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  1. Glad to hear that this has been implemented. The charm of these unnecessarily large buildings wears thin quickly. Thanks all for replying.
  2. Please consider allowing quick travel to/from the orbital stations at various planets. This would save a lot of time when moving to/from planets. Each planet could have a bind point on the orbital station, and visually included on the world map in one of the corners. Example: Hoth is a noticable distance from the orbital station to the first taxi. During this travel, neither quick travel nor speeders are usable. It seems as though the orbital stations are intentionally implemented (as missions, vendors and whatnot are available on them). Finally, note that getting to the fleet is almost always faster by quick traveling to the taxi point with the fleet shuttle (usually the first field taxi point) than actually travelling through the spaceport/orbital station and ultimately into your personal ship. Unfortunately there is no shortcut when arriving at a planet where you must actually clear the spaceport before being able to quick travel.
  3. Please support suggestion #2: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=368395
  4. Wow! Thanks for the info about the /mark commands. These commands are definitely a step-up to the clicking mechanism of the target frame, but without "outside assistance" only half-fulfill the need. It would still be nice to be able to keybind the mark commands. Nonetheless, thanks again for sharing that tip.
  5. 2 suggestions to marking targets that would improve my personal gaming experience: - 1: Allow bindable hotkeys for target icons. This would be beneficial in PvE as some encounters spawn NPCs that are not present before they are engaged. The current marking mechanism involves a number of clicks once the action has already started. It would also be a quality-of-life improvement at all times to those who use the target marking system for coordination. - 2: Remove target markers upon target death. This would be especially beneficial in PvP (to those marked). As it stands now, a player is marked through death, round change, etc. It is a fair use of the target system to be able to mark "high priority" targets, however it becomes somewhat unfair to those marked targets when every time they approach the action to be continuously focused upon without the other team doing any additional work. If a "high priority" target is marked and killed, there should be some effort/action required to remark them when they (magically come back to life and) return to the fight.
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