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Posts posted by trueanimus

  1. To make the economy viable.. they have to make the crafted items viable. Here is the way it stands.


    Right now there is no reason to have any crafting professtion except biochem. Why?


    1. Any armor you can make (except the one or two BOP rakata items) is worthless once you run a few heroics at 50 and win a few drops. With the timer removed, you can get a full set of columi gear and ready to raid, in less than 2 days.


    Cybermech - worthless because droids serve no purpose


    armormech - popular now.. will be once again worthless in a week .. maybe 2


    armsmech - worthless. pvp weapons are better than the oranged you can make


    synthweaving - also worthles.. after you have the 2 rakata pieces you drop it because you can never make any cash with it




    support skills are all ok... slicing still brings in the most for missions and cash.. the others are personal prefrence.. depending on what parts you want to farm.


    The thing they should do.. is make farming mats more involving. Add harvesters like in SWG and personal crafting with venders you can set up on your ship or in player towns.. THAT is what made SWG one of the best games ever.. Player housing and a real player economy... not this sharade of one we have now that is just wow with a SW overlay.

  2. So, I wanted to play through IA's storyline.


    Since I was in doubt on which to roll, I rolled both up until lv 12, just to get a small taste of the different flavours.


    As of Lv. 12, I am a bit unsatisfied with both:


    Operatives - Presently, weak DPS and looking the Talent Trees it doesn't look like it is getting any better. Besides I can already see myself having a bad time trying to DPS any boss in basically any HM or Op. As a Healer I have no idea how it would be, but energy management seems a but tricky and my healer specced Sorcerer seems a helluva more effective. But on the healer issue it is merely presumptions and I can be dead wrong, hope you guys confirm.


    Snipers - The lack of mobility might become a pain in the arse in late game PvE. Energy management is a bit tricky, but interesting. DPS is a bit subpar considering it is a DPS-only class. Cover gets a bit buggy sometimes.



    So those were my impressions. I hope someone more experienced might confirm and/or correct them.


    And now, after 1.3 there were changes (specially to Snipers). So considering changes and that I am a PvE guy who already has a very effective healer (Sorcerer) and a beast DPSer (Marauder), which would be better for me to roll? Operative or Sniper?



    simple answer. if you want to kill people at range sniper


    if you want to end up being a healer end game with no dps op



  3. I did. The graphics actually got imperceptibly worse, but the gameplay is a million times smoother. Not one lag. :D


    Best. Check mark. Ever.


    I clicked it.. now i can barely get 10 FPS in warzones and less than 18 FPS on fleet.. and changing the settings manually did nothing to help the problem..


    I, like tons of others, have already unsubbed again and this time its the last time.. im out.. ...



    they wont even acknowledge there is a problem.. so how can they make an attempt to fix it.

  4. Are you red/green colour blind?


    I ask becuase the door markers are now green is good red is bad, so when attacking they are red until armed and when defending they are green until armed.


    1. Graphics and FPS Issues. 10 FPS in warzones (or lower) and 13-17 on fleet now that patch 1.3 is live.


    2. Legacy things should open when you reach legacy levels.. not have to be bought. I am almost legacy 50.. yet still cant get enough cash to open the things i want/need on my characters (thats if i was to stay hoping for a fix for #1)


    3. Almost everyone i know has gone back to wow or is going to guild wars 2 because of the problem listed as #1 FPS issues have plagued this game because of a flawed graphics engine since release and bioware doesnt seem to care or want to even ackowledge the problem.


    4. Poor customer service. I mean no offense, but seeing a bot copy and paste the same reply to every person having FPS issues or any kind of issue with the game is just stupid. We all use a pc, we all know to defrag, keep drivers up to date etc. The problem is with the game.. not us.


    5 Dead servers and now overloaded servers.



    The game is already in its death throws at the moment and will continue to die. A free month of play... then server merges had me looking forward to the patch this week.. and now i can barely run Flashpoints and warzones are totally unplayable with FPS back to 10 or below. LFG is nice.. but when people leave.. there will once again be no one to play with.


    I had high hopes for 1.3 because of the mention that they were improving performance on low and mid range PCs yet the effect of the update has been exactly the reverse. The server population had dropped because most people quit because of FPS issues. The game was mildly playable with low population. Then the server merges happened and they overloaded the servers and the problems were noticeable.. but tollerable. Now with 1.3 changes the game is unplayable again for a LOT of people, and from what i have seen most of these people are unsubbing. The servers will be losing pop that will make them playable again for the few who stay, but is this really the way they want to go? I really hope not.. and hope they fix the problems soon.. But.. after all it has been almost 8 months since release and it doesnt look like any progress has been made.

  5. I think the problem is also that we don't marry TOR, so if this lil b* annoys us, asks for too much patience, ppl say f* u and walk to the next one :D Seriously now, I'm trying to keep up faith and stick around but with new MMOs appearing, its always a certain level of temptation, especially if you have certain grips with a game.


    yeah.. at least this game doesnt have pandas yet... thank god

  6. I really cant understand why so many people are unsubscribing... I mean this is a GREAT game, why are people leaving? There are many things that we are missing i know that, but that dont make this game bad? I enjoy the hell out of it, i can only play in weekends and i always look forward to getting home to play it. I really dont want so many people to leave, i really dont want this game to go under :( There are no other mmorpg out there that appeals to me, im tired of middle aged magic games, and i couldnt stand wow it was way to boring. Although i will be playing gw2 i also want to keep on playing swtor, so please dont judge this game so quickly, dont leave just because there is 1 or 2 things you hate...


    1. fps problems and graphics lag on most systems, even new ones.

    2. bugs in class quests and some that make it impossible to even log in ie: the 33% launcher bug

    3 dead servers... 20 people on or less during primetime.. right.. lets do 16m HM OPs ... LOLZ?

    4. denial from bioware that they screwed the pooch on 1.2 by not fixing fps and issues stated above.



    My old server the razor is dead.. usually less than 20 on prime time.. the ONLY time we have hit any kind of respectable pop was the day 1.2 hit.. 120 on fleet then... FOR ONE DAY.. when they saw the lag was still there and the content wasnt fixed.. they left and havent been back. 99% of the time there are less than 10 people on fleet and we still have YET to see a server xfer... so once again bioware screwed the pooch on this... GG bioware GG

  7. It's spelled queue. And there were major queues trying to get into The Harbinger and Drooga's Pleasure Barge. I could give a *** about The Bastion because it's not like I can choose to transfer there instead.


    And in any matter I don't want a filled to the maximum server, even if they didn't have queues. I liked my medium population servers. I don't know why they were even included in these transfers. They weren't dead servers until BioWare did this and killed them.




    most servers have been dead WAAAAY before bioware did this.. the razor for example has had 20 or less on in prime time for MONTHS... because everyone left due to FPS issues and problems with 1.2 patch.


    enjoy your time alone in the dark when they shut off the power to the fleet =)

  8. servers with far larger population during prime time have ALREADY been xfered over ... some with as much as 3x the pop the razor has in prime time... ***.. i mean... is the server selection random or just a draw of a hat...?


    shouldnt the really dead servers like the razor be first or at least in the middle somewhere before xfering servers with 3x the pop?

  9. makes me wonder if we'll get a transfer. Hey... They've moved bigger servers.


    i quit the razor months ago and rerolled on the jedi cov and people there were saying that some servers they moved had a usually max of like 60 on fleet etc while the razor, usual max of 25 in peak, still hasnt got a move... so who knows. If they end up shafting the razor ill prob just quit... had it up to here with the fps problems.. lag and general game bugs that they could have and should have been fixing before now.

  10. Why does this feel like launch week all over again?? been waiting 2 days for my "server transfer" for the razor to come up.. logged in this morning out of curiosity and there was 8 people on.. all looking to see if the population had changed too or getting toons ready for xfer.


    bioware wont admit it, but if they would just fix the fps problems and memory leak, the game wouldnt NEED these transfers because people might actually come back and play if the game ran half worth a damn.

  11. I heard that in 1.3 there is going to be an update to guardian AOE threat to bring it up to par with BH/Vanguard and Shadow/Assassin tanks.. Has anyone else heard anything as to how.. or when this will happen?


    I have tried all the tank styles and vanguard by far has the best because they get the leap like a guardian and a pull like a shadow.. plus they have enormous AOE threat gen... but from what i hear end game.. they are only used as offtanks because the guardian had far more threat gen single target.


    basically i rerolled from the razor to jedi cov server and went rebel. I love the jedi play styles and would love to be a guardian tank.. but right now (around 20ish) they have no aoe threat gen what so ever.. so any instance i try and tank.. the group dies.. while on the other hand my vanguard tanks like a champ and feels way op.


    Never was a big fan of the commando/BH in the movies and just doesnt feel right playing one.. would rather play a jedi style... if they can do the same jobs soon.



    anyway... thoughts?

  12. I can agree with you on.... one of the six being a need. We need hi-def? The rest of those are your personal wants. I'd like to see a bit more customization, but I'd also like to see them fix the bug where I have to close out the game if I get booted. Guess which I hold to a higher priority?


    These would all be great things to add to the game, except the first which is absolutely needed, but I don't think they're the biggest problems that TOR is facing right now.


    they wont do hi def simply because they cant even get the low def to run well on most systems. If your pc is older than 1 year old.. it runs the game like crap.. thats why they lost so many subs. Thats why the servers are unpopulated and THATS why the game is failing and getting bad reviews. The game engine SUCKS and they cant or will not fix it before the game is dead and goes free to play. sorry.. just being honest from what i have seen. I have played the game on 4 different pcs.. including a new high end gaming machine thats less than 2 months old and IT STILL HAS FPS issues due to engine limitations.


    This game was a pos the day they put it on the hero engine.. it always will be.. and there is honestly no way they can fix it without rewriting the entire core.. which they will not do. Ride the wave til it dies then move on to something better or go back and play wow which at least has fluid graphics for almost any system.


    BTW server transferes are not only NEEDED because of pop, player attitude ( like my bad one here ) Counts alot too!!!!!


    No.. server xfers are needed because almost ALL the expansion servers are DEAD... we need em now.. not in 6 months... there wont BE a SWTOR in 6 months if this keeps up

  14. wait till tomorrow...

    we all will know more then



    edit: who will be lucky number 1000? :p



    Unless there is a problem that would delay it... he already said a week ago that the relase of the patch would be on the 17th (or maybe the 18th) (next tue im guessin..)

  15. I'm glad to see someone who knows this as well. :) Yup, the first number is generation and the second number is a performance category. That guy's 210 is "1" for category, which puts it at the bottom. The 8600 is a decent card. It's a mid-range gaming card.


    thats the wrong 210... thats a GT 210 with 512mb of ram... and low clock speed.. mine is just a lil more than 1 year old and is a Galaxy G210 with fan.. and yes.. its still above min spec for this game.

  16. Thanks for sharing that. And this explains why you have poor framerates. An NVIDIA 210 video card is VERY low end, not to mention 3 generations old now (400, 500, 600 after it). Because of the 210 your system does not meet minimum specs.


    From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Nvidia_graphics_processing_units


    Raw performance comparison...


    210: 2.4 GP/s, 4.7 GT/s

    7800 GS: 3.0 GP/s, 6.0 GT/s

    7800 GT: 6.4 GP/s, 8.0 GT/s

    7800 GTX: 8.8 GP/s, 13.2 GT/s



    the g210 is still above min specs... well above. although it is a lil over a year old.

  17. Of course you knew you'd get a reply like this... I have no framerate problems. Perhaps you could list your gaming resolution, GPU, and CPU. But then again, that's far off topic for a thread about 1.2 release date.


    AMD Live 64 9500 Quadcore 2.2 Ghz, Nvidia Geforce G210, 3 gigs system ram running vista home premium 32 bit... WELL ABOVE the min specs (about 25 CPU releases to be exact) and the game still runs like ****. I have checked my cpu serial number and no.. i dont have the TLI bug (as far as i can tell) .. anyway..


    I run in very low settings and 1024x768 rez and still cant get above 30 FPS on fleet and 3-12 FPS in warzones.. when i can run almost anything else at medium to high settings. I however, get 90 fps in the shuttle docks, and around 50-60 while questing solo and even 110 on my ship. In Wow i can run in ultra in 25 man raids with no lag at all... this i lag like crazy in 4 man Flashpoints and 8 man ops lag because of the fog and particle effects. The ONLY fix that seemed to help me ANY was running the game in windows XP sp2 comp mode which bypasses the windows vista 32bit bug that wasnt letting the game see i had 1g of vram. Everything else.. i always get the same FPS.. low or high settings. The only thing that does seem to smooth it out is if i run in 1024x768 full screen, because in windowed mode it defaults to my desktop 1440x900 and seems a little jumpy.


    The fact of the matter is that anyone listed above the min specs should be able to run the game well.. at least 40+ fps smoothly even in PVP which is a close environment with only 16 people... everything was great in beta. But after it went live they screwed something up. Now in huttball i cant get more than 15 FPS after the match starts.. i get 30 standing at the door before it starts. In battle for alderon i get a whopping 2-5 fps... which i think is because of the particle effects when the ships start firing.


    This game really needs a way to drop down the particle effects like in wow. The explosions play hell with Nvidia cards because of the vertex shaders.


    People are leaving the game in droves because they refuse to fix the game engine and fps. 1.2 will NOT fix this, unless they make some changes this week because i have tried 1.2 on the test servers and the only thing they seem to have fixed is the inventory lag bug.


    The low fps is directly related to the low server population and the fact that once you hit 50 there is nothing that you can do. You cant pvp you cant run ops.. all you can do is run solo missions on planets with no people to keep a good fps and this is unacceptable for a mmo.


    The engine is screwed... even people i know with brand new out of the box super gaming pcs... some have problems.. some dont. And there are more problems as well. People (like my GM) that had NO problems running the game at max fps (110 fps is max the game will allow) still have been forced out because of launcher bugs preventing them from even updating the game. His launcher would get to 33% and then just hang and his pc is a new I7 brand new. He contacted bioware who after 2 weeks of phone calls, even tried to log into his PC with windows remote to fix the files and couldnt. They even sent him a disk to overwrite the files installed (after he even wiped his HD and reinstalled) and nothing worked. These are the kinds of issues that need to be fixed before they push more content.


    1.2 doesnt matter.. but if you have to know.. it will be released on the 18th.. already confirmed by steven reid on twitter... but the fact remains that no one cares. People are waiting for FPS fixes, class quest bug fixes etc. If those dont come this patch.. many people will leave.



    simple as that.

  18. BTW.. there will be NO server merges for a while because they have no way to do it with thier current setup. This is a known fact and server transfers etc (like those in wow) wont be avail for at least 6 more months.. if ever.


    The servers are dead and unless the fix the real issues (fps in warzones, ops and the game in general) the game will die due to low population in a few months and will go free to play.

  19. steven reid has already posted on twitter that it will be released on the 18th barring any further complications.





    i have already unsubbed because they did NOT fix ANY of the fps problems. If you are playing the game with crappy fps i suggest you unsub NOW and send them a message, because the threads like the HORRID FPS thread (that is now in its 13 or 14th incarnation) seem to have no effect on what they deem a necessary fix.


    Why shove new content into the game when people are bailing left and right because the game plays like crap is beyond me. This is something that should have been fixed in January if not before.

  20. imps have more stun than republic its must be change or this game will loose more republic players like me and my friends


    the classes are identical in all aspects.. damage and stuns. the only reason an imp would have more stuns that its mirror rebel class is because of the talent points they chose to spec into.

  21. BioWare,


    Are you waiting for this month's subscription renewal before releasing 1.2 ???

    For a patch supposed to be out in march.


    Sounds like you want people to pay BEFORE the patch.



    It sounds like a conspiracy but I might not be far from the truth. amirite?


    yes.. the patch will not be released until next week. 2 days before the renew date of most accounts (18th according to steven reid)



    they always will do this with any patch. They hold it as close to the subscription renewal so they they can bleed that extra month out of us if we do decide to quit.



    I have played 1.2 on the PTS and so far my sub is cancelled because there is really no boost in FPS compared to live, and what good is new content if you still cant run the game at a good fps.

  22. This game is already dead.. its bleeding subs left and right.


    The fact that even with a 4 day free pass weekend that we didnt see a million gold farmers spamming everyone is a good indication that even the flies wont eat a poisoned horse.


    The problem lies in 2 parts.


    1. the game has issues like FPS problems, launcher stuck and wont even let people in problems, and problems with core things like class quests that even the mods cant fix in game combined with already low server pop.


    2. The simple lack of communication from biowares R and D team. I mean.. it would help to at least keep people here if they knew there was a fix coming for the fps issues in warzones etc.



    The game is circling the drain and if 1.2 doesnt fix a ton of fps issues etc, so people can at least get on and play the game and enjoy the content there is.. there isnt any use to be adding more.


    Why add compeditive warzones IF NO ONE CAN PLAY THEM.. playing at 3-4 or 12-15 fps in a slide show while you get creamed isnt fun.... thats why people are leaving in droves. End game there are only 3 things to do.


    Craft for 400 (takes 1 day maybe 2)


    PVP which almost no one can do because of low FPS in warzones or low server population and the que simply taking WAY too long.


    and finally..


    Run Flashpoints and Ops, which a TON of people cant do simply because of FPS issues... or low server pop.



    Even when wow was dying and losing subs.. they added a LFG cross server tool to keep the people that COULD do these things interested. No one likes to log in.. beg for a group for a few hours while you stand in fleet and do nothing... then log off.. It gets old.. FAST

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