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    Edmonton, Alberta
  1. Sweet holy jesus do I remember doing that. What a marathon!
  2. TIE Fighter. Hands down funnest space sim ever. I hope they plan on recapturing some of that glory when they expand space like for SWTOR like they're hinting.
  3. I've been waiting for this game since October 2008, since these forums were created and apparently long before the QQers were born. I'm okay with waiting a couple more days.
  4. I pre-ordered in December after playing the beta, with the full knowledge that I will likely only get one day of Early Access. But I am a rational human being who knows how to read, and this does not bother me because I learned how to wait in a line in preschool.
  5. Yes it is. It says right on the front page in one sentence. You MAY get to play up to 5 days early. Do I need to get a dictionary to explain what the word may means?
  6. If I were BioWare I'd just refund you all your 5 bucks you paid for the PRE ORDER and then make you wait until the 20th. The only money you paid for to get Early Access is the money for the pre order, not the full price of the game. Even so, that 5 dollars only gets you the promise that you will be able to play the game before the 20th. It does not promise you that you will be able to play today, or tomorrow, or any of the other days except for the 19th. You get what you paid for. Its not their fault you expected something more when they clearly stated what you were getting.
  7. If you want to sit in PvP with no people in it and blow through all of the game content in the day...I LOL at your sad life.
  8. That's not enough Stephen! People should be working for 26 hours a day, 8 days a week! For all the whiners: Grow the **** up
  9. I didn't get lunch with my preorder and you did? This is BS I thought BioWare promised us sandwiches!
  10. Having the extra CC won't have much of an effect if using it bumps the opponents resolve up very high or all the way, rendering the rest of your CCs useless.
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