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Posts posted by BobaCane

  1. I left my level 50 Operative on a ghost town server and created a Warrior on a new server which is heavily populated.


    The way I think the free character transfers going is like this. I will be able to move my Operative for free to a new server but not one that so already heavily populated, so therefore I would pay to have him moved to my new server.

  2. So Two of my friends joined up to this game, both playing DPS. I already had a 50 (healer) on my old server but decided I would make a new character on their server, which had a lot more players on it anyway.


    As I already leveled a Op healer to 50, I was not keen on the idea of rolling another healer and as my friends already chose DPS roles I said I would tank, I have never tanked in any MMO before so this was all quite new to me, but I levelled and did all the flashpoints I could do, no wipes as of yet in any flashpoint (yey).


    So i am down with the basics (I'm level 27 atm) and I was looking for tips and advice for higher levels.


    First off this is where I plan to put my skill points at 50:




    I know people put a lot more points in Vengance and fewer in immortal but from what I can tell this is less defensive, what are the benefits of going more hybrid? Also how would my skill tree work at level 50?


    Secondly, I know the boss fights in flashpoints so I know what is needed of me, my problem is keeping aggro on adds and mobs. I do not have an AoE taunt yet so rely on smash, but there is always one or two adds running for the ranged dps or healer, how can i improve AoE tanking?


    Thirdly I would like to know if I have a general roation? At my level i sometimes run out of rage and have to build it up again, will this improve later on?


    Fourthly. I would really appreciate any general tips on how to play a Jugg tank at endgame and later on in levels.


    Thank you!

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