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Posts posted by frisco

  1. We have 1 or 2 openings for exceptional rDPS for 16m NiM team. Whisper me in game or submit an app on our website.


    We are also accepting apps for casual players who want to raid with some of the best raiders on The Harbinger. We typically have some form of Ops running every night. Some of our players have been known to group for PVP action on our off nights or after raids.


    Most of our guild activities are between 6pm and 12am PST. Whisper any officer or fill out our abbreviated casual app on our website.

  2. We certainly could have, but when all the officers are ready to be done and no one else wants to take over sometimes you have to let nature take its' course.


    I would have argued that it was a good thing for the community, since we had 8+ people who would have been willing to continue playing elsewhere and that many talented players could have helped any guild get a kill, but for some reason no one tried to recruit them. Odd, since I hear everyone's recruiting so assiduously.


    Communication is a two way street. Anyone wanting to continue progression raiding from SG would be welcome to join Intrepid if they wish to keep raiding, especially 16m. We would just need to know who's interested.


    Suckafish ran into a similar issue and reached out to our officers...now they are part of our ranks and really glad to have them onboard. Similar situation with other guilds on the server as well.


    A few ways to contact us:

    on our site: http://www.intrepidops.com

    on enjin: message Wel

    on this forum (send me a pm)

    or in game on The Harbinger (/who any Wel)


    Our new recruitment post for Strongholds:



  3. Well a couple real facts, like Harb has good players, good players are out there, and it takes work to get them. Ultimately though, it's all just my opinion, shaped by my experience over ~8 months of making sure SG stayed a 16m guild, and watching Thin do the same for another 6 months or so before that.




    Nope, no chance. Any chance we'll see a kill from you?


    Seems as though SG could have recruited through the decline and achieved another world title run from your description. Too bad it didn't work out as it's a loss for the entire community.




    As for Intrepid, we're still raiding on a regular basis...timed runs are on the agenda. If you look to come out of retirement (not exactly what that means from a video game pov) you're welcome to app. An officer will reply right away as we're always recruiting.

  4. First, I wasn't thinking of intrepid when I wrote that statement (although, I think we had ~25 people total come in on council for us during the weeks we were working on it, so we certainly didn't dodge the "having to find people" problem). Second, there are good players out there, but you have to actively be looking for them. You can't stop at a forum recruitment post and maybe some fleetchat spam. Also, I thought Harbinger was one of the best servers for PVE right now? I know there are several guilds who have cleared DP, even under the timer. If you have good relationships with the other guilds on your server, it makes it a lot easier to sub people in, given how many NiM-level raiders have geared alts/mirror classes they can use. If you don't, things get harder, but pissing off everyone on your server to the point they won't raid with you is a pretty shortsighted approach to things anyways.


    Losing that many people early (it sounds like between DF and DP? or early into DP) sounds like a leadership problem though, tbh. Losing more than half your raid isn't just a rash of people "going casual" or "disappearing" without some help from the people running stuff.


    Seems like your post is full of assumptions with no real facts...but that's ok. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


    Back to 16m progression, any chance we'll see SG get the title before the buff expires?

  5. Who are we?


    Intrepid is a Progression Guild on The Harbinger - Republic side with active 16m and 8m progression teams. We are a collective of experienced players who have come together in order to assemble a productive Operations team. We strive to compete with the best guilds from around the world in downing new Operation content. If interested please see below, or check out www.IntrepidOps.com


    In addition to raiding, Intrepid is actively participating in Guild Conquests. We welcome casual players who are interested in competing with Guild Conquests and occasionally would like to raid on our off nights. If you are interested in raiding with some of the best of The Harbinger, whisper any officer or submit an application on our site.


    Progression and Accomplishments

    • "From Beyond", "Dragonslayer" and "Eternal Warriors" titles cleared
    • World 2nd Clear NiM SV 16
    • World 3rd/US 2nd Clear NiM DF 16
    • 1-hour timed run "Gate Crashers"
    • 5/5 NiM DP - Deposer of the Dread Masters



    When do we raid?


    7pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are scheduled NiM raids.


    Each night of progression Ops lasts 3-3.5 hours. Additionally, optional Sunday or Monday Operations will be offered in order to further our strategy development and get additional exposure, gear, observe recruits, etc. We scale back the amount of hours during farm content.


    Off night raids usually start around the same time and include content from all operations. These are usually fun, fast raids to farm content for achievements, titles and mounts.



    What classes are we recruiting?


    Currently recruiting all classes with emphasis on rDPS. Will consider any applicant who is active with Guild Conquests and would like to participant on a casual basis during our off nights.


    What do we expect?


    In order to begin a trial process with us for a NiM roster spot, your character will need to be geared appropriately (180/dread forged gear+). From there, we would like to see a completed application.


    Keep in mind that gear does not make the player. We look for these things in our trials:

    · Performance (first and foremost)

    · Class, Advanced Class and strategy knowledge

    · Attitude

    · Reliable attendance

    · Participation in discussions and guild events

    · Social fit


    If you have any additional questions feel free to contact us via our site or /who Intrepid to get a hold of an officer in-game.

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