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10 Good
  1. Mythic originally did Warhammer Online. Bioware bought them out months ago to cut their teeth on an already established and running mmo. Not too mention, I bet they used some of those servers for SWTOR. Keep with times newbcake.
  2. When they kinda advertised this as a "big" feature and one of the cooler aspects attained from the legacy system, ya, not whining. Merely stating the obvious fact. All I gotta say is. SO LONG SWTOR! It was fun while it lasted but you guys really screwed the pooch. And to all of you who are gonna "defend" Bioware. I'll see ya in another game once you open you eyes. Desperate campaign to attract new and old players...you know your game is in trouble when it happens so early, so fast. 38% of subs lost within the past two months. That should tell all you fanboi's something. Way to fail Bioware. Oh, and I went to those "suggestion" forums you mentioned. Out of every post I looked at not one, single, Developer reply. Thanks for caring!
  3. I've been with you guys since beta. Loved the game. I grinded to War Hero before patch. I got my full BM gear. Then you nerf all rewards and make it to where people have to spam one dps ability and win. Took allllllll the skill out. I guess I should be happy cause Im harder than hell to kill...so long as I heal no one but myself. But crap guys, really, what drugs are you on? The gear looks like the retarded children of gobots and power rangers. Who looked at that art and thought, "This looks awesome!!"??? Are you guys even paying attention to your fanbase? All I see in General, in Guild, on forums is upset players. And you know I'm right! How can I make this statement? Because you guys are bribing me now! With a pet and free game time. I dont care how many pets or free game time you give me. If the game turns to crap, Im gonna leave. And I have been a Bioware fanboi since the freaking 90's!! And guess what? It's crap! What happened? Did you layoff all your good people? Or did you all think launch was such a wonderful success that you all decided to go spend your bonus checks on crack, get blitzed, and then come back and code a crap load of poopy? This is terribad. My suggestion. Bring back the old system. Take away all the useless WZ medal bonus stuff. Why have so many freaking medals if only 8 count anyway? Doesn't that seem excessively retarded? Bring back the skill. Spammable, one button dps abilities are a no go. I thought a tracer missle BH was bad but sheesh! This is some serious BS. Art Department. GET OFF THE PIPE! Your gear does not even have a star wars feel. The Operative gear is laughable. All of it is! I've seen so much concept art not in game I wonder who okay'd this look of gear. It is not Star Wars. The best analogy is that He-Man, the Go-bots, the power rangers and Car VOLTRON had a freaky night of sex and this is what came out. I hate to be blunt...but this is complete and utter disaster. ~Narcissa; Dark Reaper
  4. Actually, it is not a lot to work on. Before they could, a guy sits down and draws up these ides for armor. They have TONS of them. Just look online at concept art. Hell, I got an Android app on my phone that shows some really sweet concept art for armor that is not currently in game. BUT SHOULD BE! So they get no pass there. They had one of the largest, if not THE LARGEST development budgets for this game and it is largely becoming a bust. And it kills me. I'm a huge fan of the Universe. This is not Star Wars.
  5. I avoided the PTR forums so I would hopefully be genuinely surprised. I kinda wanted to keep it like XMas. Ya know, I could go look in Mom and Dad's closet when they are not home...but why spoil the surprise and excitement of the unknown? Plus, I wanted to judge by actual release and sincerely hoped the Dev's and the Art Department would take those complaints into account and do something about it. I had heard that it was bad but I never, in my wildest dreams, thought it would be this bad.
  6. Okay folks. What do you think of the new War Hero armor? My personal opinion is that the Art Department was on some serious crack. I hate being a Negative Nancy but seriously!?!? What were you guys thinking? Specifically, the Operative set looks like cat vomit. Literal Cat vomit. The Jugg set looks like a cross between a GoBot and a Power Rangers Villain. The Bounty Hunter looks semi-okay but even there I'm kinda thinking...meh. The Sorc gear is the only one that looks fairly decent. Dev's, you have seriously dropped the ball. The art does not even have a Star Wars feel. It literally looks like bad half-breeds of Power Ranger, GoBot, and He-Man inspired artwork. I never thought I would consider unsubing over a patch but after looking at all the gear, lack of 8-man que's and a host of other issues this patch was pushed far too soon, and represents a complete lack of understanding regarding the player community and the Star Wars universe. Seriously dissatisfied. But I would really like to know what the rest of the PvP community thinks? Do you like the new War Hero gear for your class? Do you feel cheated? Do you feel, as I do, that the Dev's dropped the ball regarding the art and aesthetics? ~Narcissa Dark Reaper
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