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18 Good

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  • Location
    Somewhere in the Northeastern, United States
  • Interests
    Video Games of course.
  • Occupation
    Operations Support Specialist
  1. There is absolutely no reason to use lightning/telekinetics. Madness/balance does just as much damage, does not suffer much from mobility issues, and has an absolutely insane amount of self heals built into the rotation. The only thing I think lightning/tk has over it is burst damage but plaguemaster skill is close to the burst damage comparison
  2. Patch 7 has been out for YEARS now. Those of us that wanted the gear earlier did the necessary content in order to get our rakata gear. As a NIM level raider myself I am more than fine with people who play this game in the majority solo to gain OP-1s similar to how it is gained in group content. Doing a combination of group and solo content will still be the fastest way to gain OP-1s. That aside let's address the elephant in the room here. STOP pretending like you didn't easy mode farm your rakata gear by cheesing NIM dashroode or doing NIM nefra in order to get your rakata gear prior to its availability on the vendors. You didn't earn it the proper way by going through the entire operation either. You just toon swapped and baited your rakata piece like everyone else. So don't sit here on some kind of high horse gate keeping this content when you did the same content over, and over, and over, and over again until you had the gear you wanted to the level you wanted. You complain about hammer station spam to get gear but did nefra and dashroode spam to get rakata. So sick of the gear gate keepers in this game dude. They're not handing out NIM achievements with this update. You still need to know your class to do harder content.
  3. Look I get it. You are adding a reward for content that is rarely played outside of gaining achievements, so thank you for that BUT this reward is honestly a slap in the face. Reason being is a columi gear piece which is dropped from the easiest operations can be deconstructed for 8 OP-1s and you get 4-5 of them, as well as OP-1s from the bosses and if it is a weekly 65 OP-1s from completion of that. Rakata relics that can be dropped from the same operation deconstruct for 15 each and can be baited to drop from the boss by replacing your relic with a 306 rated one. I understand the desire to keep the amount low so that these chapters don't wind up becoming the defacto best way to upgrade your gear but NOBODY and I mean NOBODY is going to farm nothing but Master Mode KOTFE and KOTET chapters for their Rakata upgrade process. I think at least 15 OP-1s is an adequate reward for completion of this content.
  4. I understand not being able to quick travelfrom a pvp area or in combat, but there are plenty of instances areas that allow quick travel. I can quick travel from instance areas like heroics, flashpoints, and operations, and there are plenty of non instanced no travel areas in the game like non instanced starport areas. It's just all not necessary except for the examples I already gave
  5. I don't even understand the purpose of not being able to travel to stronghold, guild ship etc from certain areas. Why? What is the point of restricting quick travel movement?
  6. Then as a healer at least in a MMFP I'm voting to kick you. You are a dps and hyper expendable. Your job can be done by a companion. Get down off your high horse.
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