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    San Diego, CA
  • Interests
    Drawing, Writing
  1. So I just got so angry, that like I sort of broke, and I had no reaction at all. I am sick currently, I have nothing better to do so I've been on SWTOR from the moment I wake up till I sleep. I have had my early access since day one. So I had no clue at the trap that I fell into when oceanic people decided to claim "The Swiftsure" for themselves since they do not have one. So you know, I am PST, its 10:30 PM here. I decided to get off around 6 to go take a shower, make some dinner, I come back to go log in. Boom. 2 hour wait, 16XX in que. I heard that this server was packed, and I see people saying in General sometimes, like "dude my friend can't log in, he says there is like a 3 hour wait" I thought it was just exaggeration like "I SHOT THAT GUY LIKE A BILLION TIMES". long story short, I wait it out, start watching episodes of Supernatural, talking to buddies on skype, and I check back probably every 30 min. The que was as expected going slow, but I witnessed it drop to 66 before I basically exploded on the inside. I go back to check like "AWWHHH YEAH DUDE, GONNA PLAY AROUND IN TATOOINE AND LIKE KILL SOME STUFF" and then I get a message "You have lost connection to blah blah blah haha you got screwed so hard, error: ballsack" So I thought I'd like to share some of my misery with everyone. I was also curious if they are going to offer free server transfers for these oceanic guys/gals to their own server, because... well West Coast server and all. But I am betting you guys are enjoying defying the time zone, so its coolio.
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