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Posts posted by LordArioc

  1. Now now, dressing companions up in slave girl outfits provides a useful purpose. It let's me know who to add to my /ignore list.


    I too, am offended by animated representation of female flesh.

    Also, blood, gore, religious iconography from any religion except my own, skin that is colored anything except that of my own, science, math, geography, lighthouses, bananas, The Grand Tetons, tadpoles, fluorescent light bulbs, those little things on top of soda cans that go "CAH-chissss", calendars that have a February 29th, cats, driving while intoxicated, driving while on drugs, driving while on a cell phone, driving while female, purple, driving while old, rock gardens, illegal aliens (especially Jawas), replacing the negative power couplings, the shape of a vase, The Bee Gees, and star fruit.

  2. I did a bunch of tests using 1/12/28 and 3/31/7 against both the operations dummy and the regular 50 dummy on the Ziost Shadow.

    1/12/28 came out significantly ahead on every test. (I dont have the numbers here at work, but it was more than the 4 or 5% expected. More like 9-15%)

    My gut tells me this is a combination of the hybrid build being "better" in the sense of a higher max potential, but also because lightning is more difficult to play, in that there are way more cool downs to manage. Now that we dont even have chain lightning to consider, hybrid is a faceroll spec :/ But a very effective one.


    In the first paragraph you also confirmed one of the points i made. You do get feedback, regardless of method. I'd say it's also related to the business at hand that you are in. Some of the steps you take for feedback might already have been taken in this regard here as well, or it was not, or it was not possible. That isn't the thing i was referring to however.

    The point i was trying to get across was that feedback is an extremely important step of development. Feedback can make or break a product.


    I just want to point out that, yes, we get feedback, and yes, it improves our product, but no we do not take the attitude that the customer "owes" us feedback. We take the attitude that any such feedback is something we need to earn.

    This seems distinctly at odds with this:


    Just ONCE I'd want to see a "quitter" give actual concise smart and well thought reasons for quitting.


    Or, oh... say... this:

    To put it bluntly, that's just not true.


    Our own testers (internal and contracted) can run the Flashpoint just fine, as can all other classes that have a healer role.


    Flat out calling the feedback provider a liar. Sound like a company that is interested in the dialogue you describe?

  4. Sure, in an idealized situation, producer and consumer have an excellent dialogue with free flowing ideas in both directions.

    That situation does not exist here. There is no dialogue between the users and the devs. On the PTS forum there are many thousands of posts that span weeks of time regarding this issue, without a single response from BW.

    The consumer more than fulfilled his responsibility in this supposed dialogue(which, as was my earlier point, is significantly lower than the producer's.)

    The producer is not nearly meeting his obligation.


    So again, I am left flabbergasted that anyone would deride a user for being inarticulate rather than focusing your derision where it belongs: firmly on the producer.

  5. This is how it started.


    It's not your job to communicate your desires, but its the producers job to fulfill them?

    You say you work with what again? Software? And how exactly do you know what kind of software you need to make or how to improve upon it? You read minds or something?


    Im so glad you asked. We spend TONS of time and money on gleaning this information from our users. We have multiple departments approaching this topic from different angles (business needs, technical needs, financial needs, etc.) We place the CEOs of our customers (we sell to businesses, not individuals) on our board. We throw them parties. We hire their former workers.

    We do everything for them. Because they are paying the bills, and at any given moment, they might say, "You suck, see ya."


    Trial and error is not improvement in this case, it's a war of attrition.

    Agreed. Putting up an internet forum and then systematically ignoring it isnt improvement either.


    Now to your last reply.

    You are right, you don't need to articulate why you stop paying. That being said, you don't need to articulate it at all. It's obvious to them enough from the canceled subscription. That is my issue with " i stop paying" posts. To make matters worse they add "feedback" to the reason they quit, that in fact is no feedback at all.


    Yeah, this we agree on. Those posts are pretty useless. When I moved my auto-re-sub from 3 months to 1, I didnt tell anyone (until now, I guess.)


    Their job is to give feedback so you keep on paying. Fair enough. But how come when they do give feedback, people always find something to complain? I honestly don't even know why i have to explain this.


    Is this rhetorical? You are asking why people complain? For the same reason water is wet, I suppose.


    My main gripe with this one is the fact that, previous experience in the matter, states, that no amount of feedback, no matter how large on the producers part, is enough to satisfy the customer. The customer always demands more.

    Even when the feedback that comes from the producers addresses the issue, the player, most often than not, will ignore what they said based on their own "knowledge". Hence the mention of ignorance in my earlier post. Players think they know what drives a game and how it works when all they know is what they personally like.

    That may be true... I dont know. I do know that so far we've received zero explanation for the DPS changes, and one, IMHO rather sparse, explanation for the healing changes. There is a party in this relationship that is not living up to his end of the so called "communication-deal," but it isnt the consumer.


    This is an MMO, not a custom made game for one persons own unique taste. The target is many people with different tastes. I'm using fictional numbers here, but statistically you'd only need to have say... 50% of the whole game enticing to a person to make it "successful". You want to satisfy as many people as possible but it's not the objective. What you do want though is to make sure the people that do stick with you, can keep being satisfied.


    Im not quite sure what you are driving at here. So, you are saying, BW doesnt care about my feedback because Im expendable?


    I'm sure you'd be extremely happy yourself if people were to use your app and say "This app is ****, the guy who made it is lousy at this, (insert other extremely "useful" comments here) he should learn how its done." Good luck improving on it when you don't know what needs improving.

    Well... I in particular am in a very competitive business. My customers in particular wouldnt even waste their breath on telling me my product sucks. Theyd just go elsewhere. (In fact, our customers sometimes go elsewhere and lie about why. They are REALLY entitled. Heh.) Thus the monumental effort I described above.

    My industry is an admittedly extreme example, but, BW could take a page from our book, which is what this thread is about. Its asking for SOME communication.


    My point with the price was mostly to focus on the matter of satisfaction per "buck" you get out of it. I'm not saying to keep on paying for it because it's cheap. I'm saying, as long as that 15bucks can be justified, i don't see where the issue lies. The thing to note here is that the 15 bucks have to be put in perspective with whatever else you can do with it.

    If i have to choose between going out one more time each month(club movie or w/e) or having a source of entertainment for the entire month, as long as i play it at least say.... 15 hours, it's far more efficient to pay for the subscription.

    The way i personally see it at least, it's not about what this game offers for my 15 bucks a month, but what else can i get for that money that offers as much entertainment and is available as broadly.


    I understand. But for every seemingly useless/expensive thing you can do with 15 bucks, you can do something thats a good deal... say... rent something like 20 movies from Netflix.

    Look, Im not disagreeing with you on this point. MMOs are in general a great deal. But there are other great entertainment deals out there (including other MMOs.)



    But as i said: The issue I'm addressing isn't the fact that people are unsubscribing. I'm perfectly ok with it and the developers are probably too (to an extent). If you don't like something you shouldn't stick to it like glue just because.There's a reason we have the term "target audience".

    My issue is the unfounded remarks and the people that think they are smart and knowledgeable when they are not.


    Those kind of posts only create a false image for the game. It makes the game look worse than it actually is for the newcomers. And why I do wish people were their own masters when it comes to decisions they take and don't act like sheep most of the time, the truth is many people rely heavily on what other people say regardless if it's true or not. Every time people fling " I unsubscribe" posts around (or similar) someone will be sent away from the game with them. Not because the game might be bad for them as well, but because they don't want to take the chance. The fact that many people don't put enough effort into their research also doesn't help. People will rather listen to a guy telling them it's not worth it, than to check it out themselves (either through videos or screenshots or game play footage or w/e)


    As a wise man once said.. "It's ok to not like things, but don't be a dick about it."


    Note: In case it wasn't obvious.. that's a generic "you".


    Yeah, Im not advocating for being a vocal dick. But I seriously disagree with you about who shoulders the (most, vast majority of the) responsibility for making a successful product in this relationship.



    EDIT: BW did throw that guild summit thing, so, kudos there.

  6. Daellia, I get it. Providing articulate feedback could make the product better. It could also be whistling in the wind.

    Luckily, as the consumer in the relationship, Im free to do either.

    My original objection was to the post that adamantly blames the lack of quality in the product on the inarticulate consumer, rather than where it belongs: on the producer.

  7. Wrong.

    You pay so you are entitled to limited access to a monthly subscription based game.

    You get exactly what you pay for. Access to the game and what it offers.

    The "FUN" you are talking about is first and foremost subjective. Whether you personally like what you are getting or not, is a completely unrelated and different story.


    Like I said, after that month, Im free to stop paying. I dont need to articulate why.


    Next you say you do not owe Bioware an explanation... this one boggles my mind.... If you don't owe them any explanation...then why do they?


    Because they are trying to part me from my money.


    More so, why even waste your time and ours by telling us you're unsubscribing? You'll be gone anyway.

    I did not. I responded to the idea that I owe BW a well worded expression of my needs. I do not.



    Third on the line, it's called feedback. Every company or business asks for feedback in one form or another. Whether you personally accept that or not is not in question here.


    Like I said, what BW asks for, or needs, is none of my concern. They don't like it? Ill stop paying.



    It's not your job to offer them feedback, same as it is not their job to listen to your wishes. Yet they try and do it anyway.(which in all truth is why games end up failing big time- listening to players) Where's YOUR part on the compromise? Oh right...your 15 bucks.


    Yes, exactly. I know you were being sarcastic, and want this to be some grand familial two way street, but it isnt.

    As an aside (and this is truly besides the point) perhaps if BW were more willing to communicate with me, I might be more willing to communicate with them in the hopes of a better outcome for all (which I think is what you are driving at.) But they arent.



    The company offered you a certain item that they believe is worth the 15 dollars (lol... complaining about dollars when so many people pay a heavier currency).

    There are 2 courses of action you as a paying costumer take if you don't like what they offer.

    1. Stop paying.

    2. Offer feedback on what they can do better for those precious dollars of yours.


    Thing is, most people don't give a rat's *** about making the game better, they just want it better without lifting a finger. Then go make a game yourself you masters degree game designer and come back telling me how much a cakewalk it was. You have to take decisions that impact the entire player-base. But obviously you know that since you worked on so many games. Actually it's not even limited to games. This holds true for any business environment or community oriented project.


    Yes, exactly. I dont want to lift a finger. In fact, I am a software engineer working on enterprise level client server systems whose general architecture is similar to MMOs (its not a game, though.) I make that kind of system function well at work. At play, I dont feel like doing it. At play, I simply want to play. If BW cant provide that, then I cant provide them with any funds. Sure, I could go above and beyond my responsibility and attempt to help make the game better, but I dont want to. My point was that I am not obligated to do so, as was suggested in this thread.


    All things considered, MMO gaming is one of the cheapest forms of social entertainment out there right now. You are getting your money worth of entertainment in no time at all.

    I find it ridiculous that you think 50cents a day is a huge money sink. Heck even the entire value of 15 is ridiculously low. Go out one night a week to a club or something and you probably end up wasting 4 times as much.


    Yes, its cheap. No, I dont buy something just because its cheap.


    Honestly, if you find feedback a ridiculous idea, you really need to analyze the world around you a little.

    Again, I was criticizing the idea that I owe it to BW to concisely and coherently articulate my needs. I dont.


    This sense of entitlement is ridiculous. You aren't due anything. The producers have no debt they owe you. A smart business will listen to their customers, true, but they won't be blindly lead along like a packmule. Contrary to the popular axiom, the customer is not always right.


    The sense of entitlement is not in any way ridiculous. I pay and in return am entitled to certain utility (in this case, fun.) If I dont receive said utility, I stop paying. I do not owe Bioware an explanation of why I stopped paying, or a coherent suggestion as to how they might be able to retain me as a customer, or... anything really.

    I dont owe them anything.

    They owe me utility for my $15.

    It is them who must entice me to continue to pay, not I who must entice them to entice me to pay. THAT idea is ridiculous.


    If you provide the producer with a coherent, legible, accurate, well-written, well-organized, justified and data-backed outline of your concern and your proposed solution, where the only action that remains for said producer is to evaluate the argument itself and the proposed solution (and any tweaks that might be necessary), you have a much higher chance of your request being fulfilled.




    Or, instead, I could take my money to a producer who gives me what I want without having to do all of that.


    What you describe is a seriously suboptimal use of my time and money.

  10. It's intelligence that will get their attention not stupid wisecrack comments.


    You people complain without giving actual feedback. You "quit" because your self-entitlement doesn't become reality, you compare games to get your points across but you NEVER use your heads when doing so.


    Just ONCE I'd want to see a "quitter" give actual concise smart and well thought reasons for quitting.


    Why? It is not the consumer's job to accurately, legibly, concisely, or even coherently communicate his or her desires. It is the producer's job to fulfill them.

  11. IAffilction, LF, wrath proc, crushing darkness, death field, affliction, FL, crushing darkness, deathfield...zzzz


    It is a shame because the lightning build offers a much more exciting play style.


    Haha, this!


    I keep telling myself, "Welllllll, if they do nerf double dip, at least then I can go full lightning and have more fun!"

  12. If you look carefully, you will see that there is a picture explaining what is what in the link above. It's a spec.


    Anyway, here is some information about the combat log:


    Each line has the following format:

    [timestamp] [source] [target] [ability] [event | effect] (value) <threat>

    and the parts of each line follow that format:

    [timestamp] = MM/DD/YYY H:i:s

    [source] = @Player | NPC {[0-9]+}

    [target] = [source]

    [ability] = AbilityName {[0-9]+}

    [effect] = EffectType [[0-9]+}: EffectName {[0-9]+}

    (value) = [0-9]+ energy | kinetic | internal etc. {[0-9]+}

    traling * at first value indictas critical hit

    Numbers in {} are the unqie String id of the String before the bracket, so that combat logs are comparable cross-language.


    With the data above the combat log should be quite self-explanatory as you read it.



    Note: there can be lines with empty ability ([]) that only have an event ;)



    Thanks much!

  13. Oh, you'll get no argument from me here. I wrote a lovely post a month or so back on how the concept of auto-crit abilities was terrible design to start with, particularly when variable crit magnitude is thrown into the equation. I've just come to realize that asking Bioware for relatively simple changes (like making a 2-second cast instacast for a spec with mobility problems) is far more likely to succeed than asking them to redesign an ability.


    That said, I believe that one of the major facets of the 1.2 UI revamp is going to be the ability to specifically highlight (or perhaps only show) your own debuff effects on the target. That would removed a fair amount of the annoyance factor of using TB in a raid with a number of other Sorcs.


    Well I hope you are wrong about the former and correct about the latter! ;)

  14. The only major change I'd recommend for TB is to remove the cast time. This would enhance Lightning's mobility (sorely needed), and give the ability and therefore the spec a slight dps boost.


    Daellia, I have to respectfully disagree with this.

    Sure, being able to cast it instantly (ie, on the move) is nice and would buff DPS a bit, but, it seems to me that the problem with TB is not the cast time, but the very fact that the ability hangs its hat on the guaranteed crit, which makes all of the gear-points you put into crit wasted (for this ability.) Similar to how alacrity is wasted for affliction, death field, creeping terror, wrathed anything, and lightning stormed-chain lightning.


    In addition, the nerf to surge made the guarenteed-crit worth even less.


    To address the actual problem with the ability, Id rather see the guaranteed-crit aspect removed entirely, and the base damage increased significantly.


    Also, to be honest, I hate the stupid affliction requirement, as, its impossible to tell when my (as opposed to the 4 other sorcs in the raids') affliction has dropped off, forcing me to play a "better safe than sorry" game with affliction reapplication.


    TD doesnt need to be some fancy schmancy twisty ability. Just make it hit hard.

    My 2c.

  15. Mythic or what's left of them who designed DAoC, joined bioware/EA, late in this projects life, and have very little to work with. Or much say in the state of the game at this point I would imagine.


    Hmn, well, alright then.

    Well, theyve said theyre going back to the drawing board and looking for suggestions, so here's their chance.

    Mythic people, we liked Darkness Falls and Land of the Dead! Give us the SWTOR equivalent, and we'll send cash!

  16. I'm not familiar with MMO's so this may be already in one...


    Does it make sense to have timed battles? Where a faction would have to physically schedule a date of attack. Perhaps at a cost. Which would allow the defending faction to gather people and resources in preperation of an attack. That way it wouldn't always be a suprise attack.


    And also having a limited amount that can participate might help for one sided battles.


    Shadowbane had something like this. I wasnt faction based, but guild based.

    It worked pretty well, actually, barring a few technical problems.

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