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Posts posted by Maxiim

  1. We literally just had this happen to us 5 minutes ago. It's extremely frustrating.


    I'm amazed at the design they have set up for Hardmode Flashpoints. When the final boss dies, a quest box shows up with your token. However, it doesn't award you ANY social points or light side / dark side points. The quest said for me to COMPLETE Taral V. The boss died, but I didn't talk to the guy upstairs. Therefore, it's not complete. And I should be able to zone back into it regardless if everything in the instance is dead.


    How did this even make it past beta? Whoever on Bioware's team, that created this design seriously needs to play some video games.


    This game was released way too early.

  2. A huge problem with most players that struggle with content (and this isn't at the OP, just in general) is that they do not interrupt or dispel anything. It happens in every mmo. It's even worse in pvp.


    If you let his full auto attack go the entire time, you're gonna get wrecked. Also not dispelling will also ruin your day.


    There's nothing to nerf. It's teaching people that not interrupting or not dispelling, is not ok and WILL kill you if you don't learn how to properly do it.

  3. I'd happily wait in a longer que, so that I don't get paired up with a level 10 player who hasn't even chosen his advanced class yet. This player has NO form of CC nor can he interrupt any spell cast by the enemy players. He also doesn't have the hutt ball on his tool bar.


    Please add brackets. I'd rather wait a little longer and have a much more enjoyable experience playing with people in the same level range as I am.

  4. Hello,


    Is there a location I can find the information on what servers have which time zones? As my friends and I wait for early access, some are asking which servers we plan to be on. Most of us are Westcoast, but I can't seem to find a list of the server names and time zones that go with them.



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