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Everything posted by Lyow

  1. I was just wondering as to what race that you choose to play as with your Sith Inquisitor?
  2. Lyow

    Saber Throw?

    nvm friend of mine anwsered it for me
  3. I know that warriors get 2 sbaer throw abilitys, and I was wondering how far can they throw them? Sorry if this is a newbish question but I was curious.
  4. I know that you do not unlock the Legacy till after you finish act 1, and then that will go for all your charicters on that server, but what I would like to know is will it also count for characters of mine on other servers aswell?
  5. Lyow

    Any Republic out there?

    no other republics out there? has the empire already won?
  6. What is a high populated republic pvp server, I'd like to pvp but not get out numbered completely.
  7. What is a high populated republic pvp server, I'd like to pvp but not get out numbered completely.
  8. Lyow


    Thanks. I couldn't figure it out at all.
  9. Lyow


    Any one?
  10. Lyow


    What is it that valorous does for you? Is it some sort of currency or your Pvp rank?
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