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Posts posted by Jeido

  1. In terms of being focused however an your problem with interrupts start learning to "fake cast". If you only have 1 DPS on you that is smart enough to interrupt your heals give him something to interrupt. Start casting DS and when he interrupts that your free to use your UWM on who ever you were going to use it on.


    I agree that I need to start using DS. I've been fake casting via moving mid-cast, and that works well with 1 DPS on you but is still extremely unpredictable.


    My concern with DS is that I see it as a crutch, due to the fact that the icon is distinctively different than our normal heal. People will eventually catch on, and not fall for it anymore.

  2. what i'd give sawbones to help would be:


    A) put a talent somewhere in the sawbones tree that removes the UH requirement on kolto pack, which, also reduces the energy requirement down to x; 15 would be ideal. in addition, it gives a secondary benefit; either an armor buff or an additional HoT (perhaps for how much it healed?) would be best. i'm leaning toward the HoT. if this is "too strong", give it a minor cd, such as, 6 seconds.


    B) double the current healing on kolto cloud and reduce the energy down to 20. its our 31-point talent. it SHOULD be strong. it'll heal as much as a two-stacked SRMP now and cost 5 more energy and heal multiple people. it'd be worth casting.


    C) roll prognosis: critical and patient studies into one. "Increases the critical strike chance of Diagnostic Scan by 12/24%. In addition, Diagnostic Scan critical hits restore 1/2 energy."


    after that, add a linked talent that turns DS into a 3-second HoT with a 3-second CD. it could read:


    "Reduces the channel time of Diagnostic Scan by 100%. Diagnostic Scan now heals for x over 3 seconds, but increases the cool down by 3 seconds."


    this would give us another HoT, which, would keep us mobile. the 3 second CD would keep the mechanic similar to what it is now.


    EDIT: another idea.


    D) somewhere in the sawbones tree, include a talent:


    <name>: While Pugnacity is activate, you heal for an additional 5/10% more.


    scrapper has the 2% health talent. dirty fighting has the 10 energy and 15 second reduced cool down. sawbones is the ONLY tree that doesn't get a benefit for pugnacity.


    I like your thoughts..

  3. And they can also pad their stats by sacrificing hp for force, then healing themselves. Which we can not do. Sages also do a lot of over-healing. You cannot base a healers effectiveness on pure numbers because of this.


    Figured you'd say this -- but the problem is that it's not stat padding. I am friends with some of the mentioned sages and I know for a fact that they weren't stat padding in these games.


    As for your other comment, I have met a good scoundrel healer as I am one. I break 500k+ in Warzones all the time, but that means nothing when non-stat-padding sages can break 700k.

  4. I didn't mean they are the same value. I just mean you can count both as healing. In this case - yes, the sage has some very decent spike healing when taking force armor into account. If you want to compare spike healing all you have to do is the same steps as before:


    1) Give it your best as a sage for 10 seconds - record it.

    2) Give it your best as a scoundrel for 10 seconds - record it.

    3) compare the numbers from the produced movies.


    Once again, have you ever PvP'd before?


    Sitting there uninterrupted doesn't matter PvP, it's how badly we can be cc'd/interrupted/etc compared to other classes.




    Also, 10 seconds won't prove anything in a PvP environment.

  5. This is false. I'm sorry but I have to ask this, Are you level 50 on your scoundrel healer?


    I routinely put up 500k+ in warzone healing. Not trying to toot my own horn, but this class can outheal any of the other healers if you know what your doing.


    Haven't you seen a good sage yet?


    Sages regularly get 700k, some as high as 970k







  6. I've recently switched to Sawbones, which at first was just to be funny (never tried it before), but it actually turned out to be a lot of fun PvP. Prior to this past Friday I was Scrapper since day 1 (with the occasional hybrid 2-hour respec). What I've found with Sawbones is that we are awesome healers when ignored, but when focused we run into some serious issues.


    My biggest problem is how susceptible we are to interrupts, especially when compared to Sage/Commando healers. On top of that, they both have more things going for them during "oh sh*t" (emergency) moments. Most of their emergency moves are self-oriented, meaning nobody can mess it up other than themselves. Whereas for us, if you look at our moves (ex. our AE blind), that can be broken by anyone through AE's, it can be cured, the targets can have full resolve...etc.


    I've taken the time to compare the classes below. If you're not familiar with Trooper/Sage CD's, then please take a moment to check out torhead and read ability descriptions.


    Let's begin.


    Sages have:

    • 2 Big Heals: Deliverance, Healing Trance
    • 2 Small Heals/HoT's: Benevolence, Rejuvenate
    • 1 AE Heal: Salvation
    • 3 Misc beneficial abilities: Force Armor, Rescue, Force Lift
    • 5 Emergency/Survival Abilities: Force Wave, Force Speed, Force Armor (again), Force Slow, Force Potency, Force Stun

    Commandos have:

    • 3 Big Heals: Medical Probe, Advanced Medical Probe, Bacta Infusion
    • 1 Small Heal/HoT: Trauma Probe
    • 1 AE Heal: Kolto Bomb
    • 3 Misc Beneficial Abilities: Stealth Scan, Concussive Round, Concussion Charge,
    • 5 Emergency/Survival Abilities: Tech Override, Reserved Powercell, Adrenaline Rush, Reactive Shield, Cryo Grenade,

    Scoundrel's have:

    • 1 Big Heal: Underworld Medicine
    • 3 Small Heals: Kolto Pack, Emergency Medpac, Slow-release medpac
    • 1 AE Heal: Kolto Cloud
    • 2 Misc Beneficial Abilities: Smuggle, Tranquilizer
    • 6 Emergency/Survival Abilities: Defense Screen, Dodge, Flash Grenade, Dirty Kick, Tendon Blast, Disappearing Act


    See what we're missing? We only have one heal that is castable with no pre-requirements, whereas Sages/Commandos both have 3-4. We have our Slow-release for a HoT, but that doesn't do anything for burst damage. We have our Kolto Cloud for another HoT, but again it is mediocre for burst (Even when stacked with SRM)


    When a target is being focused we rely on either Underworld Medicine or Kolto Pack. When both are interrupted, we are stuck with Emergency Medpac which only heals for 1.2k (2.4k if crit). Even if we only have 1 DPS on us our healing capability drops significantly. The best we can do is:


    • Stun them and run away, but even that is a temporary solution because 4 seconds later they're on you again.
    • We can blind, but that's often broken by DoT's, AE's, etc.
    • We can snare them and kite, but they can snare us too.
    • We can pop dodge, but that doesn't do anything to help with interrupts.
    • We can vanish, but then were are out of the fight for 10 seconds due to the extreme debuff.


    My thoughts are that we either need:


    A) another castable heal to deal with interrupts/burst;

    B) Some semi-long CD ability that would instantly grant 2 stacks of UH


    Either would work, I would prefer B personally. We don't want to always be in a state where people feel they can't interrupt us, but at the same time we need some sort of burst survivability other than popping pots.



  7. Okey I am confused about what is HP in warzones based on.


    Same level (47), I have 13,8k hp unbuffed. I buy new stuff and gain 1k hp and more cunning etc. I enter warzone and I have 12,6k.


    So what the hell is going on there?


    Did you go from purples to greens or blues?

  8. i loved swtor pvp then...


    i dinged 50...



    no balance



    I felt the same way for the first few days, but it will get better once you get a few PvP pieces. I generally tell people to give 50 a week (that'll get you a few pieces of gear), then see what you think. You need at least 250 expertise and 14.5k hp to stand a chance.

  9. So, Healers have to rely on a tank to constantly guard them, but its okay for a single DPS to blow everything up in a few seconds.


    Makes sense!


    Are you really going to stand here and act like 1 DPS can kill you? I've gone Sawbones, with mostly dps gear I might add, and staying up vs 1 DPS isn't an issue. One of the top DPS operatives on my server spent the entire match trying to focus me down, but he couldn't get me past the <30% insta heal etc mark.


    My point here is not to brag, or say you suck, but to ask you to look into the fights a little more. I'd be willing to bet that you're not really dying to that 1 dps (if you're as good as you say), but likely dying to 2 or more.


    You shouldn't have any problem keeping people up against 1 DPS, but that is never the case in WZ's. You're never alone, and neither are they. If you start getting focused by a melee, run him into the middle of your team. If you get focused by ranged dps, LoS them. If you're getting focus'd by 2 DPS then you are toast, as you should be since it's 2v1, unless you have a second healer, a DPS to peel them off, or a tank to guard/taunt.

  10. So I've come up against a few assassins stealthys. Now I'll try not to complain to much ha but I always see assassins get to 1% Hp vanish/ restealth with a **** ton of dots on them or grenades. Heal up and come straight back. I don't mind the vanish part it's part of there class but to use it like a pally bubble type thing and go stealth removing everything with no kind of draw back seems a tad outta control. That part needs to be looked at. If they use there vanish button and do have damage and all that gets removed they should only be in stealth for 6 seconds thats still time to get away and heal etc and still givin them some sort of draw back.

    That's just one idea, I'm sure there are alot more. I don't want to nerf them just adjust that aspect


    Vanish doesn't remove DoTs, but that's not to say that there isn't another ability that does..

  11. Good idea -- it's pretty frustrating when you get to the Final Stage of a bonus, only to lose that bonus quest upon quest completion or even quest updates. I've had times where, after speaking with someone (not the quest giver, but one of the guys in between), then the bonus would be abandoned. Those are ARGH! moments...we need some warning.
  12. Honestly, what we say/think is going to be irrelevant unless we can see some numbers on how much Valor people got. Trolls will be trolls; this whole valor issue came up because of trolls saying they got a crazy amount of valor for turret kills. That rumor was dispelled by Bioware, but this one still exists.


    Did Empire get more valor than Republic yesterday? Yes. Was it a huge amount? We have no way of knowing, so we cannot make an educated guess. The best knowledge I have is of an empire saying that, after 7 hours, he went from rank 54 to 57.

  13. We have LONG AS BALLS queues


    5 minutes is long to you? What are you talking about.


    and get to have wonderfully stressful matches. Before the patch, I actually enjoyed PvP. It was something to do for fun. This patch made PvP "Serious Business", and ruined it.


    You enjoyed stomping nubs, grats. Do you think they enjoyed being stomped? Now they are happy, you are not.


    If you're so stressed over WZ's, maybe you should pvp more so that you can get more used to it/better at it. My guilds still at a 95% win rate, and it's not stressful at all.


    Even still, PvP is meant to be hard! You're not playing against mobs that were programmed to lose, you're playing against players who want your blood just as badly as they want yours!

  14. To answer the OP, no I do not want cross server queues immediately, nor do I want them ever. Having a server community is something that I enjoy greatly, especially considering the potential the World PvP has.


    When it's server-restricted then you can instantly recognize some guilds. If you lose to that guild, you know to watch out for them. If you encounter said guilds in World PvP and can kill them, then it grants immediate satisfaction. Guild Rivalries are great, and they are most easily formed when you have people from your actual server fighting one another!


    Unfortunately I did see a post a while back saying that they plan to implement cross-server queues at some point, so there's nothing I can do about that. However, I wish they would allow servers to choose whether or not they wanted to be included in the cross-server list. Personally, I don't think my server would want to be. Queue times aren't that long long (1-5min) for 4 man premades, so why kill our community for something we don't need?


    tldr; noty OP.

  15. 1. have you had experience from MMO's where they can't communicate?, I have and when i compared, having no communication promotes for way better pvp.


    4. yeah the point is to get more people to go to Ilum. Ive also had only positive experience with this as it promotes open world pvp.


    I've played both (EQ1, WoW, EQ2 for example) and have always preferred open channels. What's the difference between that, and creating an alt on the other faction to talk to the other side? People do that all the time in WoW.


    As for the objectives, I just think there's a better way to go about it. I don't like the whole PvE objectives for a PvP Zone concept, but it's embedded in MMO's nowadays so I don't know what to say to that.

  16. When you dominate the other side in WZ, the likely response from the enemy is submission, i.e. hide in their spawn point until it's over. Now submission is a good thing in a WZ for the attacker side because you win that much quicker.


    Submission is very bad in Ilum for the winning side. You can't kill enemy players if they are too afraid to come into the zones. Yet, when you have a 3 to 1 odd it's almost trivial to achieve submission.


    Therefore the Empire side will go to considerable length to make it look like the Republic has a chance, because they know if Republics is beaten to submission then everyone loses. This is true even in 1.1. You can't kill Republic players if they're never in the zone.


    The funny thing is that, in essence, you are saying that the Empire only let's the Republic live so that they can use them. And what's even funnier is that the Republic, who are trying to get "PvP" gear, allow themselves to get used, ignore the empire, and continue to click a PvE objective.


    Hi, I'm Republic. I know you are using me to get loot but i want loot too. I'll let you 10 of you get a daily update (30x champion bags for a weekly) so that I can get mine (3 bags). So, in other words, while the few Republic are "cooperating" with the Empire to get their PvP Gear (that is meant to be used to fight the Empire), all they're doing is giving the empire 10x more loot than they're receiving!


    Another ironic thing is that Republic always complains about losing WZ's. When you're giving the Empire 10x more loot than you're receiving, what do you expect?

  17. Yes as I previously stated,


    1.remove communication between factions

    2.remove bag rewards for dailys and weeklys on Ilum

    3 add random bag drops from killing enemy players on Ilum or a bag drop for every 10, 20, 30 (or any balanced nr of player killed)

    4. Make a expertise bonus for the faction holding the most objectives. that will be enabled in the warzones too, for holding Ilum.

    5. decrease the size of the pvp area, change the design to grass and trees instead of a cold wintery landscape, add bridges defence towers etc.


    as for the imbalance I hope it will even out in time. players, guilds will reroll or if not then it must be a priority to fix for Bioware.


    please post other ideas and hopefully bioware will read and consider them.


    1) Bad idea; this kills the sense of a server community. Also, there is no need to put more unnecessary restrictions in the game. Players themselves need to wake up and stop sleeping with the enemy.


    2) No comment really..Ilum needs a rework for sure, but there's more to it than that.


    3) Random bag drops is a good idea, but needs DR's to prevent players from farming alts/guildies who make alts/etc.


    4) Terrible idea. This would just make it even more difficult to capture a point when the enemy controls it.


    5) Don't see how this has relevance. There is no need for a smaller landscape, that just turns it into another WZ. If anything, the huge landscape just needs more fluff in between.

  18. as soon as killing people gives valor in illum i will build my 8man group and farm as many imps as possible.

    ok before this i will do may warzone daily :p hopefully patch comes soon


    Killing people does give valor, commence the killing. You get 50 valor per kill with the buff, and considering how many imps there are...that can add up quickly.


    But even so, don't just do it for the Valor do it for the sake of killing your enemy!

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