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10 Good
  1. Humankeg don't waste your breath on these people, my earlier post stated what they can do with their pro tips but mods deleted my post and gave me a warning Majority of players play tracer missile / grav round and sages / sorcs, they hate stealthers and tanks because they can't sit in 1 spot and shoot them from afar, that's why they want to make it as hard as possible for us to engage them fairly.
  2. When other games do similar things correctly and not ludicrously bad, they deserved to be named. Only fanatic star wars fanboys who desperately want to believe SWTOR is made of candy and rainbows would attack against such facts on posts. Also when it comes to "insane survivability" my valor rank 67 scoundrel can tell you it's pretty *********** far from "insane" The fact you "can" vanish is more like you "have" to vanish because altho scoundrels can heal, they can't do it in combat situation since the heals are weak and take forever to cast, on top of that smugglers have worse defensive cooldowns ingame, our damage absorb only absorbs around 1k - 1.5k dmg, our evasion dodge does NOT dodge 90% of the incoming damage. All three warzones are zergfests not 1on1 like you're thinking. Oh and telling someone "Umadbro?" while calling them childish... amazing, just amazing. His signature happens to be 100% accurate, while you are undoubtly one of those people who hate achievements, hate damage meters, hate any kind of meters, hate anything that's in WoW. Seems to me it's infact you who should learn to play this game, I have no doubts you play either projectile spamming sage or grav round spamming commando.
  3. Wishful thinking, grasping straws finding reasons to play and ignore the facts that PvP in swtor is utterly horrible. WoW's PvP isn't even in the same galaxy as SWTOR. I played repub vs repub huttball today, 13 out of 16 slots were sages and troopers. I play scoundrel (valor rank 66) and it's pretty clear to me SWTOR's PvP = sage/sorc + trooper/BH, there's 0 reason to play smugglers, knights, imp agents or sith warriors in this game. Sages and troopers beat smugglers and knights in every single category PvP has to offer. SWTOR's forums are full of hate and whining for a reason, PvP is utter dog**** UNLESS you play 100% of your games in full battlemaster premade with nothing but sorcerers and bounty hunters. Playing only as long as my sub has time left, maybe i'll try this again in a year or more when it's probably free to play.
  4. Yeah this definately ends the valor farming and kill trading. Ilum is now: Player 1: I'll stand here so you can kill me xD Player 2: LOL OK You can kill me afterwards because I stop gaining valor after killing you xD Player 1: Haha yeah let's take turns killing eachother xD I can already taste the brutal war mongering in my mouth after serious fightning and blaster fire trading in Ilum now! Not. Ilum is going from bad to worse, soon we'll be sitting a big ring holding hands and singing gumbayaah ma loord, while game emotes "everyone take count to three!" All who said one, kill yourselves now so two's and three's can get valor!
  5. All of you who say operatives/scoundrels are fine, obviously play either a sorcerer or bounty hunter. Zergfest warzones like all 3 of them are, are nothing like the "PvP" videos of highlight killing 1 lowgeared player with all the buffs ingame on 3 hits. In voidstar you are 24/7 stuck in combat, and guess what class does the *******st damage ingame in a zergfest like that, scoundrels and operatives. It doesn't matter if you can take 50% off of someones health in few seconds when attacking from stealth, the other player doesn't need more than 50% hp to kill you. But that's something **** sorcerers and bountyhunters like most of you dont realize, buuu huuu i get facerolled when i only spam missiles and lighting they're so overpowered those stealthers!111 Operatives and scoundrels are the least played class ingame by a mile for a reason. If you think otherwise then go choke on your lightning missiles.
  6. PvP in this game is so horrible it literally killed love. Wrapped it's fists of balance called bounty hunters and sorcerers around love's throat and squeezed the life out of it.
  7. Untill pandas roll out!
  8. Powertechs can also do ridiculous damage, while having vastly superior defensive cooldowns compared to my scoundrel. Scoundrels are also suppose to be melee class, yet we have **** for defensive cooldowns while warriors and tanks get heavy armor, 99% damage reduction, 25% damage reduction, warriors can also vanish. While my ""defensive"" cooldowns break on damage and absorb so little damage I can't even tell how much it absorbs without you thinking I'm making a joke. Retarded game.
  9. Sorcerer players nitpicking your grammar since they can't otherwise give anything negative or contradicting in your post, well played lightning kids *golfclap*.
  10. I totally agree. I have 2x lvl 50's a sorcerer and a mercenary and it's OP for rogues to have interrupt! I mean for crying out loud I only have 1 attack and it's interruptable, PvP is so broken and it would be balanced if rogues didn't have stealth, at all. Altho they have no defensive cooldowns IMFHO it would be fair to take their vanish away too, that'll teach them. Sincerely Darth Herpa Derpa lvl 50 sorcerer Tracr'missl Forthewin lvl 50 mercenary
  11. I did say heavy armored healer, not heavy armored tank, but I guess spamming tracer missile has made you people unable to read correctly, altho I admit OP posted about tanks but I do count mercenarys and commandos as "tanky" classes which can do insane dmg while take the beating.
  12. My face when it's overpowered for stealth class to do 1 single opening move that hits for 5k crit, but it's totally ok for heavy armor healer to spam 4k crit missiles / grav rounds 5 in a row o _o
  13. Flavor of the month is generally a class that's the most played because it's "power is max" troopers / BH and sorcs / sages have been the FOTM of swtor since day 1 of closed beta. Operatives and scoundrels have been the least played class, which doesn't matter to bioware since they're just nerfing them because sorcerers and bounty hunters cried too much; "But mah 1 button lightening and misales not see them, cant attack????" Maybe that's the reason bioware keeps us in combat for 30 seconds at a time when we dont do anything besides stand in a corner trying to get out of combat to re-stealth. Guess what bioware, stealth classes would actually like to stealth in warzones for a change, just saying.
  14. Too many whiners and "PvP" movies out there, Stims [check] Adrenaline [check] Exp buff [check] Tab cycle into the lowest max hp sorcerer in warzone [check] Play some dubsteb [check] Cut the movie after ambush/backstab/fisting [check] What they don't show is Leap pinned/stunned by marauder [check] Def screen "bubble" down in 1 hit [check] Dodge not really dodging anything [check] Pulled out of vanish immediately afterwards by dots / aoe [check] Can't flashbang thanks to resolve bar, taking too much dmg to wait [check] Now the game breaks the laws of physics and planets align and you manage to get the marauder in pretty low hp; Marauder laughs at you and gets 99% damage reduction for 10 seconds since hey, HE is the melee class [check] Marauder vanishes after 99% dmg shield ends [check] You use your gap close.... oh wait we're not a melee class we dont need one :-) [check] SPEND NEXT 28 SECONDS IN COMBAT DOING JACK **** SINCE GAME DOESN'T LET YOU STEALTH [CHECK CHECK CHECK]
  15. It simply takes way too long. I'm sure all of you know especially in PvP how sometimes you get stuck in combat for nearly 30 seconds without being able to re-stealth, and no I'm not saying "it should be 1 second so we can spam shoot first!!1". We've all seen the "PvP videos" that only showcase shoot firsts against 10k hp sorcerors without bubble, with biochem stim on, biochem adrenaline on, relic power up on and warzone buff up. This makes everyone think we're somehow unstoppable warmachines that simply look at you and you explode. If you don't count our initial from-stealth opening burst, we're nothing but cannonfodder against warriors or bounty hunters or snipers or sorcerers. Scoundrels have literally zero defensive cooldowns, def. screen absorbs so little damage I can't even tell how much it absorbs without it sounding like I'm making a joke. Dodge doesn't dodge even half the damage that's coming to you and vanish... well guess if you're not dotted you can count running away as defensive cooldown. 28 seconds is the longest I've counted in being stuck in combat in voidstar warzone, it would be faster to get out of combat by simply dying and get respawned, or does Bioware think we'll just go against bounty hunters and marauders with our fists when they will literally destroy you with their superior cooldowns. I mean once you open against the enemy mercenary healer who has any pvp gear there's 100% chance it won't kill him, not in a teamfight. So then what...? Bounty hunters and marauders and sorcerers will do nearly as much burst on you, without needing stealth, that you did and needed stealth to do. Yet you need to hide behind pillars for nearly half a minute to be able to do the same. Don't hate me for mentioning the unmentionable, but in WoW it took no more and no less than 5 seconds for players to leave combat if not hitting or getting hit, and in WoW rogues didn't get any "upper hand" against any other class for this. We can't pop 99% shieldwalls or use instant heals nor damage shields that actually absorbed 'anything'. Hit'n'run is stealthers way and ATM it's more like Hit'n'afk. TL;DR Bottom line is we have no comparable defensive cooldowns, stealth hit'n'run ambush is the class defining thing for scrapper scoundrels and right now the ludicrous game mechanics are ruining it for not a single good reason. Just because we can hit hard ONCE does not justify the lack of defensive cooldowns and stripping us from the single class defining ability. Just my 75 cents.
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