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Everything posted by DarthHeir

  1. First off, I hope I'm not overwhelming everyone who is kind the time to read this. I have little roleplay experience (a small amount on various MMO's and my experiences on play-by-posting on these forums, the majority of my experience coming from the play-by-posting). So without further ado, I'll try to keep it as short and sweet as possible. 1. Starting with something super basic, how should I get started? Any recommendations for a good server (probably leaning towards a pure RP server or a RP/PvE server since I already ahve a main on a non-RP server). Should I get started by joining in on events or just striking up a random roleplay with someone? 2. How high do I need to level my character in order to be able to participate in the majority of events and roleplays without having to invest a great deal of time into the character? As I've stated above, I already have a main that I use with my guild for PvE/PvPing that I do not plan on using for roleplay, and I really would not like to have to invest a great deal of time in bringing my character up to a high level in order to be able to participate with everyone. 3. My by far most fun RP character to ever play and the one I plan on playing (at least to start out with) is my force sensitive Bounty Hunter character Judas Nebula. Yes, I am aware that such a character could easily be seen as "Over powered" or a "Mary Sue" but honestly I felt it was by far my most balanced character in terms of not having too much power nor being too weak. On top of this, it's the character I'm most experienced playing as stated above and the one I've participated in my favorite roleplays with to date. The reason I say all this is I was wondering what class I should use for my avatar for playing Judas. I'm leaning towards Sith Warrior just because it would give the best aesthetic features for the character. 4. Another question related to my character: Should I continue the continuity of Judas' story or should I do a "reset" so to speak? My reason for doing a continuity reset is mainly that my character's story so to speak as it stands, is basically at a close. At the point the character's story has gotten to in it's current continuity I basically see him becoming Redeemed and riding off into the sunset so to speak, and by resetting his continuity I would be able to play him a lot more. I'm leaning towards a reset of continuity but I wanted to hear some opinions before I did it. I've had a great experience so far with the SWTOR RP community and I thank you in advance for answering any or all of my questions.
  2. Yes, I will, I've gotten to level 26 on my Sith Inquisitor and am loving it. Personally, my only issue with the game is the UI which honestly isn't game breaking. Granted I haven't reached the farther in the game bugs but I see myself staying in it for the long haul. To me it seems the 'yes' and 'no' is basically separated between the hardcore players (a no) and the moderate to casual players (yes).
  3. In this specific case it wouldn't make any sense to put that in because even the male doesn't get a flirt option with Darth Zash.
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