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Posts posted by Bluestone

  1. I am a clicker on my healer and I regularly top heals in 50 bracket warzone's. And no one complains about my healing in HM's or Ops. No one seems to think I am slow and I can't move while channeling or casting anyway. I find keybinds slow me down as a healer.


    I am not a clicker on my sentinel, I can't get enough dps when I try clicking for melee combat so I use keybinds on him.


    If anyone is an effective Melee DPS clicker I would be impressed :)


    If anyone says either way is fail then maybe they just can't handle the other method themselves. :)

  2. I bug reported this during the stress test beta weekend.

    (or I at least tried to, I can't remember if I gave up after my companions kept returning and wiping what I had written...)


    Top of my personal list for annoying game features.

  3. I do my dailies fine as a pure sage healer, perhaps you need to work on your rotation.


    I do however want the option to have multiple skill tree sets because my guild does not always need a healer and I like to be versatile with my best geared character.


    The only difference between multiple skill tree sets and rolling a new character is the time sink which is actually a deterent to a vast portion of the MMO community.

    The MMO community seems to be steering towards multiple trees because they have had it in other games and want it in all of them now.

  4. Oh good! So I dont have to explain to you what I mean when I refer to an item as an "Epic"!


    To me you would have to. I am not going to assume you call the same thing 'epic' as I do or as others do.


    It is because epic is not directly tied to any specific TOR item quality that there is the chance people will use it to refer to different qualities and therefore I need to ask/correct everytime someone asks me to make them an 'epic' item.

  5. I'm a healer so instead of hitting their mobs I tend to just heal and buff them then carry on. Struggling to kill tougher mobs is a good way to work on your class skills and learn how to overcome tough challenges so I don't like to presume and interrupt other peoples combat beyond a heal and buff.
  6. People can call them whatever they want in their own conversations but when I'm taking an order for Artificing and someone asks for an epic item I ask them which tier they want. I don't know what they mean, there are no epics in TOR.


    And there are no auctions on the GTN so auction house doesn't really make sense. You don't bid on items you just buy them.

  7. I'm heals. Leveled as a healer. Do dailies as a healer. But when my guild has enough healers for an ops run I respec to dps and then back again afterwards. I don't like doing this cos of the cost but it's for my guild and I want us to succeed.
  8. WoW had 7 years to polish the bugs present in the technology of the day.


    Now SWTOR has launched with more recent technology and it has a whole new set of bugs as a result. You can be confident that if you compared the current WoW to SWTOR with 7 years of expansions and bug fixes and polish and SWTOR will be miles ahead.

  9. Does the word incompetent ring a bell Biofail?


    I just got home from a long day at work and now the servers are coming down...AGAIN!

    I want to kick myself for actually paying you people for this sh*t..


    Honestly, you and your team of geniuses need to start giving out "time" refunds to customers putting up with your constant lack of ability to run an MMO in 2012.


    Have a great day!



    Welcome to the launch of an MMO. It will be like this for a while. It is known about MMO launches due to them being so much more complex than regular games. The information was out there for you to be informed of such a risk before purchasing the game, you have no one to blame but yourself.

  10. Only got credit for 1.



    This is why people leave games. Its deflating to think that i have to play 3 times as many WZs as i should.


    I play a fair amount. there are many, many people that play much less hours than me. All my play time is devoted to trying to finish ONE *********** QUEST


    Fix this ****


    I know you keep saying you have, or you will.


    But you havent, and you're not.


    It's a bug. The game has many. If you do not have the patience to allow them to fix it then you should wait a few years before trying an MMO.

  11. ... Appreciate WoW.


    Don't get me wrong, i like TOR. I think its a good game and i like what they did with the classes. But thats it.



    WoW imo is a better game, has less issues and more players.


    I probably wont go back there, cause i had enough but i wanted SWTOR to be... well, a better more polished game. More fun.


    I didn't like WoW personally but I do acknowledge it has had many years to polish the bugs.

    Sure, it had different bugs than TOR has but as long as the community continues to support TOR then it too will have time to become polished just like WoW did.

    It is very rare for a NEW mmo to be an actual "finished" or bug-free product, the general rule is that they start off horribly and can only get better if they retain customers and aren't forced to try free-to-play models.

    I intend to stick with TOR and give it time to grow.

  12. How are we supposed to test 50 content when we can't get copy's or premade characters? Every MMO has a way for you to get Mac level characters for testing....oh other than ToR...


    I'll stop you there since ToR is not this game. Try playing TOR and then come back here and post since these forums are for TOR :) (not for ToR)

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