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Posts posted by BobaTed

  1. Combat log? You mean the stuff MMOs had 6 years before WoW was released... I think i remember there being weapons and armor as well, around the time of release. Levels too. Very inventive, those WoW developers.

    ...what the hell are you even talking about? Did you read the OP?

  2. Ugh. IMO, MMOs should never have been about "gear," and whoever came up with that design philosophy... well, I won't say it because frankly I'm not clever enough to come up with a suitable torture.


    Play games for enjoyment. Don't try to keep up with the Joneses. Don't grind for the sake of getting a reward that has no other purpose than to set you up for the next grind.

  3. thank you. its good to see someone sticking up for me! im not complaining. all i am is wondering

    But why is the question relevant, if not as an off-handed disparagement of the game? It might be relevant to accountants and shareholders in Bioware and EAGames, but for any player the far more relevant question is, "is it worth my money?"

  4. Of all the MMO launches I've seen (and I've seen quite a few), this is not only the smoothest, but also the most content-rich and the most replayable from the start. Granted, each class' quest line is very linear, but for a game to launch with eight different stories, with variations therein, that take you from 1 to max (or near max) - well, that's sadly rare.


    There's definitely room for improvement, and there are certainly design decisions that I strongly disagree with. But content-wise, the foundations and framework are, for my money (literally), surprisingly well-developed.

  5. Is it possible to level up sufficiently just doing your storyline quests, or will the story quests outstrip your level too quickly?


    Was wondering since I'm levelling both an Assassin and an Operative at the same time through Dromund Kaas, and repeating the side quests is kinda boring...

  6. AFAIC, Bioware's playing it smart. They're probably not entirely certain what the population will look like in, say, six months, and are waiting to see if they'll need to revamp their server architecture. Not much point in taking on even a little extra overhead before the server model is stabilized.


    Besides, it's not like the community can't do it themselves...

  7. My black-haired smuggler's eyebrows are brown. My white-haired inquisitor's eyebrows are brown. My grey-haired and grey-beared operative's eyebrows are brown. They all look like they either dye their hair, or paint their eyebrows.


    It's killin' me. :(

  8. Do you see my quandry or am I just whining? Is it odd to anyone else that this entire class, a stealth based advanced class, has one dedicated out of stealth Opener?

    Given that stealth openers tend to break stealth, how many openers do you actually need? :confused:


    Like the others said, stealth is best used for positioning and tactics - scouting corners, picking your fights and prepping the field before combat. You know, strategy stuff that has more to do with player awareness than hotbar skills. IMO, that's all stealth should ever have been, in any MMO or RPG.

  9. This idea has been brought up in several other MMO forums.


    In those forums, the idea was flamed, panned, beaten, etc.


    Some of those MMOs instituted a way to disable XP.


    In those games, people hailed it as a great and useful feature - including some of the people who had flamed, panned, and beaten it before.


    So, yeah, history repeats itself. :)

  10. There may be a psychological component as well... When I think of troopers, smugglers, bounty hunters, and agents, "healing" isn't exactly the first thing I think of. However, Sage kind of resonates with a Priestly vibe.


    Things might even out as people get more experience - but not in a good way, IMO. I'm waiting for the day my Concealment Operative is kicked for not going Medic, or for my Darkness Assassin to be yelled at for trying to tank.

  11. Can you think of any entity asside from the empire that could provide her more opportunity for profit while accepting her methods? Or any entity if she crossed it more certain to do her harm? The risk of the republic turning her from a security standpoint would be infitessimally small and a galaxy ruled by the republic wouldn't exactly suit her needs.

    Clearly Imperial Intelligence hadn't caught up with her yet, so she probably doesn't see them as any more of a threat than, say, the Hutt Cartel or any local police agency. And it's not the Republic I'm worried about. She could botch or throw a mission for any number of reasons - higher short-term payoff, or as a diversion to cover her escape from the Intelligence game, or even out of boredom.


    Oddly, though, my IA gets affection with her pretty easily. He gets dinged the occasional -1 for saying "Yes sir," but he regularly gets +15 or more whenever he requests more info - which, as a professional agent, he should be expected to do.

  12. think this out logically. The "bad" is what people pick because they are unable to do so in reality and this is of their own subconscious exploring these types of behaviors that they "bad" sides have to offer.

    Ugh. No offense, but I hate armchair psychology. :o As has been pointed out, you can be equally "bad" in the Republic as in the Empire.


    I've tried evil in other games (especially the KOTORs) and didn't like it. On the other side of the coin, though, it's meaningless to be a good guy in a good Republic. It's much more interesting to be a good guy in an evil Empire, and that's what I'm doing.

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