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Everything posted by Spudinske

  1. It's not like me and my pals are derps or anything. We have played wow, guild wars, rift, aion, aoc, etc. but some of us just don't have that same amount of time, or that same window of opportunity to play a game when all your friends also play. Some of us get to play in the morning, some night, some mid day. Rarely are we able to all be on. I'm sure I'm not the only one around here with this situation. But come on, wont this benefit you people that roll in premades of 4? You will be getting all that action, competitiveness, and more, and even build more synergy between you and your team. You could still group with one or two or your pals, just not become an entire half of your team(4 is so much more powerful than 3, you can still play with your lower lvl guildes/friends if you want to. What bad can come of this? Other than the slight chance of having a slow que but let's face it, premades of 4 are around every corner.
  2. I have no doubt many people have friends to play with, but do understand that not every is part of a big guild or wants to be in one. There are many out there in close nit groups that play together, but only when they are on. Sure people say we should just "make some friends and make a guild", but even when that happens its not always a solution. And IMO I feel we shouldn't be forced to join a big guild that has players on all the time (usually filled with baddies, small nit groups tend to have the better playerS, because they filter out the baddies and only hang out with good people. But how often does a good player come across luck like that to be welcomed into a group of people?). Our friends have other duties and responsibilities and aren't always available to come on play and pvp, and have to be lucky if everyone is on to play. Sometimes for me I have a great friend that I pvp with, but despite how well we do there is the premade lvl 50 group on the other side making our efforts almost pointless. Maybe 50's bracket will remedy it a little bit?
  3. So on one side there are the casual and or solo minded people that do not like fighting premades with a very slim chance to win. On the other we have the premades saying they are bored of steamrolling low levels who are nothing but a pest when they attack, as they do not do any damage against expertise armor. Well I have a great idea that gives both sides what they want! Make premades of 4 (not 1-3) not able to join the regular war zone que, and instead must que in a separate one that only consists of other premades of 4, or why not 8. The unstoppable premades of doom and gloom will no longer have complete reign over <50 players, and the premades of 4/8 get the real challenge they crave, the satisfaction of beating another organized group. They will have that adrenaline pumping through their veins, shouting in VoIP to their teammates about coordinated attacks, focus fires, instead of the current boring steamrolls. What do you guys think of the idea? Or is this exactly what rated BG's are going to be? TL:DR groups of 4/8 que in a separate que made for premades so that premades get fun competitive matches they are craving for and lone wolfs and duo's no longer get roflstomped and farmed all day(excluding the very few out there).
  4. Wondering and asking for opinions on what people think is more effective in lvl 50 pvp. If both were fully geared in pvp gear made for their own spec, which would be better in the battlefield? Immortal with gear has a lot of hp, but do they even do enough damage? But team pvp i can see it having a chance at working. Vengence i see all over youtube getting 2k-3k crits every hit with gear(probably no expertise on enemies).
  5. At the beginning of pre-release when the servers were packed I would get 100+ fps in the fleet with 60-80% gpu usage on both my 570's. After the maintence my computer struggles to get above 50 and gpu usage is down to 10-25%.
  6. global agenda Crysis<-- if you even remmember
  7. Biochem gets to have re-usable everything even at lvl 8 while Cybertech only gets their re-usables at lvl 50 and rating 400. Is this a balance decision or something?
  8. The day early release was opened up i randomly chose a server because i didn't care; little did i know that i would actually end up caring. Why? Because of having to wait in a que for nearly an hour just to play. I had no clue that the random server i chose would end up being so packed. I hope that somewhere in the near future Bioware will give us an option to transfer servers. Maybe just have it available for two or three days. And yes im aware i could just "re-roll", but what kind of bummer would it be to be a high level and start over from scratch and repeat whatever that has been done ALL OVER AGAIN. Or they can just make it a paid service, I'm down with that too.
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