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  1. It isn't that this is a trend that has been there since the game launched. I remember the first few weeks wasn't swamped with inquisitors in pvp. But now its all there is. The 1v1 argument doesn't work in pvp because there isnt a 1v1 in pvp. With all their movement abilities if you're in any kind of environmental hazard situation you're nearly guaranteed to lose the fight, ESPECIALLY if you're a mara.
  2. Does bioware not see that nearly every team in warzones is almost completely inquisitor's/consulars? Does anyone not see a problem with that? There is obviously no balance when people feel the need to be a specific class just to be viable in pvp. Also pure dps classes such as Marauders and Snipers are gimped as far as medals are concerned since we can not heal or guard. We lose the automatic medals that every other class gets. It would not be an issue if we did more damage or got more kills as a result. But when hybrids are destroying pure dps classes even in damage I feel there is an issue.
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