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Everything posted by Chrisarn

  1. There are 3 EU-PvP servers that havent gotten server transfers yet. Bloodworthy, Legions of Lettow and Basilisk Droid still havent gotten a server transfer. How long is this gonna last? We know we are gonna lose all out nicknames and legacynames because we are days after all the other servers to be transfered. Some info would be good.
  2. The Reason i am going to unsub is: 1.3 Brings 0 content to the game. Did BioWare think 4 bosses in EC Ops was enough to keep people playing this game for months? What happend to every major patch will have a new Ops, Flashpoint and something PvP oriented? There is no Ranked Warzone, I may add that it was supposed to come in 1.2 ( We all know that is a HUGE lie BioWare made up to try to get people to sub to the game again) - 1.3 Wont even bring Ranked..... This game have 0 World PvP, Nothing at all, there is nothing else then the same 4 Warzones over and over again. I acctually think it would have been better to keep the daily on Ilum, atleast then you had something else todo. I LOVE this game, but the amount of content BioWare puts out is makeing me look elsewhere for MMO's.
  3. I can call this right now, if 1.3 dosent bring a new Operation AND Ranked Warzone me and my guild are done for a while. BioWare cannot expect people to be happy with the 4! bosses we got in 1.2 and nothing more for months. I love the game, but this is taking it way to far.
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