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Posts posted by Fynnlagh

  1. Additionally, give us gear templates for below 80 that normalizes stats. You completely get outgeared so often when you meet up alts that run around with 410k hp on a level 15. This makes the already unbalanced 7v8 warzones unplayable when a player can carry on his own because he outgears everybody.

  2. 54 minutes ago, Prapcaster said:

    I don't think were on the same topic here. Ranked has never had entire guilds crushing the queue since 8v8 ranked which was like a decade ago. 4v4 ranked was just teams with the random pvp guild that died in a few months and splintered off into other guilds. As far as wintrading goes it was an issue because it was allowed to be an issue. It took people like cabelas and demonchild who had been throwing and wintrading for years way too long to get any kind of punishment and by that time the damage those kind of people caused couldn't be swept under the rug.

    As far as ranked working in an mmorpg I'm not sure why you stated it doesn't work. WoW was one of the biggest e-sports events in the gaming scene for years before the devs had a bunch of accusations towards them. It still could be I've no idea I don't keep up with it anymore. Destiny another mmo is one of the biggest competetive games on the market.


    And in WoW it works? No, it doesn't. I won't start the discussion about balancing, but just look at the wintrading, title selling, achievement selling. The whole ladder are wintrading/seller groups in RBG. It's a bit less worse in Arena (at least on US), but you can still by gladiator titles, carries.

    This isn't what I'd call working competitive gaming. Sure, you can have "esports" tournaments, but even those are ridiculous to watch compared to real esports games like csgo, lol, etc.


    I totally agree on the "being allowed to be an issue" and that's what I meant with "until the company behind it will check games, ladders and watch matches and banning for any offense".

    As long as there are no game masters that really check for those issues nothing is going to happen. That's why I really liked GW2 where GM really play the game and you see them on a regular basis in all game modes.


  3. Because there wasn't any "competition" in this game. When ranked was released it took some weeks until you had 1 group dominating ranked per server and every other group dodging that group, next step was wintrading and stomping pug groups.

    Competitive doesn't work in mmorpg and never will until the company behind it will check games, ladders and watch matches and banning for any offense.

  4. 22 hours ago, Prapcaster said:

    Nah this is just the consequences of taking competition away. These are the people that play the game for the cartel market and nothing else. The reason they weren't in pvp before is because there was at least a vague expectation to not be terrible at the game. Now that it's been taken away these people that have never read a single ability are rushing in like waves on a beach. Just run a round the map a bit and maybe click on a node a few times and they'll get the rewards they were after. A sad state this game is in.


    What competition was taken away? Which premade team could dodge each other better?

  5. On 5/18/2023 at 1:57 PM, TrixxieTriss said:

    So out of my whole post you decided the only thing worth arguing about is the only thing the majority of pvpers actually all agree should be fixed.

    That premades should be reduced back to a 4 man size.

    I don’t think you’re going to get much player support. Maybe it’s you who needs to reconsider what is best for PvP.

    Reduce it to 2 players and everyone else gets in a separated group queue.

  6. Generell nicht auf dem deutschen Server spielen. Da hast du zu viele Leute, die sich nicht mal die Mühe machen ihren Build für PvP anzupassen, aber gecarried werden wollen.

  7. Calling players bots is just stupid. End of story.
    If you say bots everyone normal refers to either automated programs playing the game for you (or sometimes automatic interupts etc). Holy ff, it took me the whole thread to understand that we are not talking about bots here but players.

    And no, bad players don't justify playing a premade vs pugs. If the players are so bad it's your time to shine. If you can't shine, you maybe as bad as them too.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 3
  8. On 4/25/2023 at 6:37 PM, AwesomeTacoCat said:

    To the extent that there should be balance changes in pvp, I think they should be geared towards arenas, which are inherently more competitive than warzones. And I’d say the TTK is actually pretty reasonable in arenas atm. Outside of matches where you get two quality healers and 3 dps doing <4K (which is unfortunately too often but that’s another story), most matches end up with a death fairly quickly. Sure, trinity comps can last longer, but even the best healers cannot outheal 2 top-tier dps and a top-tier tank for 5 minutes. Given that decent dps can put out at a minimum 10k dps in a match and tanks add an additional at least 5k on top of that, people will die because even the best healers have trouble sustaining 25k hps even free casting let alone with pressure. It’s pretty rare to see healers over 22k. So, no, I disagree, TTK is actually pretty reasonable. We don’t want a situation where people get globalled in 6 seconds, that’s not really that fun…

    No thanks. Balancing a game around the smallest game mode already destroyed wow pvp. Go away with that arena crap, thanks.

  9. I don't see much reason of playing a tank in wz right now. Guard isn't strong enough to compensate the lack of 1 dps in your group and tank stats aren't relevant in pvp anyway. DPS are way too strong and the self-healing of hybrids is still overtuned.

    As long as you can't even 1v1 a dps you have no place as a tank.

    • Confused 1
  10. On 4/24/2023 at 1:15 AM, VegaMist said:

    And it makes me chuckle when sometimes some smug noob starts giving instructions to a known vet in chat.

    It's only you knowing someone is a vet and based on my experience 60% of the vets haven't improved in years and are still completely clueless or have been running premades and were carried by their team vs randoms.

    It's not that easy.

  11. It's always players that destroy the game mode. You can't do the right thing as a developer. People choose the easiest way to be successful. That's forming premades for randoms instead of learning, joining the winning team instead of learning, dodging the opposing group instead of trying, transfering to servers that are full of your faction so you can 10v1 the other, etc.

    What can you do against that as a developer? I really don't know, but the behaviour of most players is the same everywhere.

    • Haha 1
  12. Premades and ranked teams are a nice topic. As someone who played rank in this and other games the argument seems not to be valid.

    From experience:

    If you premade into randoms the game mode dies. You can see that in all games out there. WoW for example showed this pretty good in low level brackets when pvp alts made groups and farmed random queue or in the current game where premades (not 2 or 3 friends but full groups) destroy any competition

    In ranked SWTOR pvp it ended for my guild with people just dodging us because they refused to try to win or at least have a good game vs us. In the end we switched to GW2 because waiting for a ranked queue isn't exactly playing the game.

    The same happened on other servers, because too many pvp'ers prefer farming opponents with no effort instead of improving and fighting better teams to learn.

    So what do you gain when you queue into randoms? Nothing. In the end you just destroy the last thing you can do in this game as pvp'er. Sure, you'll have a week of "fun" by destroying unorganized players but this gets old very quick and soon after that the game is dead.


    Big change would be: Split group and solo queue completely. I'd be a wonder if group queue wouldn't die out in some weeks after that change.

    • Like 1
  13. 12 hours ago, remylion said:

    I would agree but when you see most of your team is farming kills and doesn't care about winning why should I bother playing it to win?

    Is there any difference in reward from me getting 11 medals on a losing team while trying to win and the rest of my team intentionally ignoring objectives and sabotaging the game? There is no difference since the dailies and weeklies only care about win and loss.

    Bioware fosters this kind of behavior so I'm going to lean into it.

    Bioware fosters nothing. It's your decision to throw a match you still can win. And in many cases you can at least influence the outcome because no whole team is zerging. There are always some players that wanna play objectives.
    We had an useless afk guy in our Alderaan yesterday. We had 1 player less and were 200 points behind so he went afk. We lost the game with 60 points because we went full and played well. In the end we lost because a douush bag decided for himself that game was over 2 minutes in.

    And this happens a lot.

    I understand that people afk vs a full 8 man squad (which happens very rarely) because you most likely lose it and it' pretty much obvious after the first minutes, but in most of the cases you always have a good chance of turning matches.

  14. I feel so bad right now. I came back in november for the expansion and was fine with "We can't release it in december" and now I'm still subbed and it feels like .. empty and sad like Ziost.


    Thanks to my friends and guild I had fun with for some weeks, but this isn't worth it. The conquest change is a huge point for making it even worse.



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