fix bugs in old content, or revise old content to adjust it to optimize it, or whatever you want to call it. There was a time and a budget and a calender schedule and a set of hours for a specific employee(s) to do the job on a given thing. After that, they are required to move on to the next thing. No employees are allocated time and/or money to go "let's fiddle with old stuff and make it right, or better". Once a cash shop hits, this problem becomes greatly exacerbated. "Content" will be pushed out in dribs and drabs and you will pay for it, on top of your subscription. Cool content in terms of gear, mounts, titles, toys, etc. will be pushed into the cash shop, and it will be vastly superior in looks (and sometimes in utility, if not in stats), to the gear that comes generically. Once you accommodate yourself to this you'll have entered the Realm of Lowered Expectations, and like Milo, will be more able to cope with reality.
  9. on my server cyan-blue, level 10, +41 versions Endurance: 250-400 K Crit: 350-600K Power: 900-1200K
  10. I don't see any way realistically speaking that level 55 will not trivialize all current content. And making clones of current content that are just level 55 content isn't new content. The current leveling system already trivializes too much content along the way, there is no way to do all the "x"-level content without leveling to 50 before waaaaay before you complete the given planets. As it is, I skip all heroics, all bonus series, all space missions, and still get to 50 often without even hitting Corellia. And I guarantee you there will be significant numbers of people at level 55 a week after it is released. And if you get 5 days advance play, maybe even before it's publicly released. I'm sorry, but I don't see that they are going to have a grip on what can of worms they're opening by increasing the level cap with so small an expansion. It would be like hitting level 50 and only having Ilum to play on. Heavens knows what they're gonna do with level 50 PvP. Will it become level 1-54? And level 55??? Or what? Imagine all the war hero geared 55s getting paired with level 49s who are being bumped to level 54s. The whole concept of raising the level cap with such a small expansion is a recipe for disaster.
  11. Level > anything else. 5 levels is definitely greater than any amount of gear on the lower level person. All current content will be trivialized by level 55s.
  12. I love Suzina's list. Btw, for those who want free flight space combat, do you want it to use real physics or do you want it to use fantasy physics?
  13. Kuryakin Simon Trevanian are all names of agents I have Clouseau is the name of a scoundrel I have Trevelyan is the best one I've seen other than mine, though I like Steed and Peel a lot too.
  14. If it's a social points run, you space-bar. It's what you signed up for. If it's a story run, or for gear, do what-cha like, but it's probably best to come to an agreement in any PuG *BEFORE* you enter the zone.
  15. Someone is opening doors in Voidstar, over and over. I'm CCing incoming people, generally along with someone else to give them the time. Who gets the points? I'm healing the ball carrier in Hutt Ball: I've healed her enough now for 3 times her hit points. I flash-bang 5 enemy players, and we walk across the line together. Who gets the points? One player runs for the turret while I intercept an incoming harasser, just long enough to get the turret activated. Who gets the points? 5 players are fighting for node control. I'm behind them as far as possible but still in range to heal. Too far for defensive points, somehow, but without me they would all die and we'd lose the node. Without them I'd be pwned in 5 seconds. WZ PvP is a teamsport. Points and medals should be awarded on a team basis *primarily*, and bonuses for wins should outweigh the individual medals you can get in a match. Other than that the system is sorta halfway decent and I don't mind it so much.
  16. All cartel gear should be: Orange adaptive Bind on Legacy, Level 1 gear with a set of level 1-9 mods included. If your characters can't all wear it when it is useful to them (i.e., mostly while leveling), then who cares?
  17. And every legacy level I hit I announce in general chat: "WOW, look! Wow, I just made Legacy Level "X" and I am stunned by my progess cause I got .... Nothing. From 26 on this I have done. If legacy is only useful in the 1st few levels, then what is the point in having levels at all? Just unlock it, and say "that's it". Make it a toggle. At the moment it is just useless. One more thing in this game that had so much potential that has been implemented only partially and only half-heartedly, with no follow up and no real thought. Sad.
  18. I 100% not allowing F2P to do WZs at all, though I guess 1 a week wouldn't be *so* bad. Don't need garbage players swarming.
  19. How many times? Free to play is NOT "free to play". That is a marketing lie. It is Free to Pay to Play. You will be free to pay to play the game, if you want to play. A subscription will just give you the basics. Any cool extras you'll be paying for. And over time, that is extremely likely to get to be more and more the case. If they told you "we need to raise subscription rates to $25 a month" you'd have a cow. If they even put in an OPTION where you could subscribe for $30 a month BUT you get everything in the cartel store people would gnash their teeth and whine and moan and cry and protest - for all kinds of conflicting reasons. The Microtransaction model starts off via marketing lies as looking reasonably attractive. Over time however, like in LoTRO, it gets to the point where THE STORE dominates the game, and the best coolest new stuff for all the cool kids is in the store - NOT Available as a reasonable reward in the game, not even for reasonable grinding. Then you get the gambling scenarios, which is where the game goes to the dogs for real.
  20. NO cartel coins and I'm a subscriber, with a collector's edition.
  21. the day lockboxes hit the drop lists is the day I leave - permanently.
  22. I'm leveling my 9th and 10th level 50s now. I didn't start until January. I have a house and a child in college, and a garden and spend time cooking and cleaning and with my spouse and walking and I have a full time job. Leveling to 50 isn't hard, in fact, I just finished saying in another thread that I have to slow my leveling down actively to achieve the goals I want to before 50. Daily quests over and over at level 50 are not content that I care to do. When level caps go up, all of it will become obsolete anyway. There is no normal PvE content that is a challenge - this is the most damning thing about the game honestly - it's not a challenge. And they're NOT pushing legacy, lol. After level 25 or 27 or something, legacy gets you NOTHING. Every time I hit the legacy level, I announce in /general "oh LOOK, I made legacy level 37! Wow! Look at That! And I get ......NOTHING! Wheeeeeeee!" And the legacy stuff that exists is mostly grossly overpriced or not worth spending significant money on - at all. So I don't see the point the OP is making here, at all, and don't think there is any correlation between a "lack of new content" vs "legacy content".
  23. Level 1 speeder at level 10. That's it. I don't see any reason to pay per character for a skill that becomes obsolete by the time you hit level 50. All the experience bonuses for example, are useless to me, I level too fast as it is, and have to actively limit myself in the leveling so that I can hit 50 with 3500 ranked warzone and 2000 regular warzone commissions. I don't see any reason to buy level 2 or 3 speeders *at all* - they're just too slow - but if I were going to, I'd save myself some cash and buy speeder 3 at level 40. There are some I'd buy at current prices if they were legacy wide - but since they're not they're not worth buying, even in a cash glutted economy - too many things I'd rather throw money at otherwise. Overall, the legacy character perks have been for me about 95% fail, which is too bad.
  24. I've been a Tolkien fan since the 60s. Sam is the protagonist of the book, not Frodo. Sam is the only ring-bearer who ever has his hand on the thing who gives it up of his own will. He is the only one who is unstained. He is the one who keeps Mr. Frodo going when Frodo no longer has the strength to do so. Sam is the one who reaps the rewards of virtue in the end. Sam is the one whose growth is the greatest through the story. Wonderfully, there are many important characters in LotR; without any of many of them, things would not have worked out so well, or at all. But Sam is the one looking over the reader's shoulder, whispering to him the story of the "nine-fingered Frodo and the Ring of Doom...." Don't confuse protagonist with "most important person inside the context of the story". Sure, to all intents and purposes, it looks to be poor Frodo. And in Star Wars, it's *supposed* to be the two droids, R2D2 and CP30. They are the only ones who were slated to be in all 9 movies.
  25. i'll be walking out the door the day gambling boxes come in, permanently.
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