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Everything posted by nsgrizzzly

  1. Hey everyone, I know this has already been asked, prob some time ago now, but I was wondering if anyone has heard or made any decisions on increasing character slots per server? Without getting into any debate on who would or wouldn't want more character slots, there are some of us who have almost maxed out slots and don't want to jump a server to create new characters. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  2. It's 2:36PM Atlantic time (Canada) here. Hope it's nothing serious. I have all 21 toons on the one server. :S
  3. How about another species such as an Ithorian (I know one is available for Starfighter), a Codru-ji (4 armed force sensitive race), Nautolan (Kit Fisto), Rodian, a Gran or even an Askajian. Something different and unique is what I am looking for.
  4. Hey everyone, I couple suggestions that would make the game run a lot smoother and save a lot of time when gearing characters and companions. 1. A legacy wide Cargo storage. If you could dedicate just one cargo storage page to Legacy, anything bought in cartel packs, on the GTN or received during missions could be put here for any Legacy character to access. Would save a lot of mailing time and constantly logging in and out, switching characters to mail gear. 2. If there was any possible way to make it so when you got back to your ship, it would not take off and leave the planet unless something else was activated. returning to the ship for the holoterminal or just for a companion conversation and having to load into and out of the planet sequences eats a lot of time up and is annoying. Just a couple ideas to throw out there. Most likely at some point, they may have already been suggested. If I could just have one of the above....then the Legacy Wide Storage space would be awesome! Thanks!
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