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Everything posted by MasterBacons

  1. I wish there was. I did read that they want to do buff customization in 1.3, so I think we just have to wait.
  2. Nice thread guys. I'm about to switch from deception to darkness and this helped me out.
  3. I noticed that I lose a lot of stats and gain expertise when comparing recruit gear to champion gear. So is recruit > champion? That's lame, I was thinking it would be on par with the cent gear or at least between the two.
  4. I'd be so happy with that much DPS. Anyone else got some numbers and stats they can post?
  5. My gear is pretty close to yours, I have 5 rakata pieces and rest is columi. Using the champion mainhand. I was only doing about 800+/- on toth and zorn and the two tank fight. I'm not sure what I was doing wrong. I'm using cooldowns on cooldown. Can you post your damage dealt breakdown? Just percentages would help. Thanks
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