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10 Good
  1. Ignorance at its best. Every quest is voice acted and built into seamless and unique stories for each class archetype. That is 8 separate and unique storylines within the game. No mmo has achieved that in such detail or in better presentation. Dialogue actually has impacts. I hooked up with an NPC (Jaxo) and she emailed me back for a repeat performance. And saying this is wow in space? Why? Because there is war zones? That's like saying wow was nothing but daoc with orcs - because like it or not, nothing new was introduced with WoW. MMOs have certain staples that will be in every game made. Those thinking the genre is going to be "revolutionized" to the point that it's unrecognizable to any other mmo are disillusioned or don't understand the genre. Look at fps games for example. What changes? Graphics and weapon choices for the most part. The difference in all games, is their ability to deliver a story, to immerse players in their game world, and offer content that keeps them involved in the late game. The last is the most difficult, and I think SWTOR did the first 2 better than any mmo has to date.
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