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Posts posted by Fynnlagh

  1. I recently got back to the game and tried to get back into PvP on my healing sorc. Sorry, but it feels like crap. Sometimes it seems impossible to even stay alive vs. a single dps class and if you got more than one on you, even fake casting and using defensive cd doesn't seem to help.

    On the other hand you see a merc dps that keeps himself up vs. at least one dps with no effort at all.

    The team mates are mostly zero supportive even if you keep them alive.

    Is it me? Have I lost my endless pvp experience or is the balancing really that bad?

  2. I must say two things regarding the cartel market.

    First I can't understand why the exchange of credits into cartel coins isn't a thing yet. It's what most companies do and their games don't suffer from it - in most cases they even make additional money.

    Second is that I never played an mmorpg that is so massively overpriced like SWTOR. I don't buy much from the cartel market and when I play I have an active subscription.

    But how is an ordinary cartel item that costs more than a 6 month subscription justified? That's 70€ for a virtual god.


    Sorry, but I'm still shocked about that - and that's after I found out that you can't turn credits into CC (because I thought that would be a thing)

  3. All mats are not being moved into the new mat storage when the button is clicked. This is effecting not only a single grade of mat, nor type. I have counted it effecting numerous items ranked from grade 2-10.


    Have you tried do setup that correctly? Right click on the icon and set to "legendary". It puts everything in the new material bank just fine for me.

  4. What do you have your Dark Side / Light side meter set to? The crew skill missions may say one alignment, but they always use whatever you have it set to for your character. That's always been that way before 6.0. By default the setting is usually in the bottom right corner near the mini map.



    To light side. As always. Loken gives dark side points, same for Xalek while Vette gives light side.

  5. Hi

    I recently noticed that there is an "event" called Command Bonus that rewards a specific activity with additional command points.

    So I checked that for the last three days and it were Uprisings, Warzones and Flash Points. Today it's again or still Flash Points?

    Is there a certain order in which those activties show up?

    And how long is a bonus activity active? Do they start at midnight or early morning and last 24 hours until it switches to the next one?

    And how often is that event? I can't find any really good information about that.



    thanks in advance for all those helpful answers!

  6. That's what came to my mind after trying, but the game never told me. I mean the veteran mode was introduced in 2016 pretty much at the time I stopped playing.

    So I assumed that it scales (like everything in this game) with your current level especially "old content".

    The big issues I have with it are:

    - It's 60+ content meant to be done on 70 when you are "done" with the game

    - the difficulty scaling upwards like crazy from story mode (which you can do with pressing one button) to veteran (with gear requirement) that is really a lot harder and master (i haven't even tried yet)


    I'm totally okay with hard content and I did a lot of that in my mmorpg history. I just think it should be better explained and at least scale with your current level and the ilvl you can get at this time or "max level only"

  7. I think this thread is pretty funny. I recently came back to this game and after playing some new characters I got back on my Sentinel to try to get some companions from the Odessen story line.

    I basically stopped at around chapter 12 or something and thought it could be a good idea to make it a bit more difficult.

    So, I jumped into Chapter 11 (getting Jorgan for my Alliance) and tried that in veteran mode and I wish I wouldn't have. This mode is no way balanced around the character. I'm level 66 and wearing around ilvl 193 (or something) and my new friend Jorgan is healing (he is new and level 3).

    There is really no way to do the last fight with the droid and his adds and it's not "only" my gameplay, but my gear, the stupidity of the companion that tries to facetank everything and collecting exploding bots.

    I'm ok with a challenge, but IF there is something in the game like that, can you make it scale correctly at least?

    There is no way to "ilvl" of a 65 in 2016 was 230+ (the greens dropping there are 220)


    Why I post that here? Because my plan was to do that **** in master mode one day, but I guess that won't be possible I will never bruteforce it through ilvl 9000.

  8. I came back for the expac and most likely cancel my sub after december. I hoped I get my missing companions back, open story lines get an well deserved end and they don't repeat old mistakes again and again.

    The story is fun even when it's so much running, killing millions of sky troopers, watching a video, running again while slaying more sky troopers, fighting a boss from the last expac and he still is allowed to escape more then once, fighting waves of sky troopers.

    I can do this on one or two characters, but after that the game has nothing that really keeps me playing. I can't start a new class with new interesting story lines because everything is ONE story line now and so many companions are still missing.


    SW:TOR could have been one the best mmorpg on the market, but it seems to lack a big design team that can put out content that keeps people playing.

    What I totally miss is a real bonus for people staying subbed. Those poor cartel coins aren't a reason to keep a sub.

  9. Is the classic Huttball map broken?


    We started a game 10v10 some minutes ago and everything was normal. Someone picked up the huttball, died and 10 seconds later the game ended with a defeat (12:45 minutes left) at 0:0



    Dear Bioware, fix that ****, please.

  10. "come back and sub for early access" was just a way to get the attention, then, because this is such important thing being a video game and all, you should go a read the terms and conditions to what should be a very simple statement, to find out I need to also hop on one foot, spin in a clockwise circle, cluck like a chicken and bark 2x, I missed the first 1 so im screwed out of the banner announcement of "come back and sub for early access"


    ya ok


    Sorry, you are a customer. You are responsible for your action and where you put your money. I still wonder how some people can live in this world when they have to be told not to put their dog into a microwave or when you order a cup of coffee that the coffee maybe hot.

    In that case it's not even hidden behind some 20 pages of rules or something. It had a direct link in the e-mail. All you had to do was to click a link and read.

  11. The commendation vendors on the fleet are still there. The mods/armorings/enhancements are green now but the stats haven't changed much.


    The level 60 gear vendors seem to be gone but that shouldn't be new to anyone. With every expansion the vendors for ops or specific endlevel gear disappear. it happened from classic swtor to hutt cartel and from hutt cartel to SoR.

    I don't know why bioware does this, but they always did in the past. That's why I never threw away my old pvp gear.

  12. I read the whole thing and it was clear to me.


    I got an e-mail with a link to the KotFE page and there is a huge chapter with:


    *Terms and Conditions


    To qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed reward dates. Once you qualify you may enter and play Knights of the Fallen Empire on October 20, 2015, seven (7) days prior to live launch on October 27, 2015.


    Sorry, I really don't see your problem here.

  13. This game is marketed to Star Wars fans. Unfortunately its the only SW mmo currently or even fewer would be here.


    It sounds to me like many here would prefer a kindle choose your own adventure book if it had some video to go with it. Its no surprise that this game is barely keeping its head above water.


    Enlighten us, what exactly is it you don't like?

  14. The only bug I encountered is that none of my companions is wearing trousers or weapons anymore. The rest worked perfectly fine. I played to chapter IV and had to stop me from playing any further because my guild mates are still downloading and have gone to bed some hours ago.



    - the bugs some people found

    - the download speed of the patch



    - the expansions storytelling seems to be epic (as stated before I'm not done yet)

    - the companion changes seem to be good

    - mastery instead of main stats is a good idea



    I really like it, i think i will love it.

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